The strongest soldier

Chapter 478 The task is difficult

Early the next morning, everyone arrived at the airport. With the help of diplomatic staff, they took the green channel to board the plane smoothly. Each person only carried a gun. Along the way, everyone learned that their military rank had been upgraded by one level, and they reacted very calmly. On the contrary, when they learned that Luo Zheng had become the deputy of the team, everyone congratulated from the bottom of their hearts. They all shouted that the Japanese pirates wanted Luo Zheng to treat him and have a good meal. Lan Xue was originally worried that everyone would feel uncomfortable, but saw everyone fighting in a ball. , no grudges at all, completely relieved.

It was already evening when the Japanese pirates arrived, and diplomats came to pick them up. Diplomats have immunity and can pass directly without going through customs for inspection. Everyone arranged for a diplomatic staff member whose identity was disclosed to the outside world, and a familiar person to pick him up. The departure went smoothly and everyone left in the embassy’s commercial vehicle.

The driver was a capable young man who asked nothing and said nothing. He was very disciplined. The person who came to greet us was the ambassador’s secretary. He had done this kind of thing many times and knew the rules. He didn’t ask anything. Everyone was happy and relaxed. I closed my eyes and rested my mind, and the commercial vehicle arrived at the embassy unknowingly.

After everyone got off the bus, they were led to a restaurant for a late-night snack, and then arranged to stay. Each person had a room, and the room numbers were connected. It was convenient for anything. Luo Zheng, everyone washed up, sat down to rest, and heard There was a knock on the door, and Luo Zheng opened the door. He saw a stranger with a figure similar to his own, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, a high nose, a Chinese character face, short hair, and a very casual casual jacket. His whole body exuded a handsome temperament, friendly and kind. Introverted and peaceful, like a sword sheathed, he couldn't help but be stunned and asked: "Who are you?"

"What do you think?" The other party said with a faint smile, but his eyes looked up and down at Luo Zheng.

Hearing a very familiar voice, Luo Zheng was startled. He suddenly thought of a person and couldn't help but smile. He opened the door, signaled the other person to come in and then closed the door smoothly. He said: "Last time I saw you, you were dressed as a ninja. I don't know what you look like, but I've memorized the voice, it's correct, please sit down."

"Not bad, you still remember my voice." The person who came was Yin Ying, who smiled faintly, walked to the sofa and sat down, pouring himself a glass of water as if he was familiar with it.

"You are a role model for us to learn from. When we came here, Mr. Li told us to listen to you. Do you want me to call everyone over for a meeting right away?" Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Wrong, I listened to you." Shadow straightened his face and said seriously.

"Huh? Why?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise.

"The Japanese pirates are already aware of my existence. The information about me is two meters away on their desk. They have studied me thoroughly. My style of conduct is completely under their control. No matter what I do or how I do it, they I can guess in advance, otherwise, there is no need to ask you to come for support. I have figured it out these days. I have read your information and your tactical ability is very high. Therefore, I decided to let you command this rescue operation. Don’t worry. , I will absolutely obey your orders, and you should not feel any psychological pressure." Shadow said seriously.

"Me?" Luo Zheng was shocked and looked at Shadow blankly, unable to react.

"Are you trying to say that I am the one who is most likely to become the strongest soldier king in the base, but your ability is no better than mine?" Shadow saw through Luo Zheng's thoughts at a glance, and said calmly, seeing Luo Zheng nod simply, He smiled bitterly, looking a little lonely. He looked out the window, his calm eyes showing a worried look.

Luo Zheng looked at Ying Ying intently, full of curiosity, but seeing Ying Ying's gloomy expression, he didn't ask any more questions.

After coming over for a while, Shadow returned to his original state and said seriously: "If it were for other things, I wouldn't need your help, but this time it's different. The Japanese pirates have set up an intelligence team to study me thoroughly and understand all my actions. They will all predict it in advance. It has nothing to do with ability, so don’t belittle yourself.”

"Okay." Luo Zheng saw that Shadow was sincere and didn't seem to be making fun of himself, so he agreed and asked, "Can you tell me about the current situation?"

"Ye Laixiang is imprisoned in Fushan Underground Prison. This prison holds death row prisoners and political prisoners from the Japanese country. The inside story is unknown. The outer perimeter is a military restricted area and is not allowed to be approached. I can only take a few glances at the outer perimeter and cannot penetrate. , has been sent in for more than a month, and I don’t know whether he is alive or dead." Shadow said, his expression became painful.

Luo Zheng knew at a glance that the relationship between Shadow and Tuberose was probably no longer an ordinary comrade-in-arms relationship, but this was a private matter, so he didn't ask any more questions. After thinking for a moment, he continued to ask: "How are the guards?"

"There is a post at three steps and a sentry at five steps. There is martial law in a radius of 20 kilometers. The Royal Guards are in charge. The Royal Guards are equivalent to our central guard regiment. They are good at defense and have good strength. The total strength is about two hundred. They are responsible for the periphery and underground. The number of staff and guards inside the prison is unknown." Shadow said seriously.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng took a breath. Each of the two hundred guards was equivalent to a member of the Central Guard Corps. In other words, there were more than two hundred people with similar strength to him, not counting the underground prison guards. This How to fight? It was simply an impossible task. His face darkened and he began to think.

Shadow also knew the difficulty, otherwise he would have robbed the person with his own strength. Seeing Luo Zheng deep in thought, he did not disturb him and drank water quietly to think about his thoughts. After a while, Luo Zheng said seriously: "I need to check the surroundings myself. Depending on the terrain, it’s up to you to go when it’s convenient.”

"If possible, I will take you there now." Shadow said immediately.

Luo Zheng thought for a while, saving people is like putting out fires, he couldn't afford to delay, nodded and agreed, Yingying smiled gratefully, the two went out without saying hello to Lan Xue, and came to the basement. Luo Zheng saw Yingying coming to a Mercedes-Benz, He took out the key and unlocked the door, then walked around to the passenger seat, opened the door and got in.

Shadow drove out of the basement, out of the embassy, ​​onto the street, passed through several blocks, and quickly left the city, got on the highway, and started running quickly, looking behind him from time to time. He was very vigilant. Luo Zheng knew Shadow's ability. I don’t have to worry about being watched, so I can think about countermeasures with peace of mind.

The prison is underground in Toyama. There is a military restricted area above. It is under martial law for 20 kilometers and guarded by 200 people of similar strength to myself. The situation inside the underground prison is unknown. How to save people? This is simply an impossible task. No wonder the power of shadow is helpless. It is indeed difficult.

Unknowingly, the Mercedes-Benz came near a mountain. Shadow pulled over and pointed ahead and said, "This is the mountain. It's hard to see clearly at night. It's best to see it during the day. The prison is under the mountain."

Luo Zheng looked at the dark mountain in front of him. It was about three to four hundred meters high. It was thick with bushes. The mountain was winding and complicated. His face condensed, his brows furrowed slightly, and he began to think deeply.

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