The strongest soldier

Chapter 495 Safe Evacuation

Ordinarily, Luo Zheng could drive the patrol car back directly, but he was afraid of being investigated. He could also stop the car and go back to the embassy, ​​but that would easily expose him or leave any clues. It would be a good idea to call someone to pick him up. The problem was that he didn't have any money, so he thought about it. , Luo Zheng planned to go back on foot. Firstly, he could hide his identity, and secondly, the distance was not very far. However, the police were not slow in their actions. They immediately closed the road under martial law and it was impossible to pass. It was best to pretend to be drunk and go back. choose.

When they arrived at the police station, the police searched him and found nothing that could prove his identity. They left Luo Zheng aside to sober up. Everyone was so busy that no one paid attention to Luo Zheng. Half an hour later, a policeman came up to question him. Luo Zheng was familiar with the Chinese language, so he pretended to be drunk and just woke up, and said loudly that he was a staff member of the Chinese Embassy in China.

As soon as the police heard about the identity, they had to contact the embassy. The situation was immediately reported to the ambassador's secretary. The secretary hurriedly drove to the police station and brought Luo Zheng's ID. It was recorded and filed, but the police station could not say anything. Come, I have no choice but to let him go.

On the way back, Luo Zheng took off his clothes that smelled of alcohol. There was still a hint of drunkenness, and he asked worriedly: "Are you all back?"

"We're all back. We're resting in the guest house. They didn't know I came here. You guys made a lot of noise, but it's a relief." The secretary said with admiration.

"Just come back." Luo Zheng relaxed, closed his eyes and rested. The secretary was an outsider. It was okay to learn a little about things through his own channels and methods, but Luo Zheng must not tell any details. This is discipline.

The secretary also understood the rules and didn't ask any questions. He drove to the embassy carefully and put down Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed, and regardless of his shyness, he pulled Luo Zheng into the room, hugged him, closed the door with a kick of his feet, and said excitedly: "It's okay."

"Don't worry." Luo Zheng felt Lan Xue's deep care and felt at ease, and said movedly.

The two hugged each other affectionately for a while. After they separated, Lan Xue poured Luo Zheng a glass of water and asked for details. This was the duty and obligation of the captain. Luo Zheng said it truthfully, and finally added: "If it is investigated, , there are still clues, such as the clothes taken off, etc., so we must leave Japan as soon as possible."

"I'll make the arrangements." Lan Xue nodded seriously and replied, "By the way, Shadow has returned."

"He's back?" Luo Zheng was about to ask. He couldn't help being shocked when he heard the news. After thinking about it, he smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, I shouldn't have helped him. The more I help, the more trouble I get."

"What's going on?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

Luo Zheng explained the situation and his speculation in detail. Lan Xue also sighed and said, "Snow leopard and mountain eagle came back and told the same situation. They also thought that Shadow was dragged down, so they came back first. I didn't expect you to come back too." So, it seems that we have all underestimated Shadow's strength, and now it seems that he has been going crazy in the past two months, looking for an opportunity to take revenge and take out his anger on the ninjas."

"It's very possible. Otherwise, with his speed, he would have run away long ago, and neither the Guards nor the ninjas would be able to catch up. However, he killed a lot of people along the way while retreating, and the ninjas also killed many of them, which can be considered a success. After sighing, forget it, let’s not talk about this anymore, let’s prepare to evacuate.” Luo Zheng said with a sigh.

"Well, you go and wash up and go to bed first. I'll make arrangements right away." Lan Xue agreed.

Returning to his room, Luo Zheng washed up and heard a knock on the door. He opened it and saw that it was Shadow and Tuberose. He was startled, opened the door and said, "Come in and chat?"

"It will be dawn soon. I won't disturb your rest. We are here just to thank you in a private capacity." Shadow said gratefully, with a serious look on his face.

"No need to thank you, just don't have a crush on Lan Xue." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"No, I have tuberose, which is enough for this life." Shadow said quickly, fearing that tuberose would be angry.

Tuberose saw that Luo Zheng was asking Shadow to express his position, eliminate some misunderstandings, and bring everyone closer, and said gratefully: "Thank you."

A pun, the two looked at each other and smiled knowingly.

After Shadow and Tuberose left, Luo Zheng lay down and took a deep nap. When he woke up, it was already noon and he was full of energy. Everyone had lunch together and returned to the room for a meeting in a tacit understanding. Lan Xue informed everyone After an hour's flight back to China, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. With such a big commotion in Japan, it was wise to go back to avoid long nights and dreams.

When we got back, the ambassador's secretary came to see him off. When we arrived at the airport, we arranged to take the diplomatic passage and board the plane directly. After the plane took off, everyone felt completely relieved. Lan Xue sat next to Luo Zheng, and her head naturally leaned against Luo Zheng's. She was sleeping with Luo Zheng's arm on her shoulder. Not long after, Lan Xue suddenly whispered: "They are so happy."

"We are both happy, too." Luo Zheng said affectionately. Seeing Lan Xue's somewhat lonely expression, he immediately understood. Lan Xue was referring to the obstacle between the two of them. Luo Zheng smiled bitterly and said, "Don't worry, I will try my best. Yes, now it seems that your grandpa will support us, and only your father is left."

"After Song Yan was double-crossed, the strength of the Song family was damaged. This incident shocked my father greatly. I think he will reconsider our matter. If possible, can you accompany me back?" Lan Xue said seriously. He said, seeing Luo Zheng's face looking pensive, he explained: "Speaking of which, my father also loves me very much, but my stepmother is caught in the middle. He is in a difficult position and has no choice but to wrong me. He also wants to have a harmonious family."

"Find a chance and I'll go back with you." Luo Zheng said seriously.

"Well, I know you are the best to me." Lan Xue said gratefully, hugged Luo Zheng's arm tighter, and said with a happy smile: "Call my little sister when the time comes. Duo, my father is a face-saving person and will not embarrass you. As for my stepmother, I will just ignore her words."

"Song Yang is dead, what hope does your father and the others have for him?" Luo Zheng asked curiously.

"Eh? That's right. I've even forgotten about this. In this way, when we return to the capital, we won't be in a hurry to return to the base. When we get off the plane, the captain and I will take a leave and we can go back." Lan Xue suddenly said with a look of surprise on his face. color.

"Okay." Luo Zheng also wanted to solve this problem as soon as possible to avoid Lan Xue's dilemma. He agreed wholeheartedly, thought about it, and asked: "Do you need to prepare anything? In addition, do you want to ask your grandpa if something happens? It’s better to let the elders come forward to coordinate anything.”

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