The strongest soldier

Chapter 486 Prepare for Action

Everyone looked at Shadow and smiled. Luo Zheng sighed secretly. He was indeed the most likely to become the strongest soldier in the base. He looked elegant and elegant like an administrative employee. He had a lot of bellicose elements and was ruthless enough. It's arrogant enough to actually treat Toyama as a battlefield, but if you think about it carefully, it seems to make sense. The more lively the fight is on Shadow's side, the safer everyone will be, right?

"Can we get weapons?" Luo Zheng asked with a thoughtful face.

"Okay, we have a safe house here." Shadow said affirmatively.

The safe house is a secret stronghold, divided into two categories: supply and hiding. The supply safe house contains weapons, medicines, documents, cash and other necessities. The hidden safe house can be used for temporary residence, concealing identity, and avoiding pursuit. Shadow said there is Safe house, Luo Zheng suddenly thought of the safe house in the supply category and immediately smiled.

"What are your plans?" Lan Xue couldn't help but ask when she saw the familiar expression and knew that Luo Zheng had made a decision.

"We are divided into two groups. Shadow will mainly attack the Guards on the ground. Snow leopards and mountain eagles will assist. We will fight specifically. Shadow will be fully responsible. The captain and I will go in to rescue people. Guishou, you will be responsible for the outside support. The attack time is set for tomorrow night at three "How about one day of preparation time?" Luo Zheng looked at Shadow and said with a firm face, formally discussing the battle plan, and with Shadow around, Luo Zheng looked serious towards Lan Xue as he was commensurate with his position.

Shadow also knew that this time was already the earliest. After all, it would take some time to prepare. Although he was anxious and wanted to rush over to save people immediately, he had to take the actual situation into consideration. After thinking about it, he thought it was feasible, so he agreed and said: " It will be dawn in an hour or two, it’s too late, daytime is not suitable, so we’ll do it tomorrow night.”

The matter was settled and everyone was ready to go. Luo Zheng and Lan Xue found the ambassador's secretary, asked for two sets of oxygen bottles and strong flashlights, got into the car with the secret, and headed towards the drainage ditch. It was not suitable for investigation during the day. , we must understand the situation before dawn so that we can take action.

The two came to the vicinity of the drainage canal. After parking the car, they got out of the car with oxygen bottles and bright flashlights. Seeing no one around, they ran quickly and went directly into the drainage canal. The two waited at the mouth of the drainage canal. After waiting for a few minutes and making sure that he was not discovered, he walked inside.

The drainage ditch was so smelly that it made people feel dizzy and disgusting. It would have been much better if the two of them put on oxygen masks. They used flashlights to quickly search inside. They were about ten kilometers away from the underground prison in a straight line. Fortunately, the drainage ditch was big enough. It was not a problem to trot forward. The frightened rats in the canal were scurrying around, squeaking, and some even crawling on top of them.

Luo Zheng angrily grabbed a few and threw them away. Looking back, he saw that Lan Xue was not frightened like a little girl. Instead, he picked up the mice and threw them away very calmly. He breathed a sigh of relief and sped up, running for more than ten minutes. There were no mice in front of them, but it was pitch black. A bright flashlight could only illuminate a distance of about one meter. It was obvious that the air in this drainage channel was thin. The two of them were secretly glad that they had brought oxygen bottles, otherwise they would have suffocated before they reached the place. die.

The distance of ten kilometers took nearly an hour at the speed of the two of them. When they came to the end, they saw a solid steel mesh above their heads. The sewage was left from above. There was a clattering sound, and a strong flashlight was pointed upward. When I looked at it, it looked like a ventilation shaft. It was square in shape, about one and a half meters in length and width, not reaching the top. The flashlight could not illuminate that far. Water flowed out of many drainage holes and entered the ventilation shaft, and then followed the The mesh of steel bars flows to the drainage channel.

The steel mesh acts as a filter, and there is no debris visible on it. It can be seen that people clean it frequently. There is a U-shaped steel nail ladder on the wall of the ventilation shaft. People can climb up it. Faintly, you can hear banging. There was also someone shouting, the sound was very weak.

After the two exchanged glances, Luo Zheng's eyes fell on the steel bars. The steel bars were about the thickness of an ordinary baby's arm. They were fixed to the well wall with steel plates. They were tightly welded and no screws were used. He was probably afraid of being opened. With such thick steel bars and steel plates, it is impossible for humans to destroy it.

Lan Xue estimated that time was almost up, and gave Luo Zheng a look. Luo Zheng nodded knowingly. The two of them quickly turned back, passed through the deep and dark drainage channel, and came to the ground again. The two of them felt as if they were in another world. , seeing that the sky was getting brighter, he quickly got out of the drainage ditch, ran to the car, threw the things in the trunk, started the car and ran towards the embassy.

"Such a thick steel bar requires a special flame cutting machine. It is usually time-consuming and can be climbed up the mountain by following the ladder. The problem is that the prison seems to have many floors. I don't know which floor it is. Finding each floor is easy to expose. It still takes time, if it doesn’t work, I can only pretend to be a prison guard." Lan Xue said calmly.

"That's all. Let's start ten minutes early. Is that enough?" Seeing that Lan Xue had the same idea as himself, Luo Zheng responded casually while driving intently.

"Maybe it's enough, maybe it's not enough. The main reason is that we don't know the specific location where the target is being held. The prison looks quite big and there are a lot of people inside. It's too time-consuming to search layer by layer. We can only act by ear." Lan Xue said helplessly.

"Since we are going to make a big fuss in the prison, the best way is to release all the prisoners and let them escape on their own. As many as they can escape, create chaos, and let's take advantage of the chaos." Luo Zheng suggested seriously.

"Too much chaos will affect our operation time. People can be released, but they should be released after rescuing them. Let them cover our evacuation. Let's act half an hour in advance. Find officials like the warden and find a way to pry open his mouth. After getting the information, we can act accordingly." Lan Xue suggested.

The two of them talked to each other and gradually perfected the plan. Unknowingly, they arrived at the embassy. Shadow and others had gone out to prepare before they came back. The two of them went back to their rooms to rest. After a busy night, everyone was really tired. .

The next morning, the two woke up to have breakfast. They saw Shadow and others coming back with calm expressions. It was obvious that things had been prepared smoothly. In public, everyone did not speak and ate casually. After eating and drinking, They left one by one in a tacit agreement, returned to the room, and closed the door.

"My weapons are ready, how are you?" Shadow asked with concern. It was about whether Tuberose could be rescued, and Shadow was very concerned about it.

Luo Zheng didn't bother to ask about Shadow's preparations. With Shadow's ability, he said that nothing would go wrong if he was ready, so he detailed what he had discovered at night, and then added: "We will operate at night and recharge our batteries during the day. After the incident is completed, sneak back to the embassy secretly. If nothing can be done, you must come back. We will find another way to rescue you. Don't do it forcefully. Is there any problem?" He said and looked at Shadow.

"No more." Everyone said, Shadow thought for a while, then shook his head, and everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

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