The strongest soldier

Chapter 453 Moving Stronghold

"Surviving in the forest, we have seen a lot of life, death and suffering. We all take death very lightly. Death, in our view, is liberation. However, we all killed a lot of people in the retreat. We are very grateful to you. How many The famous leaders discussed it and prepared to contact more people. Many people here died tragically in the repair base and formed a life-and-death feud. If anyone takes the lead, they will come to help. What do you think?" Hook said with a serious look.

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed. After seeing the fighting power of these people, Luo Zheng felt that it would be good to have more people. This was originally their war. He was helping them and helping others while completing the task, killing two birds with one stone. , why not?

Hook ran away. Soon, Luo Zheng saw about ten people running away and disappearing into the dense forest. They probably went to find helpers. There should be many indigenous people living in this primitive forest. The underground fortifications of the Japanese pirate research base are not simple. It requires a lot of people to build it. If these people are gone and never come back, how many people will die? If everyone unites, maybe they can really destroy the base and complete the mission, but I don't know if it's too late?

After dark, everyone carried torches and continued on their way. It was about to rain. Luo Zheng was not distressed, but was relieved. The rain would wash away the traces of everyone's walk, making it less likely to be discovered by the enemy. As for thunderstorms, he had experienced After a while, Luo Zheng no longer cared. With the right tactics, he could still kill the enemy.

About two hours later, everyone came to the bottom of a cliff. Hook ran over and said that the entrance to the cave was on the cliff. There was a gentle slope under the cliff. There were lush shrubs growing on the gentle slope. Everyone walked over and followed the gentle slope to the cliff. This time I found that the top of the cliff was relatively gentle, enough for several people to walk parallel to each other.

The entrance to the cave is a naturally formed stone crevice, which is enough for two people to go in together. The entrance is full of bird and animal excrement. Everyone goes in with torches. The passage is dry, the walls of the cave are made of hard stones, and the wind is flowing. This makes Luo Zheng completely Relax, if there is wind, there will be air. It is a living cave, not a dead cave. Everyone will be safe inside.

As the passage went down, a fork appeared unknowingly, and no one knew which way to go. Luo Zheng came forward, listened for a while, and felt the sound of dripping water on the left, and the wind was strong, so he asked everyone to go to the left. After walking for more than ten minutes, a huge cave appeared in front, with stalactites standing upside down, stalagmites on the ground, and an underground river passing through the cave.

Luo Zheng observed it and found that the cave was more than ten meters high and as wide as a basketball court, enough to accommodate everyone. He didn't know how deep he went inside, so he let everyone rest here, burned several bonfires, and arranged for people to go out to watch and hunt. , collecting firewood, someone discovered that there were fish in the underground river, so he sharpened a tree stick to prick it.

"Let's find a place to rest." Lan Xue whispered.

Everyone walked further in and saw an open platform behind a huge boulder. Luo Zheng motioned for everyone to rest on the spot. Hook came over with a lot of dry firewood to help light the fire. Everyone rested, and Luo Zheng watched from time to time. The unbridled laughter of the natives in Zhongyu made me sigh with emotion. These natives living in a harsh environment fight against the sky and the earth every day. Instead of being pessimistic, they have developed an optimistic character, which is admirable.

Next to him, Snow Leopard was admiring the Japanese sword, with a satisfied look on his face, and said dissatisfiedly: "What are you getting? If I get it next time, it will be mine, and no one is allowed to fight."

"I promise not to fight." Snow Leopard said with a proud smile, glanced at the mountain eagle, his eyes fell on Luo Zheng's knife, and asked: "Brother Ghost, I remember that your knife was named Longya, right? ?”

"Yeah." Luo Zheng said noncommittally.

"The sword is a good sword. We have to admire these Japanese pirates for inheriting the skills of our ancestors. However, after all, they are captured trophies. They are Japanese swords. They need to be renamed. Yours is called Dragon Ya. I They are also called Dragon Ya. Let’s just call them Dragon Ya in the future. Haven’t our team always had no name? Let’s just call it Dragon Ya Team, Captain, okay?” Snow Leopard said with a smile.

Everyone's eyes lit up and they all looked at captain Lan Xue. Each team has a formal number and will also have an external title. This title is not necessarily a number, but represents the team. Lan Xue thought for a moment, looked at Luo Zheng and said : "The numbers were given by the enemy, how could you name yourself?"

"It doesn't count as naming yourself, right? It's a coincidence." Snow Leopard took up the topic and said: "Look, Brother Ghost captured a handful of trophies and named them Longya. The trophies belong to the enemy, and the name Longya also came from the enemy. So, it’s okay to use it as the name of our team, right?” He said and looked at Luo Zheng.

"Don't look at me." Luo Zheng said calmly, and took out the dragon tooth. The simple blade and simple patterns revealed a strong sense of history. He thought that the sword must be old, so he pulled out some, and the dark black blade It exuded a chill, and there was a heart-stopping murderous aura on the sharp blade.

After the dragon's tooth was sheathed, Luo Zheng thought for a moment and then said: "We ended in failure in the first round of fighting with the Japanese pirates, but it is not without gain. What should we do after we have formed a knot? Let's discuss it."

"As soon as their helpers arrive, we will lure the snake out of the cave, ambush them halfway, and eliminate the enemy's strength one by one. When the time is right, we will rush in, destroy the base, complete the mission and leave." Snow Leopard said with a smile, his carefree character, Everyone was speechless. How could fighting be so simple?

Luo Zheng knew the character of Snow Leopard, so he didn't say anything. He looked at the mountain eagle, who didn't like to talk, and was thinking deeply. Luo Zheng then looked at Ghost Hand, who was extremely alert, and found that Ghost Hand was also thinking, so he closed his eyes and thought. After getting up, Lan Xue suddenly said: "Siege is an idea, but the effect is slow. It is not a last resort. If we don't take this strategy, the attack is too dangerous. I don't know how many enemies have been poisoned this time?"

"Poisoned?" Luo Zheng was startled, his eyes widened, and he said: "These indigenous people are very good at collecting venom. Is it possible that their domestic water is polluted?"

"It's hard to say. The Japanese pirates should take strict precautions against this kind of thing. Moreover, the people who repaired the fortifications have not returned together. No one knows what the situation is like underground. If you attack rashly, you will die." Lan Xue said in a low voice and took a look. The expressions of everyone who was cooking food over the fire softened. In any case, there was no need to worry about logistics.

"With so many people living together, how will domestic sewage be discharged? I guess the Japanese researchers are underground, and their domestic water and sewage must be discharged. Are there sewer pipes that we don't know about? If we find the sewer pipes, maybe It can penetrate." Luo Zheng's face darkened and he analyzed seriously.

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