The strongest soldier

Chapter 41 Escape safely

It was Lan Xue who fired to rescue Luo Zheng at the critical moment. When the other party appeared, Lan Xue discovered that the reason why he did not shoot was because the other party deliberately exposed himself. A sniper would not expose his body easily unless There was a need, so Lan Xue also waited until the murderous aura erupted from the opponent. He took the first shot and shot the head. Lan Xue was full of confidence in his own strength.

After killing the opponent with one shot, Lan Xue did not show up immediately. Instead, he waited and continued to observe the surroundings in case the opponent had helpers. He saw that Luo Zheng quickly took cover and looked for suspicious targets, instead of like a new recruit. Running around, my mental quality has improved greatly, and I can't help but smile with satisfaction.

After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng didn't find anything suspicious. He felt that his body had regained some strength. He turned off the safety of the gun and placed the gun in front of his chest and abdomen. Rolling in the opposite direction, the speed is not slow.

After getting the clothes, Luo Zheng rolled back to the boulder again and put on the clothes. It took about five seconds. For a skilled sniper, he would have fired long ago. So, there are only two explanations. One is There are no enemies nearby, and there is also the fear of people who help him. Thinking of the people who help him, Luo Zheng's mind is filled with the image of Lan Xue, and he feels calm.

After waiting for a while, Luo Zheng saw that there was no movement around him. He quickly rolled to the body and dragged the attacker's body to the boulder. He took off the opponent's helmet and found that the opponent was a yellow man. Looking at the position of the opponent's neck, there was a lifelike figure. The wild wolf head tattoo was taken aback and said to himself: It is indeed them.

Luo Zheng raised his helmet with a gun and slowly raised it over the top of the boulder. No one fired, so he put it back and thought that waiting was not an option. He couldn't go out forever, right? Thinking that Lan Xue might be hiding nearby, my heart skipped a beat and I stood up decisively. At worst, I would die, but Lan Xue would take revenge and I would risk my life.

Seeing Luo Zheng's risk-taking attitude, even using his body as a bait to attract snipers to shoot, Lan Xue's face changed drastically, and she secretly scolded Luo Zheng for being too reckless. She also knew in her heart that this was the best way at the moment, so she was on guard. Searching for suspicious places, after waiting for a while, no one fired, and Luo Zheng had already returned with the enemy's corpse on his back.

After getting into the woods on the mountainside, there was still no one shooting. Lan Xue still did not dare to be careless and waited quietly until Luo Zheng left and disappeared. No suspicious person was seen. He quickly slid down the big tree, chased after him, and hung on Luo Zheng. Zheng looked around behind him and was cautious.

The two of them walked forward one after another and came to the valley unknowingly. When they saw Luo Zheng entering the camp, Lan Xue still did not go back immediately. Instead, she found a place to hide and waited patiently to prevent the enemy from coming.

At this time, it was time for everyone to eat. When they saw Luo Zheng coming with a corpse, they all gathered around. The instructor stepped forward and inspected it carefully, especially the tattoo on the back of his neck. He said to Luo Zheng with a cold face: "Come here. Personally, take the body away and dispose of it, and you come with me."

"Yes!" Someone agreed and left with the body.

Luo Zheng knew that this matter could not be discussed openly, so he followed the instructor to the office. The instructor closed the door, looked at Luo Zheng with a serious face and asked, "Tell me, what happened?"

"The specific situation is unknown. Someone attacked me and was beaten to death. I came here with the body." Luo Zheng said.

"Huh?" The instructor didn't know about the Wild Wolf Mercenary Group, but he had seen the corpse from last time. The tattoos were exactly the same. He knew that it might not be simple. However, the superiors strictly kept this matter confidential, and any similar situations would be handled by the superiors. , when the instructor couldn't get anything out of the question, he said seriously: "Try not to go to the back mountain in the future."

"Yes." Luo Zheng agreed, but he didn't agree in his heart.

"Get out." The instructor waved and said. After Luo Zheng left, he immediately dialed a secret phone number. After he was connected, he said: "Old chief, it's me. I have a situation I need to report to you. That guy with the wild wolf tattoo The person appeared again and was beaten to death. The specific circumstances are unknown. I will report to you as soon as I find out."

After listening for a while, the instructor slowly put down the phone, his face full of confusion. He couldn't understand why the old leader told him not to get involved in this matter, and pretended that he didn't know how to deal with it. What was wrong with this? It suddenly occurred to me that the body was handled by the sniper instructor last time. No one was seen for most of the day. Could it be that he also went to the back mountain and this person was the sniper instructor? Is the real intention of the sniper instructor here to deal with these people?

After thinking for a long time, the instructor couldn't figure it out, so he decided to leave it alone and immediately sent people to find the sniper instructor. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the sniper instructor Lan Xue coming in. Lan Xue didn't wait for the instructor to ask questions and said first: "Give the body to the corpse." Let the superiors handle it. There are unidentified people trying to pry into the training camp with unknown intentions. This matter cannot be concealed. We must tell everyone to be careful, otherwise something will happen."

"Okay, did you kill that person?" the instructor asked in surprise.

"Well, is there any problem?" Lan Xue asked.

"No." The instructor originally wanted to ask something, but when he saw Lan Xue's cold expression on his face, he swallowed what he said. Things seemed weird. Regardless of whether Lan Xue was here to deal with the group of people with tattoos, the instructor planned to listen to the instructor. The chief told me not to interfere. Knowing some things may not be a good thing.

Lan Xue turned around and left, returned to her room, and dialed a secret number. After being connected, she immediately said: "Captain, I have a situation that I need to report to you."

"Aren't you on vacation? What's going on?" an energetic voice asked.

"I am in the training team of the Northwest Military Region. My cousin asked me to come and help for a few days. Unexpectedly, I found wild wolf mercenaries here. They appeared twice, and each time one of them was killed by me." Lan Xue replied coldly. .

"Wild Wolf Mercenary Group?" The middle-aged man didn't mind Lan Xue's cold tone, but asked instead. After receiving Lan Xue's affirmative reply, he angrily cursed: "These bastards, I won't go find them if I don't That's right, they actually came here to seek death. I'll help them and arrange for someone to go there immediately. You should be careful."

"Understood." Lan Xue agreed, hung up the phone, and came to the cafeteria. Seeing Luo Zheng eating, Lan Xue took a meal and sat over, whispering: "You are not allowed to go to the back mountain for live ammunition training within a week."

"Ah?" Luo Zheng glanced at Lan Xue in surprise. He wanted to ask why, but when he thought of Lan Xue's concern for him, he guessed that there must be something going on here, and it was not suitable for him to know. He looked around to see if he could see it. The person paid attention to this side and whispered: "I know."

Lan Xue believed that Luo Zheng would not mess with what he had promised, and lowered his head to eat. Luo Zheng knew that Lan Xue did not want others to know about their special relationship, so he remained silent. Just after finishing the meal, Lan Xue whispered: "Come and see me tonight I."

"Ah?" Luo Zheng looked at Lan Xue leaving, confused.

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