The strongest soldier

Chapter 457 Counterattack on the enemy

The reason for attacking the research base together is because we have a common enemy. If we fight with mercenary forces again, this matter will never end. Luo Zheng looked at Hook's sincere eyes and couldn't bear to refuse. After thinking about it, he was about to decline. Suddenly, a Helpers crowded in, and several of them were injured, all with gunshot wounds. Hook's face changed drastically, and he turned around and ran to ask. Luo Zheng also followed. Looking at the wounded man who frowned in pain and did not even moan, he was indeed a man. Tough guy.

It didn't take long for Hook to find out the news clearly. The people sent to pick up the stored oil and logs were all ambushed without exception and suffered heavy losses. Luo Zheng was startled, and suddenly realized that something had happened, and looked at him coldly. Hook said seriously: "You have spies inside? They betrayed the information to mercenaries."

"What?" Hu Ke's face changed greatly and he looked at Luo Zheng blankly. He didn't react for a moment. Luo Zheng reminded him again. When Hu Ke realized what he was doing, he went to find a solution with a livid face and went to the tribe leaders to negotiate a solution. Luo Zheng pulled us, and Hu Ke said with a cold face: "You were right, there must be spies. Otherwise, how would the mercenary armed forces know our route of action? How could we be ambushed?"

"The spy is unknown. You will only alert the snake with such recklessness. Let me think about it." Luo Zheng's eyes narrowed and he began to think deeply. He hired armed forces to sneak attack the people who went to get things. This seriously affected his plan to attack the research base. It seems that , these mercenary armed forces must be dealt with, otherwise it will be difficult to implement their own plans.

"Have you thought of a solution?" Hook said anxiously.

"Well, if I guessed correctly, this place has been exposed. The reason why the mercenary armed forces did not attack directly is because they wanted to ambush the people on our periphery first. They will come here soon. You can immediately choose someone you can trust to follow me. , tell the outside world to investigate the Japanese pirate base." Luo Zheng warned seriously.

Hook agreed without hesitation and hurried away. Lan Xue came over and whispered: "This is a good excuse to investigate the Japanese pirate base. Once the spy spreads the news, the mercenary armed forces will definitely notify the Japanese pirate base, and the base's troops will not There will be chaos, we just need to face the mercenary armed forces alone."

"Well, I was negligent. I didn't expect another traitor." Luo Zheng said distressedly.

"No one is perfect. You are much more mature than when we first met. Are you planning to lurk nearby and counterattack from behind once the mercenary armed forces attack?" Lan Xue said seriously, seeing Luo Zheng nodding, He continued to warn: "The plan is feasible, but it requires the cooperation of the people in the cave. Once attacked, they must fight back in an organized manner and cannot be chaotic."

Luo Zheng nodded in agreement. When he saw Hook coming over, he explained Lan Xue's proposal. Hook thought for a moment and said, "It's simple. I'll tell Wu Shu that as long as he's here, the team won't be in chaos." As he said, Went in a hurry.

"Everyone is ready to go." Luo Zheng glanced at Guishou and the others.

Everyone got ready and brought all the supplies. Just as Hook came over, a group of people walked outside. When they came outside the cave, the moonlight was like a disk, illuminating the earth. The visibility was about ten meters, and various insects were chirping happily in the woods. , occasionally a few birds and animals chirped, adding a bit of vitality to this peaceful forest.

The people Hook brought out were about fifty or so, all holding bows and arrows with stern expressions. Luo Zheng looked at the terrain. If the enemy attacked, they would definitely pass through the woods on the cliff. The woods were not big, but they were good for concealment. However, Luo Zheng had no choice. The hired soldiers were also people living in this primitive jungle. They were naturally familiar with jungle warfare and would definitely send people to investigate, but they would be passive when the time came.

Everyone walked forward along the woods. After ten minutes, they stopped in a dense forest about 500 meters away from the cliff. Luo Zheng asked everyone to climb up the tree and hide in the canopy. The canopy was dense and difficult for Tibetans to find. , coupled with the darkness, the concealment is higher.

On the crown of a big tree, Luo Zheng glanced at the blue snow lurking on the branch opposite. His heart ached for no reason, and he said lovingly: "I have made you suffer these days." After being out for so long, he couldn't eat well or have a good meal. Sleeping, not being able to take a good bath, and having to be with a bunch of men is really hard for a girl.

There was no one around. After Lan Xue signaled to turn off the headset, she smiled brightly and revealed her true face. Under the moonlight, she looked like a graceful fairy. She was elegant and beautiful. She gave Luo Zheng a roll of her eyes. She was even more charming, and Luo Zheng was attracted by it. He couldn't help but be fascinated, and was about to say some thoughtful words, when suddenly, a burst of intensive gunshots came.

Luo Zheng quickly turned on the headset, his cold eyes were like torches, and he looked coldly in the direction of the cliff. He could faintly see some firepower roaring, and the direction of strafing was the cliff. His face turned cold, and he said coldly: "As expected, we are here, prepare to fight. , put on the night vision goggles, everyone, be careful." As he said that, he slid down the big tree.

Hook also jumped down from the big tree and ran to Luo Zheng. He said anxiously: "As expected, these bastards are here. How are we going to fight them? Can I give you an order?"

"Your advantage is bows and arrows. Go up quietly and fire cold arrows. Don't get close. Eliminate the enemy on the move. My people are behind with firepower. We have night vision goggles and can see the enemy's position. We are worried that they have grenades and the explosion will hurt them. Eyes, you have been trained and should understand this." Luo Zheng said quickly.

"Understood, this is our war, don't worry, we are in front, and we are not afraid of them in this forest." Hook said understandingly, with murderous intent, he made several cuckoo calls, and many people slid down from the tree canopy. , these people gathered with livid faces, Hook said a few words quickly, and everyone immediately dispersed and rushed towards the direction of the gunfire, very fast.

"These guys' eyes must be different from those of us ordinary people. Their night vision is very strong, comparable to that of wolves. Let's not talk about it for now. Let's go." Luo Zheng calmly looked at Hook and others who were leaving and said softly.

Everyone agreed, dispersed, and chased after him. It was not far away for about 500 meters, and they arrived not long after. The enemy was hidden in the dense forest next to the cliff. He didn't know how many enemies there were. Luo Zheng saw Hook and his men. He sneaked up on them, hid behind the trees and fired cold arrows, and quickly killed several enemies.

The bows and arrows of Hook and others have been replaced with that kind of deadly venom, which seals the throat at the sight of blood. It is very powerful and can kill people silently. Luo Zheng pulled out the silent pistol and whispered through the headset: "Brothers, use the silent pistol , be careful of enemy grenades, kill!" He said and rushed forward, raised his hand and fired a shot, killing an enemy who turned around to observe.

Hook was about to shoot the enemy when he saw that the enemy suddenly died. He couldn't help but look back and found that it was Luo Zheng. He nodded gratefully and looked forward again. His resolute face and a pair of cold eyes were filled with coldness, as if The hungry wolf who was looking for food saw the prey, ran up quickly, drew his bow and arrow, and shot towards the target.

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