The strongest soldier

Chapter 459 Ready

Hook's method was very simple. He asked someone to find a pile of dry firewood, light it and put it in the cave. The thick smoke from the dry firewood penetrated into the cave. Soon, a shout came from inside. Hook listened for a while, Immediately have people take out the dry firewood, pile it aside and continue to burn it, illuminating the surrounding area.

After waiting for a while, someone came out, carrying the unconscious hired militants. Luo Zheng couldn't help but smile. This battle was considered to have wiped out all the gang. Lan Xue came over and whispered: "This is considered a big deal." It's over, thanks to the counter-ambush plan you proposed, if we hadn't attacked from behind, this cave might have been captured and no one could escape."

"There is a traitor among the indigenous people. The traitor must have spread the information. Therefore, they really thought that we were going to sneak attack on the Japanese pirates' research base. It seems that they are the same ones who underestimated the enemy and were arrogant. They thought they could capture them easily with the weapons in their hands. Damn it." Hand whispered.

"Let's not talk about it for now. They ambushed the natives, so our attack time has to be postponed. Let's set it for early tomorrow morning. Prepare during the day, sneak over at night, and launch the attack in the early morning. What do you think?" Luo Zheng interrupted After hearing what everyone said, he suggested.

Everyone thought for a moment and nodded, saying yes. There are too many things that need to be prepared. In order to ensure success, we must be fully prepared. It is right to give more time. Seeing that everyone had no objection, Luo Zheng pulled the tiger aside and explained the situation. When Hook heard that he had so much time to prepare, he agreed.

The hired armed corpses were randomly dumped in the dense forest without anyone taking care of them. When Luo Zheng saw this scene, he couldn't help but ask: "Don't you restrain the corpses?"

"Corpse?" Hook was startled and looked at Luo Zheng with some surprise. He reacted and explained: "This is our custom here. In this forest, we eat wild beasts alive and feed them dead to give back to the great nation. Naturally, it can be considered as making some contribution to this forest. In your words, it means continuing the ecological balance. In our words, it means returning to the embrace of the God of Nature. This has been the case for thousands of years."

"Oh, pretend I didn't say that." Luo Zheng said awkwardly.

After Hook arranged for his people to be on guard outside, he signaled everyone else to enter the cave. Luo Zheng and others also went into the cave to rest. After working for most of the night, they were indeed tired.

There was no talk all night. Early the next morning, everyone came outside the cave after eating and drinking. They saw many people coming back with logs on their shoulders, and some people holding bamboo tubes. Hook explained that you are grease, and the logs are dry and easy to burn. Things are piled under the cliff.

At noon, more people came to support, and the manpower was greatly increased. Luo Zheng estimated that there were about 300 people. This number was not enough for one-third of the defense force of the Japanese pirate research base, and the equipment was poor, so it was difficult to capture it. There were some weapons, but they were not very good at using them. Luo Zheng thought about it and asked Hook to select some people for training.

There were more than a hundred guns and a lot of bullets. Hook had long wanted to teach everyone how to practice guns, but he was so busy that he couldn't think of it. When he heard that Luo Zheng was willing to teach, he was overjoyed and immediately selected fifty people. For a man who has accomplished meritorious deeds by killing the enemy, everyone has no objection to this arrangement.

Luo Zheng saw that Hook was very thorough in his work. He couldn't help but admire it, but he didn't say much. He took fifty people to one side to practice shooting. Five people taught fifty people, and each person taught ten people. It was not difficult. , and they only need to master basic shooting skills.

After half a day, everyone has a good look. They are all people who hunt in the mountains for a living. They are used to using bows and arrows and have good eyesight. Once they master the shooting skills, everyone has a 50% confidence in the big trees within 20 meters. Luo Zhengsong He breathed a sigh of relief. With the help of these fifty people, it was not necessary to kill the enemy, but fire suppression was also a big help.

Seeing that everyone was very enthusiastic about learning, Luo Zheng considered that the battlefield was ruthless and wanted to kill as few people as possible, so he taught everyone some precautions on the battlefield, such as how to covertly shoot, how to counter fire suppression, how to cross fire, etc. How many were there in the end? Luo Zheng didn't know whether the person left the battlefield alive, so he left everything to fate.

In the evening, Luo Zheng saw the pile of logs, there must be more than two hundred logs, and there was a lot of grease. He couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone went into the cave to rest. The natives hunted several wild boars, some pheasants, and underground trees. The fish in the river are used as food, and there is enough for everyone to eat.

Hook brought some of each roasted food to Luo Zheng and others to eat. They were all welcome and had enough to eat and drink. Hook told Luo Zheng that logs, grease, poisonous weeds and other materials were all ready and ready at any time. To take action, Luo Zheng looked at the time and said: "Everyone will take a rest for three hours before taking action. Find some trustworthy people to watch over you while you take action. Be careful if someone comes to report the news."

"How about we expose the traitor and let everyone supervise each other? What do you think?" Hook asked.

"Will it cause the army to lose morale?" Luo Zheng said worriedly.

Hook thought for a while and said seriously: "Probably not. We all have a blood feud with the Japanese pirates and are here for revenge. The traitor can only be a few individuals. It doesn't matter if we all supervise each other. It's dark and dense in the forest. Only a few people can keep an eye on them." We can’t keep an eye on them, we can only use our collective strength.”

"Okay." Luo Zheng was worried that everyone would lose morale after hearing the news. Seeing that Hook was serious about what he said, he thought it made sense, so he agreed. It was a major matter and it would be better if the morale of the army was slightly affected than if the news was revealed.

Hook agreed and hurriedly went to discuss with the leader. After a while, the news about the traitor spread in the cave. Everyone was yelling with an expression of indignation. Luo Zheng saw Hook move to a high platform and shout something, everyone's His mood gradually stabilized, Luo Zheng smiled and whispered to Lan Xue next to him: "This guy really has some organizational skills. I'm worried that everyone will be wary of each other after knowing about the traitor. Now it seems that I have thought too much."

"It's not overthinking, it's caution. However, I always feel that something is wrong with tonight's actions." Lan Xue whispered, with a look of worry on his face.

"What's wrong?" Luo Zheng asked. Soldiers have very keen intuition, and female soldiers are even more so. Luo Zheng didn't dare to ignore this intuition. He couldn't help but cheer up, pondered, and sorted out his plan. He found nothing unusual. He couldn't help but look at Lan Xue.

"Is it too quiet?" Lan Xue whispered. Seeing that Luo Zheng was a little confused, he explained: "The Japanese pirates are too quiet. There has been no movement in the past few days. This is unreasonable."

"It's a little quiet. How about I go investigate?" the mountain eagle whispered, his face serious.

"It's too difficult to investigate at night. You can't see clearly, so the investigation is of little significance." Luo Zheng pondered and felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure it out and frowned.

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