The strongest soldier

Chapter 410 Killing in the Rain

"One step, two steps, three steps┅┅" Luo Zheng pricked up his ears and listened to the movement around him, filtering out the sound of rain and wind. He silently counted the killer's steps in his mind, judging the distance between the killer and himself, so as to know the best shot. When the time came, the war came, and Luo Zheng felt his heart calm down.

Hidden on the broken wall of the earth slope, Wu Jin opened his eyes slightly, kept his divine light introverted, held his breath, remained as still as a mountain, listened to all directions, and looked at the killer who was only one meter away, and the other people walking over, who were no closer than Luo Zheng. Three or four meters away, Luo Zheng lurked very well and did not mess up his sense of proportion in his rush to save people. This psychological quality is admirable. At this moment, Wu Jin had a higher understanding of Luo Zheng's strength and admired it endlessly.

On the slope, the water flowed down. The killers stepped on the slope water and splashed. It was especially strange in the rain. An inexplicable pressure spread in the woods. Luo Zheng smelled the smell of danger and felt As the killer got closer and closer, Shen Jing's heart began to burn.

"Two meters, one meter┅┅" Luo Zheng tensed his whole body, judging the distance from the killer. The pistol was soaked in mud and could not be used. Luo Zheng held the black long knife in his hand tighter. There was only one chance, and it would be wrong. The consequences were disastrous. Luo Zheng suppressed his eagerness and slowly opened his eyes. It was raining like silk in the sky, the wind was whistling, and the footsteps became tighter.

"Die!" Luo Zheng's eyes popped open and he shouted, like Captain Wu sending out an attack signal. His body bounced up from the mudslide, like a dragon emerging from the water. The mud on his body splashed, and the black long knife in his hand drew out in the void. A black bolt slashed hard at the killer who was less than half a meter away, like a life-threatening ghost.

This area has been scouted, and the killer did not expect that someone was lurking under his feet. He looked at the slashing knife with a horrified face. A bolt of lightning tore through the void, illuminating the killer's horrified face, and his round eyes. Looking at Luo Zheng, whose whole body was covered in mud and whose appearance was unclear, he was full of shock and confusion. He couldn't figure out what this monster that was neither human nor ghost was?

"Poof!" As he breathed, the long knife in Luo Zheng's hand was as fast as lightning. The sharp blade sliced ​​off the killer's head. Blood spurted out from his chest like a fountain, blending with the drizzle. Extremely weird.

"Ah!" Until then, the little girl who was close at hand looked at Luo Zheng, who was covered in mud and looked like a demon, and let out a sharp scream. The sound tore through the void and went straight into the sky, scaring Luo Zheng. He jumped and quickly looked back. He never thought that when he looked back, his murderous eyes were like ghosts from hell, cold and terrifying. The soil on his body was washed by the rain and fell, like festering flesh and blood, which was strange in the dim rainy night. To the extreme, the little girl's voice suddenly stopped and she fainted.

Luo Zheng didn't know what was going on, and suddenly felt a huge danger coming over him. He was startled and flew over, picked up the little girl and rolled on the spot, bang bang bang! Three shots and three bullets almost chased the body. Luo Zheng knew that it was the killer behind him who reacted and fired. He did not dare to be careless and his body continued to roll.

During the roll, Luo Zheng saw the position of the killer behind him. The long knife in his hand came out and flew towards him. The killer dodged to avoid it. Luo Zheng grabbed the gap and rolled his body down the slope, hitting a big tree. When the tree stopped, he heard gunshots ring out again on the slope, but it was not shot at him.

"Son of a bitch." Luo Zheng was furious. Knowing that Captain Wu was in trouble, he put down his little sister and quickly climbed up the slope.

On the slope, from the moment Luo Zheng sent out the attack signal, Captain Wu rushed out with a single stride, his arms locked tightly on the neck of the killer in front of him like a pair of iron pincers. The killer was quite strong. He struggled desperately, raised his gun and shot. , Captain Wu tilted his head to avoid the fatal blow, used his arm hard, pressed the opponent's head with the other hand, locked the opponent in the opposite direction, and directly broke the opponent's neck.

After killing the killer, Wu Jin happened to see Luo Zheng rolling down the slope with his little sister in his arms. He picked up the killer's gun and fired several bursts at the broken killer. The killer was aiming at Luo Zheng who was rolling down. He didn't pay attention, so he could hide. Open the powerful Wujin burst shot? He was shot dead on the spot.

The gunfire Luo Zheng heard was the sound of Wu Jin killing the killer. Before he could climb up the slope, he saw a man appearing on the slope, covered in yellow mud. The monster was on the side. The gunshots around him stopped. Luo Zheng was startled and immediately Thinking of Wu Jin in disguise, he breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and slid down, holding his little sister in his arms and going uphill again.

The slope was not steep, and there were shrubs and weeds for support. Luo Zheng came up quickly, let go of the little girl, looked at Wu Jin who was covered in yellow mud, and couldn't help but smile: "Captain, let's fight against the monsters like this. I feel wronged to you."

"What are you talking about? If it weren't for me, my little sister wouldn't have suffered so much." Wu Jin said, squatting down and checking to make sure that the little sister didn't have a fever, injury, etc. He was completely relieved and looked at the same full body. The muddy Luo Zheng smiled bitterly and said, "My little sister may have been frightened by your weird appearance. I'll go clean the battlefield."

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was stunned, smiled bitterly, and quickly cleaned the dirt off his body. Under the wash of the rain, his face gradually became clearer. Luo Zheng pinched the little girl's body and shouted: "Little sister, it's me. , your brother, wake up."

After a while, the little sister woke up and heard a familiar voice. She opened her eyes and saw Luo Zheng with a face full of mud and water. She looked a little familiar. When she heard Luo Zheng's words again, she finally reacted and hugged Luo Zheng. He stood up and said in horror: "Brother, I'm so scared. I saw a ghost just now. Am I still alive?"

"Okay, it's all over. That's not a ghost, it's your brother pretending to be like this. Don't be afraid." Luo Zheng hugged the little sister and felt the little sister's body trembling with fear. He felt a pain in his heart and felt guilty.

"Are you pretending?" The little girl was stunned, suddenly thought of something, and shouted in horror: "Brother, run quickly, those bad guys are good or bad, they want to kill us, run quickly."

"Don't be afraid. Brother is here. The bad guy has been defeated by me. Don't be afraid." Luo Zheng looked at his little sister distressedly. He fell into deep self-blame and glanced at the corpses around him. The killer's chest was still bleeding out of his head. Luo Zheng had no mercy at all. These bastards deserved to be killed!

At this time, Luo Zheng felt that the little girl in his arms was no longer moving. He couldn't help but look down and saw that she was already asleep. The little girl had been frightened too much along the way. In addition, she was sleepy, tired and scared due to the rapid march. Once she relaxed, When I got down, my nerves relaxed and I fell asleep.

"We must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise my little sister will have a fever." Wu Jin walked over, whispered, and handed a gun and a black long knife to Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng took it and suddenly heard the roar of the helicopter. He couldn't help being startled and looked at Wu Jin. Who would come to this border forest on a rainy night? Suddenly, there was an uneasiness in my mind.

ps: Summon various tickets, please encourage me if you have any extra.

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