The strongest soldier

Chapter 461 Life and Death Confrontation

It was quiet in the woods, or because they were afraid of each other, no one acted rashly. Luo Zheng's eyes were slightly closed, and bursts of cold light burst out under the moonlight. His cold face was full of fighting spirit, and the palm of his hand holding the sniper rifle was filled with emotion. Leng Sweat, the opponent is a master, the slightest mistake can determine life or death, don't be careless.

"Rust." Luo Zheng suddenly heard the sound of footsteps. When he looked up, he saw that it was a mountain eagle, running like a cheetah, but it didn't avoid it. It was too dangerous to do so, and it was not the behavior of a sniper at the level of a king of soldiers. Luo Zheng knew that Shandiao wanted to expose himself to attract enemy firepower and give everyone a chance to attack.

A sniper knows a sniper best. Luo Zheng was touched and aggrieved by the mountain eagle's disregard for life and death. He glanced at Lan Xue's hidden position and saw that his shadow was missing. He was startled and quickly checked to see where there was Lan Xue. Thinking of Lan Xue's dexterous movement and superior sniping skills than his own, Luo Zheng didn't worry too much. Instead, he raised his ears and listened carefully to the surroundings, while making a gesture to the mountain eagle.

Seeing the gesture, the mountain eagle quickly changed its running route, rushed near Luo Zheng, hid behind a big tree, and lay on the ground. Then, under the cover of the tree roots exposed on the ground, it climbed up. It moved very carefully, and the whole person looked It was as if he was moving forward, his eyes as cold as ice, like a giant python approaching its prey, ready to strike a fatal blow at any time.

Luo Zheng did not move, waiting for the mountain eagle to get into position so as to form a pincer attack on the enemy. The surroundings were quiet, with only the sound of the wind blowing the leaves. When Luo Zheng touched the big bow on his body, he had an idea. It was easy to shoot. The position is exposed and you can't shoot. Take off your bow and arrow immediately and aim at a big tree not far away.

At this time, the mountain eagle had climbed behind another big tree and was ready to fight. He looked at Luo Zheng and saw that Luo Zheng had his bow and arrow ready, but he did not shoot. Instead, he looked over and nodded knowingly.

"Whoosh!" Luo Zheng shot an arrow, and a black light flashed, which was particularly strange in the night sky. The wooden arrow hit the big tree and made a "beep" sound, as if someone hit the big tree.

"Boom!" A sniper rifle suddenly sounded in the dense forest not far away. The bullet hit the place where the wooden arrow was shot, knocking the arrow down and forming a bullet hole in the tree. When Luo Zheng saw this scene, his expression changed greatly. Horrible shooting.

This shot startled Luo Zheng, but he was also caught by the mountain eagle who was waiting. Just as the mountain eagle was about to shoot, a shot was fired in advance from the dense forest not far away, and a sniper bullet was fired at the enemy. Whizzing away, in the sniper scope, the mountain eagle saw that the opponent was retreating quickly, and the bullet hit the tree, lifting up a large piece of bark.

"What a pity." The mountain eagle said to himself regretfully, thinking that Lan Xue had fired the shot just now. He glanced at the direction of the shot, but there was nothing. The mountain eagle concentrated on guarding and looked at Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng also discovered this scene and secretly thought it was a pity. He drew his bow and arrow again, aimed at the other side and shot. The wooden arrow hit the target and made a dull sound, but this time the enemy did not fire. It was quiet in the woods, and no one could see it. Without moving, Luo Zheng smelled the smell of blood in the woods, and his brain was stimulated and became clearer.

The bow and arrow had lost their effect. Luo Zheng put away the big bow, picked up the sniper rifle again, and pricked up his ears. He saw the mountain eagle coming over with a covering battle sign, and nodded knowingly. When the mountain eagle climbed to one side, Luo Zheng Zheng quickly aimed at the suspicious location and fired to attract the enemy's attention and provide cover for the mountain eagle.

"Whoops!" Another shot came, lifting up a large piece of bark. Luo Zheng looked at the fallen bark and suddenly had an idea. He looked up at the tree and found that the tree was split three meters high, which was an ideal sniper position. He quickly pulled out the tiger fangs, stood up, and put the sniper rifle behind him. , Huya stabbed the tree hard, used the force to jump, and climbed up with the big tree in his arms, his movements were clean and neat.

Soon, Luo Zheng stepped on the tiger-tooth saber and lay down on a three-meter-high tree branch. He placed his sniper rifle on the tree branch and slowly raised his head. He looked coldly ahead, condescending and with a wide field of vision. Soon, Luo Zheng found a sole of a foot exposed under a big tree. If he wasn't condescending, he wouldn't have noticed it at all. Before he was sure whether it was a trap, Luo Zheng didn't fire. He closed his eyes slightly and restrained his murderous aura, waiting for the opportunity.

In the woods, someone fired again. I didn't know who it was, but I could tell from the direction of the shooting that there were more than two enemies. I couldn't help but be surprised. I saw a gun barrel slowly sticking out from behind the big tree with the soles of my feet exposed. This was enough proof. It was a human being, not a shoe used to tempt people. He was immediately overjoyed and quickly aimed at the soles of his feet.

"Phew!" Luo Zheng quickly pulled the trigger, and the bullet whizzed away. With Luo Zheng's full expectation, it passed through the space barrier and quickly disappeared into the target. In the sniper scope, Luo Zheng found that the soles of his feet were retracted and disappeared from the ground. There was a pool of blood, and he didn't know how injured the opponent was, so he quickly dodged to avoid it.

"Whoops!" A sniper bullet hit a tree branch and penetrated into the trunk, forming a bullet hole. Green smoke curled up. Luo Zheng was startled and secretly rejoiced. If he had looked at it even more, he would have died. After playing for a while, his position has been exposed and he cannot continue to lurk. Luo Zheng jumped down, leaned his back against the big tree, pulled out the tiger teeth and put them away, looking around with cold eyes.

"Boom!" Three more gunshots were fired, and no one knew who hit whom. The woods became quiet again, with only the wind blowing and a few fallen leaves fluttering, as if elves were dancing in the moonlight.

Luo Zheng looked around through the sniper scope and found no target. He was troubled. The enemy not only shot fast, but also was very accurate. If he rushed out, he would die. If only he could run faster, he could rush out and attract enemies. Enemy firepower, at this moment, Luo Zheng secretly hated himself for not being strong enough.

"Boom!" There was another gunshot, and Luo Zheng was startled. He thought that Lan Xue and the mountain eagle were still fighting the enemy. He became more energetic. He took off his backpack and threw it to one side with all his strength. He rushed towards the other side. While running, Luo Zheng Zheng heard a gunshot and knew that his backpack must have been hit. He ducked and hid behind a big tree. He looked around for the target with a cold expression and a sharp gaze, holding the gun tightly in his hand.

Without the burden of the military bag, Luo Zheng moved much faster. Suddenly he saw a black shadow rolling on the ground and disappeared in a flash. The figure seemed familiar. He thought it was Lan Xue, and he was in the shape of horns, and he suddenly felt happy. Seeing a stone on the ground, he hooked his foot and moved his foot back. The stone rolled down to the sole of his foot. Luo Zheng gently kicked it towards the big tree not far away. The stone hit the tree and made a gentle impact sound.

"Phew!" A fire flashed out from behind a big tree. Luo Zheng noticed the fire keenly and was overjoyed. He was about to open fire, but found that Lan Xue had opened fire in advance.

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