The strongest soldier

Chapter 424 Thrilling Python

Guishou and others also noticed Luo Zheng's weirdness, and couldn't help but become curious. They looked at the direction in which the jaguar was going, and finally their eyes fell on Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng pondered for a moment and explained: "I didn't make a move just now. Then The jaguar also thought of this, so he retreated and barked twice after leaving. Did you all hear it?"

"I heard it, what do you say?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

"That's his gratitude to me." Luo Zheng said with a smile.

"Tch, it's so mysterious, who is it?" Gui Shou said with a disbelieving smile.

"How are you sure?" Lan Xue asked.

"Intuition, the hunter's intuition, forget it if you don't believe it." Luo Zheng said nonchalantly, taking off the night vision goggles. The battle just now was thanks to the night vision goggles, otherwise it would be impossible to see clearly the attack of the jaguar in the dark forest. Luo Zheng looked Looking at the dark woods, the moonlight was blocked by the dense canopy of trees, and the stars were hanging high. Tomorrow will be a sunny day. I couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and said: "This forest is very dangerous. I suggest you rest where you are and start your journey tomorrow."

"That's fine." Lan Xue agreed, and everyone spread out to look for a place to stay. They soon found a raised boulder on a mountainside. The top of the boulder was fairly flat, and the surrounding area was full of wild beast excrement. Luo Zheng thought to himself. This may be the territory of the jaguar. The territory of the beast is the most suitable for camping. Everyone settles down.

No one was sleepy. Everyone sat quietly on the boulder platform to rest and regain their strength. Luo Zheng looked up at the sky. There were no big trees blocking the sky. The moonlight was as clear as water. The sea breeze blew slowly, carrying a fishy smell, which was not good. Smell, unknown insects chirping happily, which makes people upset and makes it difficult to calm down.

"I didn't expect to encounter a jaguar just after I came in. This forest is not simple. It seems that you have to be extra careful." Lan Xue said worriedly, looking at the others who had their eyes closed to relax, her face became heavy, and she continued: "Do you have any ideas about the mission?"

"I haven't seen the base. It's a bit unrealistic to talk about any ideas at the moment. Let's take a look first. Don't worry, there will always be a way." Luo Zheng said in a low voice. He looked at his watch and saw that it was already past three in the morning. Said: "I'll sleep for two hours, please pay attention and call me when the time comes."

Lan Xue agreed and let everyone else sleep for a while while he stood guard. The primeval jungle was not safe late at night. Sudden enemies and passing beasts could kill people. Changes in the weather could also cause colds, and the flowing wind could also bring colds. Come with poison gas, etc. You must not be careless.

Two hours later, everything was fine. Before Lan Xue woke up, Luo Zheng's inner biological clock reminded him on time. It was already five o'clock when he woke up. There was a light in the sky, and it would be dawn soon. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless and checked. I used my weapon to signal Lan Xue to sleep for a while, but Lan Xue was naturally not polite.

Not long after, the mountain eagle also woke up and went into the woods to get something to eat. Luo Zheng did not stop him and continued to watch. He saw Ghost Hand and Snow Leopard also waking up one after another, looking for dry firewood and preparing to make a fire. Waiting for the mountain eagle to carry two When Fat Rabbit came over, the bonfire had already been lit. At this time, the sky was bright, so there was no need to worry too much about being discovered when lighting the fire. The dense forest was filled with water mist, and the smoke released by the bonfire was not easy to distinguish.

Half an hour later, everyone had eaten and drank enough and continued on their way. Along the way, they found several wild fruit trees. Birds were pecking at the trees. They were obviously not poisonous. Everyone climbed up and picked some with confidence. This is the best vitamin. By the way, After walking forward along the mountain ridge for a while, I suddenly discovered that two wild wolves appeared in front of me.

The problem of wild wolves is not big and can be solved by everyone, but these beasts hold grudges and live in groups. If you kill these two, more wild wolves will definitely appear. It is best not to conflict with wild wolves in the primeval forest. If you can avoid Otherwise, everyone quickly reaches a consensus.

"Ouch!" Suddenly a roar rang out. Everyone's expressions froze and they climbed the tree faster. Luo Zheng climbed onto the branch of a big tree and suddenly saw a jaguar emerging from the dense forest. He couldn't help but feel shocked. Surprised, he took a closer look and saw that it was the one he had fought with.

"Huh?" Others also saw the jaguar and were surprised.

At this time, something even weirder happened. After the two wild wolves saw the jaguar, they immediately roared, turned around and ran away, and soon disappeared. The jaguar walked up in a swaggering manner, and was about ten years away from Luo Zheng. He stopped where he was, looked at Luo Zheng coldly, and suddenly turned around and ran away.

"Ghost, you were right. It's amazing. With this big guy covering us, wouldn't we be invincible in this primitive forest?" Guishou shouted in surprise.

"No, this is a favor returned to me. Once the favor is over, it will leave." Luo Zheng said with some regret. Then he thought, this is good, at least he doesn't have to be worried about by the wild wolf.

"Ah?" Guishou also looked regretful.

"Let's go." Lan Xue looked solemn, jumped down from the tree, and told everyone to continue on their way.

Two hours later, everyone unknowingly descended the ridge and followed the ridge to a valley. The way was blocked by a river. The river was not fast. The widest part of the river was about ten meters and the narrowest was only five meters. Everyone came to the narrow valley. At the other side, Luo Zheng observed the other side. The ground was solid, and he said, "Let's throw the equipment over first, and then cut a longer tree trunk to jump over."

"Okay." Lan Xue agreed, and everyone made packages one after another. After Luo Zheng put down his equipment, he carried Long Ya back to the woods, preparing to cut down a longer tree to make a pole, when he suddenly heard a whisper from a bush in the forest. Hearing the rustling sound, he couldn't help but be startled. He quickly held his knife on guard and shouted: "If there is a situation, be careful."

Before everyone could arrive, Luo Zheng was shocked to find a giant python crawling over. It was more than ten meters long and as thick as a person's arms. His eyes narrowed and he quickly shouted: "It's a giant python. Don't come here. Prepare for firepower."

Everyone was rushing up. When they heard the shouting, they all paused and aimed their guns. Soon they also found the giant python. Their expressions changed drastically. It was the first time for everyone to see such a big python. They all became nervous. Lan Xue saw the python. He slowed down and swam towards Luo Zheng, exclaiming: "Quick, back up."

"You can't retreat. The giant python is fast. To retreat is to seek death. Don't be impatient." Luo Zheng has been hunting since he was a child and naturally understands the temperament of the giant python. The more he runs, the more he chases. People can't outrun the giant python at all. The best way is to confront and let the giant python escape. The python cannot see through and does not dare to attack easily before looking for opportunities to fight back.

"This thing is too big, use a gun." Guishou quickly suggested, his face as serious as iron, and he was serious. The muzzle of the gun was firmly locked on the seven-inch position of the giant python. Guishou didn't know whether the bullet could cause damage.

"Don't worry, it may not attack. Don't anger it easily. Bullets cannot kill the giant python at once. The injured giant python is more ferocious, so be careful." Luo Zheng reminded quickly, holding the dragon's tooth in his palm. It was a cold sweat. No one could remain calm in the face of such a huge python.

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