The strongest soldier

Chapter 463 Shadow Operation

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was so embarrassed by the other party's training. He was filled with anger and had nowhere to vent. He was very angry. After thinking about it carefully, he was indeed motivated just now, and his strength was indeed not enough. He was knocked unconscious by a punch and deserved a few curses. Thinking of this , Luo Zheng lost his temper and was depressed.

"Me." Lan Xue calmed down and responded.

"Identity code?" the other party said coldly.

"Where's yours?" Luo Zheng said dissatisfiedly, with a trace of vigilance flashing in his eyes.

"gr005." The other party noticed Luo Zheng's vigilance and said calmly without revealing anything.

Luo Zheng didn't know what this meant, but as the captain, Lan Xue was qualified to come into contact with these things. His face changed greatly, and he asked in surprise: "You are the shadow." Seeing the other party's noncommittal nod, he quickly said: "I am Don’t you know Lan Xue? No wonder, we haven’t seen each other for almost two years.”

"Well, it looks familiar. It's hard to be sure with your night vision goggles. Also, you can't identify someone on the battlefield just because of their resemblance. A piece of silicone human skin is very cheap. Take off your night vision goggles and report it." Your identity code." The other party said coldly, with a firm tone.

"gr131." Lan Xue said quickly, not minding the other party's coldness.

When the other party heard Luo Zheng's code, he completely relaxed. He inserted the long knife into his back, his expression softened a lot, and he whispered: "I am Shadow. You are making a lot of noise. The Japanese pirates sent three people here to get the poison." , I killed one of them to take over, and was sent to assassinate you as soon as I arrived at the base. Fortunately, one of you killed one of you, and I had the opportunity to sneak attack on the other one."

"He did it." Lan Xue pointed at Luo Zheng and said.

"Well, that shot still looks good." The man named Shadow glanced at Luo Zheng and continued: "I just arrived, what's going on now?"

Lan Xue simply explained the situation and gave all the credit to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng was seen clearly by the shadow. Lan Xue was a little dissatisfied, but did not show it.

Shadow took a deep look at Luo Zheng, and after thinking for a moment, he said: "Your plan is feasible, but the success rate is only 50%. It depends on your luck. To be on the safe side, I must rush back to the base as soon as possible to find an excuse to get the toxin." Leave first, lest they take the poison away to others, which will cause trouble."

"How long will it take? Don't you want to go back with us?" Lan Xue asked.

"One hour is enough." Shadow said firmly, turned around and left. After taking only two steps, he suddenly turned around and looked deeply at Luo Zheng. His sharp eyes seemed to pierce Luo Zheng's brain and see Luo Zheng clearly. Seeing Luo Zheng's thoughts made Luo Zheng very angry. He propped up his body and sat up. Shadow suddenly smiled and said, "You're a bit interesting. My partner Ye Laixiang was caught to cover me. I need to rush back to rescue you. Your tactical acumen Yes, I hope you will come as soon as possible to help me."

"I'm not up to speed, strength, or technique, so I'm afraid I can't help you." Luo Zheng said lightly.

"Boy, do you hold a grudge?" Shadow said with a disapproving smile: "I'm telling the truth. The main thing is killing the enemy on the battlefield. The means and process are not important. Don't forget that we are soldiers, not bullshit warriors. I like sneak attacks, so , my enemies call me Shadow, this is honor, do you understand?"

"Yes." Luo Zheng looked at Shadow with a stern expression.

"Your tactical thinking is stronger than your skill. I will contact Xiao Wuzi. As for the venom, I will destroy it halfway, don't worry." Shadow said a word, turned around and ran away, and a few rabbits started to fly away. Disappeared from sight, moving incredibly fast, like a ghost.

"Hiss?" Luo Zheng looked at the disappearing woods in horror, dumbfounded. This speed was too fast.

"Ghost, don't be discouraged. Shadow is the one in our base who has the best chance of becoming the strongest soldier. Even he wanted to sneak attack on the Japanese pirate just now. It shows how powerful the opponent is. It's not shameful to lose to someone who is afraid of Shadow." Lan Xue Looking at the leaving shadow, he quickly comforted him, fearing that Luo Zheng would be hit and unable to recover.

"I'm fine." Luo Zheng took a deep breath and responded: "He is telling the truth. Compared with theirs, there is indeed a big gap between my skills, but I will not be discouraged. Don't worry, the time is almost up. , go and meet everyone, the plan goes on as usual."

There is a shadow lurking inside the Japanese pirates. Everyone can give it a try. As for the shadow's loyalty to the country and whether he will hand it over to the Japanese pirates after getting the poison and leaving, Lan Xue has no doubt that there is no traitor in the national sword. There has never been one. Luo Zheng suddenly said: "Xiao Wuzi is the captain of our Wu Group, right?"

"Well, Shadow and the captain were soldiers at the same time. They were in a small team at that time. Shadow was the captain. My grandpa originally made him the captain. He couldn't stand the anger in the office and liked to be alone. He was the only one in the entire brigade who called him captain. Captain." Lan Xue explained.

"With him inside the enemy, our plan will be better. We didn't expect the enemy to come here a few days in advance to extract the toxin. It seems that they are scared by us. Let's not talk about this and let's go." Luo Zheng said softly, looking at When the mountain eagle came out of the woods, he pointed at the body on the ground and said, "Take that knife."

The mountain eagle walked a few steps quickly and picked up the Japanese knife on the ground. Luo Zheng continued: "These guys are not simple in identity. Take the knife and let me see. By the way, the Japanese pirate who was killed by me also had a knife."

The mountain eagle handed the knife to Luo Zheng and went to pick up another one. Luo Zheng took the knife and saw that it was exactly the same as his own, except that it lacked a bit of simplicity. He couldn't help but said: "It turns out to be a chrysanthemum ninja. No wonder he is so powerful." , it will not be a shame to lose to them." The Chrysanthemum Ninja is the strongest force of the Japanese country, comparable to the elite soldier king of the National Blade Special Warfare Brigade. Losing to an elite soldier king, Luo Zheng's psychological balance is much better.

After a while, the mountain eagle picked up the knife and handed it to Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng took a look at it and saw that it also had a chrysanthemum pattern, and said, "These two knives are good, you two can each take one."

The mountain eagle was not polite and put it away happily. Lan Xue thought about it and said, "Give this one to the ghost hand. Close combat is your men's business."

Luo Zheng could see that Lan Xue still liked this knife very much, but Lan Xue was the captain and needed to take care of the mood of the team members. Everyone had it. Guishou didn't. He didn't say it, but he was somewhat unhappy in his heart. Luo Zheng nodded, without saying anything else, and motioned to the mountain eagle to help pick up his backpack, and everyone walked back.

Back to the original place, there was no one in the woods, and the ground was full of logs. Luo Zheng knew that everyone was hiding, so he shouted in international language: "Hook, everyone come out."

"Swish, swish, swish!" Countless figures floated down from the trees, and everyone's previous conversation reached Gui Shou's ears through the headset. Gui Shou ran to Lan Xue excitedly, took the knife, and was overjoyed. He gratefully said to Lan Xue Xue said: "Captain, I promise you, if you ask me to kill dogs in the future, I will never chase away chickens."

"Stop talking so much, let's hurry up." Lan Xue scolded with a smile.

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