The strongest soldier

Chapter 54 Unruly suicide note

"Type 09? This sniper rifle can strike at medium and long ranges, but we are going to fight in the jungle and the field of view is not good. I personally think the Type 88 with an accurate range of 800 meters is more suitable for you." Shan Hu suggested.

"It's okay, just use it. If you don't have enough bullets, you can also use 12.7mm machine gun rounds. Since the enemy is an armed bandit, he should be carrying a machine gun." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Okay, you are a sniper. Just do as you say. This gun is a bit heavy. I remember it is 13.3 kilograms. With bullets and other equipment, it will weigh more than 30 kilograms. Can you do it?" Shan Hu said. asked.

"No problem." Luo Zheng replied affirmatively. He had already fallen in love with the Type 09. He was training with this gun during this period. It is the most suitable. It has a white light sight and an infrared thermal imaging sight, which can be used day and night. The effective range is nearly doubled compared to the Type 88 sniper rifle, and the target penetration capability is increased by more than three times, increasing the ability to accurately destroy long-distance battlefield targets.

"Well, this gun is mainly used to complete sniper and counter-sniper, anti-equipment, anti-terrorism and anti-riot tasks in various combat styles. It is suitable. We will be responsible for the medium and short range, and the medium and long range will be left to you. "Sam was also very familiar with this gun, so he stopped insisting and went out to prepare.

"Zhengzi, if you use such an awesome sniper weapon, we all have confidence in it. I've tried that thing. It's barely good within a thousand meters, but it's useless beyond a thousand meters. Why don't you pay for it for the brothers?" At the end of the day, can we effectively attack clusters of living targets within two thousand meters?" Huang Lei said with a smile.

"Is there a living target in the two-thousand-meter cluster?" Luo Zheng thought for a while and said uncertainly: "Try it, I'm 50% sure. It depends on the shooting environment."

"Fifty percent is enough." Huang Lei said in surprise: "Brothers, our team is going to be famous this time, two thousand meters, who dares to say that we are 50% sure? I think our team only has the best sniper. "

"That is, the Type 09 can accurately kill important living targets such as commanders, snipers, and observers within 1,000 meters; damage command and control information systems, parked aircraft, missiles on launchers, radars, oil depots, ammunition depots, and light vehicles within 1,500 meters. Vehicles, boats and other important targets can attack clusters of living targets within 2000 meters. It is the big killer of our latest equipment. Everyone is used to using the Type 88. This type is not very popular, mainly because the requirements for snipers are too high. , I didn’t expect our team to use it.” Assaultman Zhang Bao said with a smile.

After everyone chatted for a while, Shan Hu came over and said that the procedures were completed and asked everyone to go to the weapons depot to get their equipment. Everyone rushed to the weapons depot and took out their equipment. Luo Zheng discovered that Zhang Bao was using a light machine gun, and the bullets could be used with His own sniper rifle is universal, he is nearly two meters tall, and his light machine gun is like a toy in his hand. Huang Lei is more equipped with various explosives. Like He Shan and Jin Xin, he chooses the Type 92 automatic assault rifle. It is very important to use bullets universally.

All the equipment was moved back to the dormitory. Everyone began to disassemble and inspect it to avoid damage. It was too late to replace it before leaving. This is also routine. Luo Zheng also carefully checked his gun, wiped it clean, applied oil, and gave it a make-up. I did some maintenance and checked other things, and everything was fine, so I felt relieved.

The next day, before setting off, Shan Hu solemnly asked everyone to leave a suicide note. This was the custom. It was the first time for Luo Zheng to write such a thing. It felt strange. He found that he didn’t know what to write. Look at other people. , are all very arrogant words: Prepare wine and food and wait for me to come back to celebrate! Luo Zheng was also very encouraged and continued to write it down and handed it to Shan Hu who came to collect it.

"Brothers are used to writing this kind of thing. I have no other intention. As the captain, I have the responsibility and obligation to remind you, do you want to seriously consider it?" Shan Hu said seriously.

"I understand, but it's really not necessary." Luo Zheng said lightly, a sense of confidence emerged spontaneously. Those top players in the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group had dealt with mere drug dealers, and Luo Zheng had confidence in himself.

"Okay." Shan Hu said nothing more, took the suicide note and left.

Everyone chatted for a while, then went to rest after dinner. Make sure you get enough sleep before setting off to relax your body enough so that you can perform effectively at the critical moment.

Night fell quickly. Looking at the moonlight shining in like water, the leaves outside the window rustling and swaying, and the sound of soldiers training coming from the training ground from time to time. Luo Zheng found that he had insomnia. He was nervous from time to time, but looked forward to it. This battle was proof that, It was also a test. After nearly four months of brutal training, no one knew the pain involved better than Luo Zheng himself. If it weren't for the family's breathing method that made the body's recovery ability different from that of ordinary people, I would have been exhausted long ago.

Unknowingly, a beautiful figure appeared in Luo Zheng's mind. The beautiful face was looking at him deeply. She smiled sweetly, as if wild flowers were blooming. Luo Zheng smiled knowingly, and his troubled heart calmed down, and he gradually fell asleep.

Early the next morning, everyone had eaten and drank enough, and put on the ghillie clothes that were most suitable for jungle warfare, with only their face painted with oil paint showing. This disguise was a coat decorated with many ropes and strips made of cloth and sacks. Including hats, tops and pants, more than a thousand ropes and cloth strips effectively segment the outline of the human body, ensuring that the entire person blends into the natural background without being noticed.

Everyone was ready, no one saw them off, and there was no wedding banquet. Iron-blooded men don’t need these. It’s pretentious. Everyone put their military uniforms on their backs and camouflaged weapons. They rushed out of the dormitory and boarded the prepared transport helicopter. The propellers Accelerating, the plane took off into the sky and headed into the distance, leaving only a group of soldiers training on the training ground, and the captain's blessing and expectation at the window.

The transport helicopter flew at high speed, and everyone sat quietly, closing their eyes and concentrating. Half an hour later, a red warning light sounded in the cabin, and Shan Hu calmly shouted: "Brothers, it's time to work, check the guys."

There was a sound of gun bolts being pushed. Everyone checked the equipment in their hands again and nodded to Shan Hu to indicate that it was normal. Shan Hu glanced at Luo Zheng and found that Luo Zheng was not nervous at all, just like a veteran who was used to the battlefield. He was relaxed. He took a breath and shouted loudly: "Team 1."

"Fight first." Everyone shouted the team's slogan, and a strong fighting spirit filled the cabin.

Luo Zheng went on a mission for the first time, and heard the team slogan for the first time. He felt very excited, and his blood began to burn. He clenched the gun in his hand, took a deep breath, and forced himself to calm down. He felt the transport helicopter hovering in the air next to him. Huang Lei, who was sitting, dropped two ropes. After seeing the green light in the cabin flashing, he grabbed the rope and descended directly.

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