The strongest soldier

Chapter 432 Discovering the tribe

"Quickly retreat!"

The angry Luo Zheng was about to beat the enemy's arrogance when he heard Lan Xue's order to retreat. He turned around and ran away without hesitation. After everyone gathered together, under the guidance of Lan Xue, they quickly passed through the trap area and rushed to the top of the mountain. , Luo Zheng looked up and saw that the top of the mountain was connected to another mountain peak. You could go there by following the mountain ridge. It was surrounded by dense trees. He couldn't help but feel happy and said: "Quick, rush over."

Everyone rushed down a short slope and ran forward along the mountain ridge, like cheetahs looking for food in the dark night. They ran for more than a hundred meters in one breath. Suddenly there was an explosion behind them. Everyone stopped and looked back, only to see the fire in the forest just now. , explosions continued one after another, mixed with screams.

"Haha, let you chase." Snow Leopard shouted excitedly.

Everyone laughed excitedly, and the anger of being chased and beaten by the enemy was wiped away. However, when they thought that there were too many enemies, it was inappropriate to leave them behind. They continued running. With the night vision goggles, black shadows were not a problem, and the journey was fine. Safety, this time, everyone ran for more than an hour before finding a place to stop and rest.

"The enemy will definitely come after me. Everyone, take the time to rest and check the ammunition." Lan Xue whispered, leaning next to Luo Zheng, taking out the empty magazine, taking out the ammunition bag from the backpack, taking out the bullet and pressing it in Magazine, with a serious look on his face, his pretty brows furrowed, and he didn’t know what he was worried about.

Everyone checked their firearms and loaded bullets, and Luo Zheng was no exception. The sound of clicking bullets was heard in the woods. No one spoke. A suppressed emotion spread. After finally arriving at the enemy base, he could not even breathe. We had no time to breathe, but were chased all over the mountain by the enemy. This was really frustrating and made everyone feel angry.

Ten minutes later, Luo Zheng filled the empty magazine with bullets, maintained the gun, glanced at everyone, and said: "Brothers, let's continue on our way. I'm afraid the enemy won't give up and will catch up here soon. Come on, with ninjas here, we can't hide our whereabouts, we can only stay away from the limelight for the time being."

Everyone was understanding and did not object. They stood up one after another. Luo Zheng took the lead and walked in front. For soldiers, retreating is shameful, but attacking blindly is stupid. Only by living can you complete the mission. If you die, It's nothing, just adding some fertilizer to this forest, nothing more.

This retreat lasted another hour, but there was still no pursuer behind him. Luo Zheng became surprised and wondered, had the enemy given up the pursuit? For safety reasons, everyone walked forward for about half an hour. Standing on the ridge, Luo Zheng found some simple houses in the valley ahead. He was surprised and quickly raised his scope to observe.

Everyone also saw this scene. The low herringbone house was built with sticks, hay and mud. It was dark inside and no one could be seen. There were many rooms. Outside was a small river with blue snow. He said in surprise: "Is it a tribe living in the primitive forest?"

"It's not impossible. According to the data, there are nearly a hundred known tribes in this forest. It is said that there are many unknown tribes. Do you want to go there?" Guishou suggested.

"No, we don't know the situation, we don't know the customs, and we don't understand the language. There's no point in going up. Let's just ambush outside and see what happens." Luo Zheng suggested.

When everyone heard the truth, they descended the mountain ridge and stopped to rest in the dense forest about one kilometer outside the tribe. They replenished water and food, and took turns keeping watch. No pursuers came up. Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, sat cross-legged, and practiced the breathing method passed down from his family. Get some rest.

Unconsciously, the sky got brighter. Everyone woke up and replenished their food and water. They saw smoke coming from the tribes in the valley in the distance. Many shirtless people, striding and wrapped in a piece of cloth, came out of the room and went to the river. Children were fetching water and children were running around naked. Everyone saw this scene through a sniper scope and couldn't laugh or cry.

Lan Xue was a girl after all. She looked embarrassed and said angrily: "Okay, pack up and get ready to leave." After saying that, he spread out the map, found his location through GPS positioning, and searched for the route to the base. The mission was not completed. It’s done, we can’t just go back like this.

Soon, everyone packed up, camouflaged the traces on the ground, and were about to leave. Suddenly they saw birds flying on the mountain ridge. Luo Zheng was shocked. He quickly raised his sniper rifle and looked through the sniper scope. He found that there were birds flying on the mountain ridge. There were people, and more than one of them, whose expressions darkened, guessing that the pursuers were coming.

"The ghost is still here." The ghost hand pulled the gun bolt and said angrily.

"Everyone, don't be impatient. Disperse and take a look at the situation before making a decision." Lan Xue said.

Everyone quickly dispersed, each found a bunker to hide, and waited patiently. After a while, everyone found that the pursuers did not come directly, but walked towards the tribe in the valley. They couldn't help but be confused and continued to wait. When they saw nearly a hundred The armed men went straight to the tribe. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, gathered together, and prepared to leave.

"Bang!" A gunshot sounded. Everyone was startled and quickly observed. Unfortunately, there were too many trees to see clearly. Luo Zheng looked around, quickly selected a big tree, climbed up quickly, and hid in the canopy. Observing with a sniper scope, we soon discovered that after entering the tribe, they beat up the tribesmen and burned and looted supplies.

"Don't dare to be a thief. The three-guang policy applies everywhere, these beasts." Luo Zheng cursed angrily to himself. He was about to go down to join everyone when he suddenly found a group of people being driven together in the sniper scope, one person holding a gun to the other. A child's head didn't know what it was saying, and the tribesmen were shouting something in panic.

"Are they inquiring about our whereabouts?" Luo Zheng thought secretly, and quickly slid down the big tree. When he saw Lan Xue and others coming, his eyes were filled with questions, and he briefly explained his findings to everyone, and finally said bitterly Said: "These inhuman beasts, when we get the chance, we must kill them all."

"Yes, but we can't do it now. The mission is too important. You can't lose a big thing for a small amount. Let's retreat first? Time is limited. While these people are here, let's go up in a roundabout way and destroy the enemy base. The right way is." Guishou suggested, For soldiers, there are only enemies and their own people. Although tribal residents are not considered enemies, they are not considered their own people. They have no responsibility or obligation to protect them. The most important thing is to complete the mission.

"Bang!" There was another gunshot, and everyone thought that it was someone who was killing people. Although they sympathized, they knew in their hearts that they could never save people, as it would delay the mission. In the face of the mission, everything must be put aside. Just as they were preparing to take action, Luo Zheng His firm eyes widened, his brows raised, and he suddenly said: "No, I have an idea, let's discuss it."

"Oh? What do you think?" Everyone looked at Luo Zheng, full of expectations, hoping that Luo Zheng would once again propose the tactics of Operation Tianma and lead everyone to complete the mission.

ps: Five updates a day, and I never make a mistake. Can I give you a monthly pass? It’s okay if you don’t give Zhang a recommendation vote to encourage me, thank you.

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