The strongest soldier

Chapter 466 Poison smokes the enemy

In this sneak attack, Luo Zheng arranged for people to block the Japanese pirates who were chasing them. He first released poisonous smoke. The poisonous smoke only produced the light of fire and made no movement. It would not alert the people below the base. The patrolmen came to investigate and were fascinated by the poisonous smoke. It was almost done. , placing logs and poisonous smoke together can increase the concentration and coverage of the poisonous smoke. The logs will detonate mines, ignite the woods, and clear the final obstacle to the charge.

The plan is simple, but the time to launch the attack is better. It is when everyone is sleeping and dizzy. When they react, a large area has been fascinated by the poisonous smoke. With the threat of the poisonous smoke, the Japanese pirates in the underground base Knowing that there was a sneak attack, they did not dare to move. They knew that the poisonous smoke had dispersed, and when they came out, the base had been occupied. The dozen or so people who came out were also shot to death by random shots, completely losing the initiative.

The indigenous people have never fought such a smooth battle. After avenging their shame and thirty years of hatred, everyone was red-eyed and eager to rush to the underground base to wipe out the last enemy. If not for Luo Zheng Continuous killings led everyone to win the war and established a high enough prestige. I'm afraid they can't suppress these murderous natives.

Hook looked at Luo Zheng with some concern, fearing that Luo Zheng would not let everyone go down to kill the enemy. Death is a kind of relief for the natives. No one is afraid of it, as long as they can avenge their ancestors, Luo Zheng understands what Hook and others want. Thought, he cursed angrily: "Kill, kill, just kill, use your brain, there are still four to five hundred people below, the situation is unknown, if you continue like this, what else are you going to do if you don't die?"

Hook knew that Luo Zheng was doing it for his own good. He took a deep breath, forced himself to calm down, and quickly said, "Do you have any plans?"

"Isn't this ready-made?" Luo Zheng said coldly. Seeing that Hook still didn't understand, he cursed: "Use poisonous smoke."

"Huh?" Hook was startled, then his eyes lit up, and he yelled something excitedly. The natives immediately started to scream and disperse, running to get the poisonous weeds that had not been used up.

Lan Xue felt a little sorry for the people in the underground base. She glanced at Luo Zheng and said softly: "You have such a bad idea, but it is very practical."

"The war is about to end. Let's die as little as possible. It's not easy for them." Luo Zheng looked at the natives who ran to get the poisonous weeds excitedly, and then looked at the natives left behind. After a rough count, there were five missing. Sixty people, thinking that they must have been lost when they blocked the Japanese pirates in the dense forest. The nearly one hundred fully armed Japanese pirates were not vegetarians. If the attack on the base had not divided the team's attention, and Hook led people to come back for reinforcements, I am afraid that More died.

"People above, listen, we surrender." Someone from the underground base shouted, using international lingua franca.

Luo Zheng was startled and looked at Hook. Hook's face turned cold and he immediately shook his head. How could he accept surrender after a blood feud? Luo Zheng couldn't help but smile: "Did you understand what he shouted just now?"

Hook had an idea and said knowingly: "I don't understand the Japanese language." Seeing Luo Zheng pointing to the entrance, he took a few steps forward and shouted loudly: "Why are you making such a noise? I don't understand what you are saying." ."

Luo Zheng and the others suppressed their laughter and looked at the underground entrances and exits with vigilance. Everyone was obviously speaking in international lingua franca, but they were pretending to be stupid and their attitude was self-evident. At this time, Luo Zheng suddenly noticed a grenade being thrown up and was shocked. He raised his hand and fired a shot, blowing up the grenades still at the base, while shouting: "Be careful with the grenades."

"Boom." The grenade exploded before it was completely thrown out, and smoke billowed. Luo Zheng was worried that the people in the underground base would take the opportunity to fight for their lives, so he shouted loudly: "Mountain Eagle, Snow Leopard, fire blockade, Ghost Hand, throw explosives."

Everyone reacted quickly and blocked the entrance with fire. The ghost hand threw a button-shaped potent time bomb in, making a huge explosion. Black smoke billowed out from the entrance. Luo Zheng continued to fire at the entrance and exit filled with black smoke. In case someone took the opportunity to get out, he shouted: "Hook, go and move the sandbags around. The entrance and exit must be blocked. Bring the heavy machine gun."

"Understood." Hook agreed loudly and immediately arranged for people to prepare. There were sandbags and machine gun positions built with heavy machine guns everywhere on the base. The indigenous people were all very strong. After a while, everyone brought in a large number of sandbags and placed them on the ground. At Luo Zheng's signal, they were piled around. Everyone retreated behind the sandbags, and Gui Shou and others took aim with the crane guns.

With the heavy machine gun, no matter how many people are killed from inside, Luo Zheng thought for a while, pulled Hook and shouted: "Hurry and prepare broad leaves, the bigger the better, they will be used to fan the wind and blow the poisonous smoke into the ground." The base will do.”

"Understood." Hook agreed and let people pick them. There was a primeval forest around them, and the most indispensable thing was broad leaves. At this time, the people who went to get the poisonous weeds came back. Everyone lit them and threw them into the underground base, but the broad leaves did not arrive. , the black shadow drilled outside, as if someone was blowing with a blower.

When Luo Zheng saw this scene, he immediately asked people to stop releasing poison smoke. The enemy had a blower, but the broad leaves were useless and could not beat the opponent. When he saw the sandbags, he had an idea and quickly shouted: "Hook, hurry up, put the wood at the entrance and exit, Use sandbags to stop the poisonous smoke from coming out."

"Understood." Hook looked around and found that there were many burned buildings around. They were masterpieces made by Luo Zheng, Shan Diao and Lan Xue using incendiary bombs. There were still a lot of unburned wood left, and he led people in a hurry. Run over, pick out the long ones and carry them over, place them across the entrance and exit, and then pile sandbags on top.

The entrance and exit became smaller and smaller, and finally only a small hole was left. The people in the underground base realized something and fired wildly with guns and exploded with grenades. The sandbags were teetering on the verge of collapse. Luo Zheng immediately threw a button-shaped time bomb into it, destroying it. The enemy's offensive was pushed back, and he shouted: "Quick, let go of the poisonous smoke."

Hook immediately asked everyone to light the poisonous smoke and throw it in small handfuls. Luo Zheng was worried about the enemy's counterattack, so he lowered the button-shaped time bomb from time to time to prevent the enemy's counterattack and buy time for the poisonous smoke to be released. , as for the bullets fired, they were all blocked by thick sandbags.

Not long after, the underground attack weakened. Luo Zheng secretly breathed a sigh of relief and signaled to Hook to hurry up. To make sure, Luo Zheng asked Hook to drop all the remaining poisonous weeds. He kept dropping them for more than half an hour, and then completely killed them. At the entrance and exit, he shouted: "Everyone spread out to check and see where the smoke is coming from around."

Hook was startled, then quickly reacted and conveyed the order. Soon, everyone found smoke coming from more than a dozen places, but the smoke outlets were not big. They should be the ventilation and lighting openings of the underground base. Luo Zheng heard the news , completely relieved, and said coldly: "Block the opening and go down in ten minutes."

"Yes." Hook shouted excitedly, and the order was conveyed. Everyone took action excitedly, picked up the sandbags and ran away, blocking the vents with one sandbag.

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