The strongest soldier

Chapter 534 Smoke blocks the enemy

"What are you trying to do?" Luo Zheng stared coldly at the pursuers who were about to rush up. His face turned cold and he whispered: "The enemy has begun to attack the top of the mountain. We will go up from the north in a roundabout way. You immediately notify the defending team on the west. Be prepared for battle and decide the timing of firing based on battlefield conditions."

"Understood." The scholar quickly contacted the other party through the headset.

Luo Zheng handed the sniper rifle to the sniper who jumped down from the tree, and pointed at the enemy who was chasing him. The sniper nodded knowingly, took the sniper rifle and turned around, aiming at the enemy who rushed up and fired, accurately shooting in front of him. The pursuers suppressed the pursuit speed of the pursuers.

Luo Zheng observed the surrounding terrain, and after the scholar gave the order, he said decisively: "Alternate cover and retreat." With that, he rushed towards the chosen direction, and several rabbits and falcons arrived a hundred meters away. In order to save Lan Xue and Gui Shou, Luo Zheng rushed out of the woods. His potential was tapped again, and his speed increased invisibly.

The scholar looked at Luo Zheng who was walking away in surprise. He didn't expect that Luo Zheng would be so much faster after not seeing each other for a while, and his strength would throw him far away. He glanced at the sniper who was also shocked and whispered: "Hurry up. Retreat, hurry up, alternate 200 meters, don't embarrass me."

"Yes!" the sniper agreed, and rushed away with his gun in his arms. Stimulated by Luo Zheng's speed, the sniper felt that his speed was faster than before. Not sure if it was an illusion, he ran out in one breath. Two hundred meters away, he quickly found a big tree to take cover, and used the earpiece to notify the scholar who was fiercely shooting at his pursuers.

When the scholar received the notice from the sniper, he was naturally not polite. He turned around and ran as fast as he could. The sniper glanced at the scholar in surprise. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted several pursuers climbing up the hillside and quickly took aim. In the past, with concentration and calmness, he locked the target's eyebrows.

As the muzzle moved, the sniper found a grenade hanging on the heart of one of them. As the body swayed, the sniper suddenly thought of Luo Zheng's sniper tactics. He quickly moved the muzzle and locked the grenade on the target's heart. The grenade shook. , and the target's running speed is not slow, making it difficult to aim.

But the sniper seemed to be possessed. Even if he did not change his sniper tactics, he seemed to enter a still and ethereal state. The surrounding sounds seemed to disappear. Only the irregularly shaking grenades were in his eyes. His face was as calm as water, slightly closed. His eyes flashed with strong fighting spirit.

"Phew." The sniper pulled the trigger, and the bullet roared away, carrying all the sniper's hope and sustenance. The sniper's entire energy and energy seemed to be drained out, and he stared blankly as the bullet went away. Target, the whole person seems to have lost his thinking and judgment.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the grenade was detonated. The fragments caused by the explosion flew around, instantly throwing other people around to the ground, ruthlessly taking away the lives of these people.

"Huh?" The sniper looked at this scene in surprise. He suddenly reacted and was ecstatic. There was only one voice in his mind: Hit, hit.

"Quickly retreat." A voice sounded in his ears, like a thunder explosion, which woke up the sniper. The sniper shuddered, woke up, picked up his gun and retreated quickly. When he passed the scholar's hidden position, he heard the scholar shouting Said: "Why are you so stupid? Are you okay?"

"It's okay." The sniper said quickly, but his heart was full of joy. The extraordinary shot just now made the sniper find confidence and a new way of thinking about sniper tactics.

"You shot well just now. You're good at it. Why didn't you notice it before?" The scholar asked in admiration.

"Hehe." The sniper giggled, not knowing how to answer.

"Are you inspired by my captain?" the scholar asked.

"The squadron leader is wise," the sniper said as he ran.

"You're a wise man, you have a good understanding. If you follow my captain well, it may be of greater help to you. It's up to you what you can learn." The scholar laughed and scolded. Seeing the pursuers behind him, he retreated in fear. After returning, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and rushed forward with his sniper, catching up with Luo Zheng.

The three of them rushed up from the northern hillside. When they reached the top of the mountain, they found that the fighting on the top of the mountain was in full swing. Nearly a hundred armed men charged desperately. The situation was very critical. Fortunately, the slope was not wide and the troops could not fully deploy. Otherwise, they would have been breached. Luo Zheng rushed to the top of the mountain, lay down behind a rock for cover, and observed calmly.

The armed warlords attacked very resolutely, as if they would not stop until they achieved their goal. Birds flew in panic from further away. Obviously, more armed warlords came to support. The situation was very unfavorable for everyone. Although retreating could ensure everyone's safety, but It will also expose the truth about the division of troops, which will be very troublesome.

"We must hold on until dark." Luo Zheng thought secretly, looking up at the sky and then at his atomic watch. Around four o'clock in the afternoon, there are still more than two hours until dark. Judging from the enemy's current attack posture, he may not be able to hold on. For half an hour, there was nothing we could do. There were too many enemies and fierce firepower, making it difficult for everyone suppressed to fight back effectively.

The scholar was about to lead the sniper into battle when he was grabbed by Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng looked at the burning bonfire and then at the slope in front. The slope was filled with dead leaves. Suddenly he had an idea and shouted: "Quick, Let the entire second team come over, find a way to throw the bonfire in front, create thick smoke, notify the first team to defend, and the sniper team will advance twenty meters to snipe."

"Understood." The scholar responded loudly and immediately gave the order through the headset.

After a while, the ten members of the second team rushed over, picked up the burning dry firewood and ran towards the front line. After arriving at the position, with the fire cover of the first team, everyone lay down and crawled a distance, and quickly The dry firewood was thrown forward, and then he went back to get the burning dry firewood.

The burning dry firewood quickly ignited the surrounding dead leaves, and bursts of black smoke emitted from the ground. The fire began to spread, and the black smoke became thicker, forming a smoke barrier between the enemy and ourselves, blocking the sight of both parties. At this time, the pursuers The attack has already reached a distance of less than a hundred meters from everyone.

At this time, the sniper had moved forward, laid an ambush, and quickly aimed forward. The smoke also blocked the enemy's sight. However, when the enemy saw how the smoke was generated, they were mentally confident and were not afraid. They rushed forward fiercely. , the leading armed man rushed into the smoke, closed his eyes and continued to rush.

There wasn't much smoke. The armed man estimated that after passing through the smoke, he opened his eyes and was shocked to find a black dot roaring towards him, continuously enlarging in his pupils. Before he could realize what it was, he felt as if his body was being hit by a high-speed... It was as if a running train had hit and flew backwards. The person was in the air, his consciousness was swallowed up by the endless darkness, and he didn't know anything anymore. His body fell heavily to the ground, and he died with his eyes open.

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