The strongest soldier

Chapter 499 Rescue Operation

After leaving the captain's office, Luo Zheng hurriedly found Lan Xue who was spreading. The two of them walked aside. Luo Zheng briefly explained the situation. Lan Xue keenly felt the conspiracy. His face turned cold. Seeing no one around him, he lowered his voice and said: " Do you think it’s the Song family’s fault?”

Seeing that Lan Xue guessed the same as him, Luo Zheng nodded seriously and said in a low voice: "Ignore this for now, the mission is important. As for the truth, people from the intelligence brigade are involved in the investigation."

"It seems that the captain and my grandfather have also guessed something. Due to the lack of evidence, it is difficult to say it. We and the Song family are mortal enemies. Song Yang died, Song Yan was double-crossed, and the power of the Song family was hit. With the Song family With his vengeful character, he will definitely fight back. Judging from what you just said, the possibility of the Song family is not impossible. Of course, we need to collect evidence. You go find them and take action." Lan Xue said coldly, pointing towards the weapon Ku ran.

Luo Zheng rushed to the dormitory, woke up Gui Shou and others who were taking a nap, and said: "Quick, it's an urgent mission, rush to the weapons depot as quickly as possible to get the equipment."

Upon hearing this, everyone didn't ask any questions. They dressed up as quickly as possible and rushed towards the weapons depot. The equipment was ready and divided into five piles. They were all set according to everyone's habits, height and body shape. The information is recorded in detail in the weapons depot. With a call from the captain, the person guarding the weapons depot will know what to prepare. There is no need to wait for everyone to come and choose, which is a waste of time. Of course, individual preferences can be collected temporarily, such as nails, nails, etc. It's for special use, just say it and the guard will take it out immediately.

The life-killing needle taught by the drunkard was too difficult. After months of hard training, his skills were not enough, so he had to use iron nails instead. However, the iron nails were half smaller than before, which was considered a big improvement. The iron nails were carried with a belt. , the belt was specially made by the equipment brigade according to Luo Zheng's situation. It can be looped around the waist and fixed. One belt can hold hundreds of iron nails, which is very convenient to use.

The supplies and equipment are the same as the last time I went to destroy the Japanese pirates' base in the virgin forest. Type 09 sniper rifle, Type 95 assault rifle, hand crossbow, button-shaped potent time bomb, special rope, tactical flashlight, gas mask, first aid kit, and jungle digital camouflage combat Clothes, bulletproof vests, bulletproof helmets, explosion-proof boots, atomic watches, D80 tiger fangs, central tranquilizers, food and matching ammunition, etc. are not light in weight, but in order to survive and for the mission, these things are indispensable.

Within ten minutes, everyone was equipped, with oil paint on their faces and ghillie suits. At first glance, they couldn't recognize who they were. They lined up and rushed out of the weapons depot and came to the training ground. The people who were training saw this. In one scene, no one knew who was going on a mission. The ghillie suit completely covered the person. Everyone was envious. As a soldier, going on a mission is the happiest thing. Staying at the base for boring training is boring.

After boarding the transport helicopter that had been prepared long ago, Luo Zheng took out the information and read it for a while, then handed it to Lan Xue. Everyone took turns to read it. He closed his eyes and pondered. If there is really a shadow of the Song family behind this, it must be It is necessary to find evidence and bring down the Song family at once. However, with the deceit and insidiousness of the Song family, they should not leave any clues to expose themselves. The Wild Wolf Mercenary Group is the best example, and the same is true for the Samsara Killer Organization.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng became irritated. Suddenly he felt someone holding his hand. Judging from the feel, it was definitely Lan Xue. His heart warmed up and his irritable mood stabilized. He opened his eyes, nodded gently, smiled gratefully, and saw After everyone finished reading, they said loudly: "There are nearly five thousand armed warlords. This figure is probably a bit watered down. It is estimated to be more. Moreover, they asked me by name, which shows that there are enemies behind them who are familiar with us. Our mission It is to rescue all the people at all costs. The task is arduous, so everyone should be prepared."

The propellers of the transport helicopter were very loud, and communication could only rely on shouting. Fortunately, everyone was familiar with it, and they also sensed a hint of conspiracy from the information. They nodded one after another and tightened their grip on the guns. Facing a powerful enemy, everyone showed no sign of it. Instead of retreating, he was full of fighting spirit.

Hot-blooded soldiers are stronger when faced with a strong force, not to mention the army composed of kings of soldiers like Guo Ren. What kind of bloody storms have they not seen? What kind of big scenes have they not experienced? Dying on the battlefield is an honor and the best destination for soldiers. Instead of waiting to die and living a useless life, it is better to bloom your life vigorously. Luo Zheng thought of this, his blood began to burn, his fighting spirit began to boil, and his sharp eyes After taking a look at everyone, he made a gesture of wiping his neck with his hand.

Everyone nodded knowingly. This was a throat-slitting ceremony, a killing without mercy. This action showed the difficulty of the task, the resoluteness of the action, and the tactical thinking of the action, which was to kill at all costs and at all costs. Enemies, let those who dare to challenge the dignity of the country be punished, and everyone's eyes became sharp.

There is an unwritten rule in the National Blade Special Warfare Brigade. The slit-throat salute is a tactic that is easily used. Once used, there will be bloodshed wherever it goes.

The transport helicopter was flying at high speed, and everyone closed their eyes to rest. Once they entered the battlefield, it was hard to say whether they would be able to sleep peacefully in the future. During the rest, Luo Zheng couldn't sleep, so he let his body muscles relax as much as possible, and kept thinking about what he had just seen in his mind. According to the information, the armed warlords have many troops and a large sphere of influence. Where will the hostages be detained?

Time is limited, and the hostages must be found and rescued within three years, otherwise it will be very troublesome. The experts at the military industrial institute are all national treasures and cannot afford to lose. However, it is not easy to find the hostage detention point. Armed warlords are used to hiding. , Cunning Rabbit Three Cave, there is little possibility that the hostages are in their headquarters base, what should I do?

If you cannot find the hostages, you cannot rescue them within the specified time. It is too difficult to storm the headquarters of the armed warlords. Moreover, the hostages may not be detained there, so it is not advisable. Active attack is not possible, passive waiting is even worse, and there are no clues about the hostages. What should I do? ?

After thinking for a while, I couldn't figure it out, and time passed by unknowingly. At dusk, the transport helicopter arrived at the border. If it flew further, it would be a neighboring country. This would cause misunderstandings. The helicopter hovered over a forest, lowered the rope, and everyone grabbed it. The rope was quickly lowered to the ground.

After landing, everyone turned their backs to each other and formed a circular formation. The cold muzzles were aimed forward, exuding a death-like aura. The helicopter raised its height and turned around to leave. Luo Zheng's sharp eyes flashed with high fighting spirit. Glancing at Lan Xue, Lan Xue nodded and signaled Luo Zheng to take command. Luo Zheng was not polite and said coldly through the headset: "Brothers, the mission has begun. Everyone, please be careful and move forward in search formation."

I beg for rewards, recommendations, whatever, and if you have any votes, please give me some encouragement.

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