The strongest soldier

Chapter 492 Brutal Fighting

Facing the protection of a powerful enemy, there is only one way other than surrender, and that is to fight to the death. According to the rules of the National Blade, people from the intelligence brigade and equipment brigade can be arrested and await rescue if they have no choice, but people from the special operations brigade absolutely cannot , the only way is to fight to the death, I would rather die than to be a prisoner, I can only die in battle, never live on my knees.

"Da da da!" Luo Zheng relied on the surrounding trees to cover him and rolled his body flexibly to avoid the bullet attack. The magazines of the two guns were emptied. Faced with powerful enemies surrounding him, there was no chance to change the ammunition. Luo Zheng's expression changed. As soon as he sank, he didn't have time to see the shadow's situation. He threw the gun away, grabbed a long knife and ran toward the bushes nearby.

There are too many enemies, and the distance is not far. When they meet on a narrow road, the brave will win. He would rather die than pull a few backers. Luo Zheng's idea is very firm and resolute. Without bullets, he can use whatever he catches. Killing does not necessarily mean killing. Cold weapons like guns and knives are also very suitable, not to mention the extremely sharp Japanese sword.

"Da da da!" The dense bullets were almost chasing Luo Zheng's pace. Luo Zheng did not dare to hesitate and stop alive. His body continued to roll in the woods, dodging, and suddenly he saw a group of black shadows jumping towards him. Coming over, just in time to raise the knife, I heard the shadow shout: "Back off."

Luo Zheng was startled and found something flying over. A carp jumped up and caught it easily. It was a gun. He was overjoyed and fired at several guardsmen who were rushing over but only five or six meters away. He leaned on his back and kept clicking to kill the enemies that appeared in front of him. There were too many enemies and there was no way to break through. He gave up the thought of breaking out and shouted: "I can't run anymore."

"Then don't run away, we will live and die together." Shadow saw the Guards completely surrounding them, and they were only seven or eight meters away. If it weren't for the surrounding trees, they would have been beaten to death. His face darkened, and he shouted with murderous intent. , the cold eyes were shining, without any trace of panic.

"Okay, let's live and die together, hahaha!" Luo Zheng risked his life and laughed heroically. The gun in his hand did not stop, and he kept shooting at those who tried to attack.

But the enemy was not a vegetarian. They quickly organized themselves and their firepower suddenly increased. The two men fell to the ground almost at the same time, avoiding the fire. They rolled to the back of the tree and continued to fight back through the cover of the tree. In their busy schedule, Luo Zheng suddenly heard Shadow yelling, "Follow me." He couldn't help but was startled. He turned around and saw that Shadow had already rushed over, pulling out a shadow in the moonlit forest.

"Such a fast speed." Luo Zheng was shocked. He suddenly saw a long knife in Shadow's hand, waving it in the moonlight. Like the scythe of death, he chopped off the heads of the two guards who rushed up and kicked them with a big foot. In the past, he kicked a ninja away a long way.

The fierce fighting style immediately stimulated Luo Zheng, and he chased after him without hesitation. He ignored the enemy shooting behind him and rushed forward with a dodge step. When he saw the enemy emerging from behind the tree, he quickly suppressed it with fire. Shadow took the opportunity to rush forward. He went up and chopped the opponent down to the ground with bloody arrows.

Shadow rushed in front, and Luo Zheng provided fire cover from behind. The two of them went one behind the other. Their fierce fighting style caused the Guards to lose their position, and a hole was opened in the encirclement. Soon, Luo Zheng's magazine was emptied, and firepower appeared. During the vacuum period, this was very fatal for Luo Zheng and Shadow. Of course, the Guards would not miss this opportunity. They suddenly appeared one after another and fired at the two with intensive firepower.

The two quickly found a place to hide. Luo Zheng was about to change the magazine when he suddenly saw a ninja rushing over. He was holding a long knife in his chest at a very fast speed. The sharp blade was exuding cold air. He couldn't help but be shocked. The magazine was not loaded yet. Okay, since there was no way to fire back, Luo Zheng got up quickly and raised his gun to block.

"Dang!" The long knife was blocked by the gunshot and made a crisp sound. Luo Zheng felt a strong force sweeping over him. His arms were numb, and the gun in his hand was deformed. He was almost unsteady in his grip. He couldn't help but be horrified. When the ninja flew up with a kick, he quickly ducked sideways.

At this time, the ninja's long sword slashed at him, with the aura of death. Luo Zheng's face changed drastically. To retreat meant death. His heart was crossed, and instead of retreating, he advanced and attacked the Jianjing point of the opponent's arm holding the sword, that is, There are three midpoints connecting the Dazhui point and the acromion, the highest point of the shoulder. This point is the connection point of Hand Shaoyang, Foot Shaoyang, Foot Yangming and Yangwei meridians. If hit, the lower half of the body will be numb and lose combat effectiveness.

Luo Zheng is a proficient practitioner of acupoint boxing and can identify acupuncture points accurately. In the previous fight, Luo Zheng knew that his opponent was strong. If he wanted to defeat him, he could only hit acupoints. The moment his fist was about to hit the opponent's Jianjing point, Luo Zheng discovered The opponent's body trembled strangely, and he was shocked, but it was too late.

The shoulder is bone-hard, and if it fails to hit the acupuncture points, hitting other places will have little meaning, and it will be almost impossible to cause damage. Luo Zheng did not expect that the opponent would react so quickly, as if he knew how to hit acupoints, and he would shiver slightly just to avoid the fist. I knew it was going to be bad, my body collapsed, but it was too late

"Pfft" a big kick came, right in the center. Fortunately, Luo Zheng was prepared and blocked it with his palm. However, his body seemed to be hit by a high-speed train and flew backwards far away. His blood surged. He almost fainted. In mid-air, Luo Zheng felt his body being caught by someone. He wanted to resist, but all his strength was released and he had no strength to resist. He was extremely anxious, but he heard a familiar voice shouting: "Seeking death."

Luo Zheng reacted immediately. It was Shadow who caught him. He was overjoyed and felt himself being put on the ground. Looking back, he found that Shadow stepped over with an arrow and kicked the ninja who rushed towards him away. It was so far away that it hit a big tree hard and slid down.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was shocked. He didn't expect that he and Shadow were aware of so much. The ninja who kicked him away couldn't block Shadow's kick. He smiled bitterly. No wonder Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle said that staying behind was a burden. It was true. , the thunder of the shadow rang in my ears: "Seeking death!"

Luo Zheng was horrified. He suddenly woke up and saw a swipe of white light flying past his eyes. When he turned around to look, a ninja was stabbed by a long knife. The long knife came out of his body and a powerful impact was brought to him. The body flew upside down and was nailed to a tree, the knife handle still buzzing.

"So strong." Luo Zheng was filled with admiration. Shadow was furious and struck out with all his strength. The power was so amazing. His blood was ignited again. Seeing a gun five or six meters away, a tiger rushed over, picked up the gun and rolled up. Seeing the three Guardsmen who had already rushed forward but only three or four meters away, he fired a single shot. He cursed himself secretly. He was distracted during a life and death fight. It was so inappropriate. If Shadow hadn't taken action, he would have died several times. .

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