The strongest soldier

Chapter 505 Kidnapping and Countermeasures

Under the moonlight, the door of the room was gently pushed open, and the two dark figures hiding at the door ducked in, deftly hiding in the shadows, and observing the surroundings calmly, with cold eyes like ghosts in the night, Luo Zheng took advantage of the transparent The moonlight came in and found that he was in the living room, with rooms on both sides, and the door was closed. Luo Zheng made a few battle signs, pulled out his saber and touched one door. Lan Xue touched the other door knowingly.

There were armed men playing cards on the first floor. It was very noisy. People with some status should live on the second floor. There are four rooms here. If anyone is there, they must be resting in the room. Luo Zheng gently pushed the door. After locking it, Luo Zheng went up and saw it was a wooden bolt. He couldn't help but feel happy. He slowly picked it up with his tiger-tooth saber and moved the wooden bolt away bit by bit. The door was slowly opened, making a gentle creak under the silent night. The sound was extremely strange.

After the door was opened wide enough for one person to enter, Luo Zheng stopped, listened carefully, and found that someone was sleeping in the room, snoring loudly. Luo Zheng rolled in deftly, and then the moonlight from the window discovered that there was a picture in the room. There was a person lying on the bed. Luo Zheng pounced on him without hesitation, knocked him unconscious, then grabbed the pants next to him, pulled out the belt, and tied the person tightly.

Not sure of the identity of the other party, Luo Zheng didn't want to kill him, so he quickly came outside. Seeing that Lan Xue had also taken care of the person in one of the rooms, he walked towards one room. Without hesitation, he quickly touched the door of the other room. With a gentle push, the door was locked, and it was also bolted with wooden bolts inside. It was opened with a few blows of a tiger-tooth saber.

Gently opening the door, Luo Zheng saw an old lady lying inside. She was about seventy years old. Thinking that she was the mother of an armed warlord organization, he was overjoyed and rushed in. The old lady was a light sleeper and was easily awakened. She suddenly opened her eyes. When he saw the dark shadow that suddenly came in, he was startled and fainted again.

Luo Zheng put down the hand knife he raised. The person who was stunned would not wake up for a while. Luo Zheng went out quickly. When he saw Lan Xue coming out, he waved to Lan Xue and lowered his voice and said, "What are you doing over there?" Condition?"

"Two rooms, two bunk beds, four people in each room, eight people in total, with guns, like soldiers, they have all been dealt with." Lan Xue said in a low voice.

Four people live in a room. They are obviously not important people. If they are killed, they will be killed. Luo Zheng thought that the number of people is almost enough. The man he tied up should be the general's son, and the old lady is the general's mother. Just to be on the safe side. , Luo Zheng lowered his voice and said, "Look at the people in these two rooms, I'll go down and check."

"Understood, be careful." Lan Xue said in a low voice.

With the help of moonlight, Luo Zheng found the entrance to the stairs and tiptoed downstairs. It was dark downstairs and the door was closed. The layout was the same as upstairs. There was someone in the lighted room, so there was no need to check. Luo Zheng walked to a room. I opened the door of a room with no lights on, and when I opened it, I saw that the door was unlocked, and inside was the kitchen. Then at the door of another room, the door was also pushed open easily, and there was a miscellaneous room inside.

There are four rooms below, and two of them have been checked. Luo Zheng carefully came to the door of another room and pushed it gently. There was a bedroom inside, but there was no one there. Luo Zheng looked at the lighted room. Although the door was tight, It was closed, but the noise inside was very clear. Some people were laughing and some were sighing. Unfortunately, I couldn't understand it. I walked a few steps quickly and came to the door.

Except for this room, all other rooms have been checked and there are no hidden dangers. Luo Zheng took out the weapons seized from his back, touched the headset, and sent an attack signal to Ghost Hand. Ghost Hand touched the headset lightly to respond. Luo Zheng lowered his voice and said : "Silent pistol attack."

Sneak attacks are easy to expose, so it's best if you don't alert others. Guishou made a statement. Luo Zheng pulled out the silent pistol he carried with him. He had a long gun in one hand and a silent pistol in the other. He suddenly kicked the wooden door open. The silent pistol in his hand fired rapidly.

"Puff puff!" The distance was only three meters, and there was lighting. For Luo Zheng, there was no difficulty in shooting. The gun bit the flesh and hit the head directly. In the blink of an eye, he knocked down three people and the others. His reaction was not slow and he looked for a place to hide, but was killed by the ghostly hand guarding the window.

Without any preparation, most of the dozen or so people were knocked down by Luo Zheng and Guishou in a sneak attack. The remaining few people were shot to the ground by Luo Zheng who rushed through the door before they could get their guns. There was no suspense and the battle was very tense. It was almost over. After Luo Zheng confirmed that the other party was dead one by one, he quickly came out to open the door. The two went up to the second floor and wrapped the unconscious two people in blankets. Luo Zheng said at the same time: "Xue'er, try to arrange it and burn this place down. ”

Lan Xue agreed and rushed downstairs. Luo Zheng and Guishou took care of the hostages, carried them downstairs and rushed outside. It was quiet outside, as if nothing happened. The two waited at the door for a while. Lan Xue also rushed out, nodded to the two of them, and the three of them took advantage of the cover of night and walked quickly towards the river.

I didn’t see anyone along the way, not even a car. It was quiet all around. Everyone quickly came to the river and used headsets to communicate with the people, mountain eagles and snow leopards who were responding. After a while, the dark river surface lit up. A light was turned on, and a boat started its motor and drove over.

Everything went smoothly. After everyone waited for a while, the boat docked and everyone ran away. In the middle of the river, the snow leopard in charge of driving the boat asked: "Ghost, where are we going?"

"It's best to go back and evacuate the armed warlord's sphere of influence." Luo Zheng responded, glanced at the two people who were still unconscious, and smiled coldly.

"Those bastards kidnapped our people, and we kidnapped their people, tit for tat. Ghost, you don't want to use them to exchange for tour groups, do you?" Ghost Shou looked at Luo Zheng with a smile and asked.

"What do you think?" Luo Zheng asked with a smile.

"I think it's okay." Lan Xue said with a smile: "Only you can do this kind of thing. We are soldiers and have never done anything like kidnapping. Today I will make an exception and become a kidnapper. However, are you sure that the armed warlord Will there be a replacement?"

"I also made it on the spur of the moment. I will definitely replace him, unless he has a son." Luo Zheng said confidently: "The armed warlord is not a government army, but a personal armed force. The general needs someone to inherit his legacy, and his son is the only heir. , it is also very common in our country for sons to inherit their father’s business, as long as we make friends with them, they will make friends with them too.”

"It makes sense, but if there is a black hand behind this matter, will the black hand make the general make a deal with us?" Lan Xue said worriedly. Seeing Luo Zheng's half-smiling expression, he immediately understood and said, "You mean Are they going to be dog-eat-dog?”

"For their respective interests, there will definitely be a fight. The general probably kidnapped the tour group because of some interests. There is no hatred. His family is kidnapped. He can only compromise. If the mastermind behind the scenes does not agree, the two of them will definitely have trouble. So, let’s hide first, then contact that bullshit general, and act accordingly when the time comes.” Luo Zheng said with a confident smile.

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