The strongest soldier

Chapter 422 Fire attack drives away scorpions

Scorpions were scurrying up and down among the rotten leaves on the ground. Several scorpions seemed to realize that there was someone there and climbed up instead of hiding. Everyone was startled. Luo Zheng found that these scorpions had several colors on them and looked very beautiful. , the more beautiful the creatures in the virgin forest, the more poisonous they are, not to mention the scorpions. They didn't dare to be careless and looked at Lan Xue. Lan Xue's scalp felt numb when she saw so many poisonous scorpions. She quickly made a decision and shouted: "Go around."

"Don't be in a hurry, retreat first." Luo Zheng suddenly whispered. On his calm face, a pair of black and white eyes shone with the light of wisdom. He calmly stared at the poisonous scorpion trying to get closer without a trace of worry. When everyone retreated, A few meters later, I saw several poisonous scorpions trying to come up, turning back and retreating.

"What's wrong?" Lan Xue asked everyone's doubts. Facing a large area of ​​​​scorpions, what else can we do besides going around? Ordinary scorpions are just a scorpion that everyone rushes over and is not afraid at all, but the scorpions here look very weird, with bright colors, and more than one color. More importantly, they are numerous, large, and have active attack awareness. The few scorpions trying to attack This was enough to illustrate this point, and everyone looked at Luo Zheng curiously.

"Ghost, is there any way?" Ghost Hand asked, looking at Luo Zheng with a hint of expectation.

"Look at both sides, there are mountain peaks. Detouring will increase the distance. Moreover, in this unfamiliar virgin forest, who can guarantee that detouring will not encounter other dangers? Will we still detour then?" Luo Zheng looked at everyone, his deep eyes gleaming, but there was a hint of worry on his face.

"It makes sense. Do you have a way to get there?" Lan Xue looked at both sides. The peaks were bulging, winding and dense, and the way around them might not be safe, so she couldn't help but ask.

"There is no way." Luo Zheng said simply. Seeing everyone looking ahead and looking at both sides solemnly, he continued: "There are too many unknown things in the detour, so it may not be suitable. It is definitely not possible to break through forcefully. I suggest Attack with fire and burn a way out."

"Fire attacks are possible, but they may be exposed." Mountain Eagle reminded worriedly.

"It's midnight now. It's dark all around and you can't see anything. There are dense trees here. As long as the fire is controlled properly, it's not easy to detect the fire even with satellite monitoring. Besides, we will be exposed sooner or later here. Early exposure is a good thing. ." Luo Zheng analyzed.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Luo Zheng in surprise. Of course it was better to carry out the task quietly. Why is exposure a good thing? Everyone couldn't react for a while.

Luo Zheng knew what everyone was thinking and explained: "Do you think that once exposed, the enemy will send troops to check it out? Then we will set up an ambush or capture a few people alive. Maybe we can ask for some targeted information. Formulate a follow-up action plan. If we sneak into the base, we can certainly catch the enemy off guard, but since the enemy’s situation is unknown, we may be caught off guard.”

"There is some truth. Risks and opportunities coexist. When you set foot in the jungle, there is no absolute safety or absolute things. Everything is changing. It's better to look at the present first. If you really want to attract some enemies, it may not be a bad thing. Besides, black paint Painted, it may not be exposed, just take action." Lan Xue said coldly, confirming the action plan.

The natural enemies of scorpions include geckos, rats, ants, etc., which will eat scorpions. It is impossible for Luo Zheng to find these things to break the situation. There is a reason why he proposed fire prevention. Scorpions breathe with the book lungs under their abdomen. If they are stained with water, they will become blocked and cause Death. Excessive humidity and poor ventilation can also cause the joints of scorpions to turn black and cause necrosis. Severe necrosis can lead to death. There is no water here, but fire prevention can be used. Use smoke to affect the breathing of scorpions. Add the temperature of the fire, and it should be possible to drive away scorpions. Zheng looked around and immediately took out a lighter.

The lighter is specially made by the equipment brigade. It uses compressed fuel and releases a blue flame. The temperature is enough to melt the iron wire and is not affected by wind and rain. It is not a problem to use it to light a fire. Setting a fire is not difficult for everyone. One person quickly lit three small fires, and the fire spread forward under the guidance of everyone using flammable materials.

The dead leaves on the ground were already dry, so the fire was not big, but it continued to spread. After a while, everyone saw the scorpions rushing forward in a panic, and they couldn't help but laugh. While getting flammable materials to fuel the fire, some ran away. The slow-moving scorpions were burned by the fire and gave off a foul smell. Everyone was worried about what might happen, so they took out gas masks and put them on.

In about half an hour, all the dead leaves around were burned away, green smoke kept rising from the ground, and the scorpions were driven away and disappeared without a trace. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and quickly passed through the area.

After passing through the dense forest of the valley, a mountain peak appeared in front of us. The peak was towering and the trees were towering, blocking the way. The valley was a dead valley, and we could only climb over the mountains. We all gathered together a few words, and without hesitation, we dived into the woods, covered by the dense leaves. The sky blocked out the sun, the ground was a little slippery, the temperature was obviously a few degrees lower, and everyone felt a bit cooler.

While walking, the chirping of birds and animals could be heard from time to time, adding a bit of vitality to the forest. The sunlight penetrated through the gaps between the leaves and fell on the ground, speckled. Occasionally, a few dead leaves slowly fell down, quiet and peaceful. Luo Zheng looked around calmly, but felt uneasy and unreasonable thoughts in his heart.

After walking for a while, Luo Zheng found the footprints of a large beast passing by on the ground. He couldn't help but squat down and check. It looked like a wolf. It was difficult to identify. There was a voice in front of him. It was Luo Zheng's turn to open the way. Opening the way is a laborious and laborious task. Regarding energy matters, everyone takes turns to ensure their mental state.

"Here we come." Luo Zheng agreed, trotted forward, and took the dragon tooth handed over by Snow Leopard. The dragon tooth blade was long and could be used as a machete. Luo Zheng contributed it and used it according to whoever opened the way. He glanced at the front , then I realized that everyone had climbed to the top of the mountain without knowing it. There was a stretching mountain ridge in front of them. It was much safer to walk along the mountain ridge.

The team continued to march. After more than ten minutes, Luo Zheng suddenly heard some noise in front of him. He couldn't help being startled. He quickly raised his arms above his head, squatted down, and searched around vigilantly. His face became solemn. The team stopped, and Lan Xue was there. The person in the middle asked: "What's going on?"

"I don't know, there seems to be a sound." Luo Zheng whispered through the headset. He searched around with sharp eyes and found nothing unusual. He couldn't help but become suspicious and did not move. He waited patiently. In the jungle, no details can be handled carelessly. Otherwise, everyone’s lives will be lost.

"Shoo!" Luo Zheng's perked ears keenly noticed that the sound sounded again. This time he heard it clearly, and he was startled. He aimed his gun in the direction of the sound. In the scope, a beast jumped from a tree. He came down, flicking his tail casually, and looked over coldly, his eyes full of fierceness.

ps: Can I ask for a recommendation vote?

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