The strongest soldier

Chapter 406 The younger sister was arrested

"A ghost? I'm Shi Hai, following the captain to rescue your family." A strange voice said. When Luo Zheng heard that it was not the captain, and the mobile phone number belonged to the captain, he couldn't help being surprised. He knew something had happened and was about to When I asked, I heard the other party apologize: "Brother Ghost, I'm sorry, we only rescued your parents. Your little sister was kidnapped by the murderer and left. The captain went after him. Let me tell you, if you don't rescue your little sister, Come out, the captain will give you a life and tell you not to worry."

"What?" Luo Zheng was shocked and shouted. He ignored the surprised looks of the people around him and asked, "In what direction did the other party go?"

"The three of them are facing north. Considering the safety of my little sister, we didn't dare to set up a blockade to prevent the killer from being so vicious that both parties would suffer." The other party explained apologetically.

"Son of a bitch, tell me the specific route." Luo Zheng said coldly, with anger boiling inside, like a volcano about to erupt. After getting the specific route, Luo Zheng hung up the phone, looked at the deputy director coldly, and then glanced at the ground. A glance at Song Yang's body made the confusion even worse, but the little girl was kidnapped and I don't know when to pursue her.

"What's wrong?" The drunkard came over and asked in a low voice.

"I'll leave this to you." Luo Zheng said coldly, and a thought suddenly came to his mind: Could this be all deliberately arranged by the Samsara Killer Organization? Knowing that he had no chance of killing himself, he shot Song Yang, igniting the conflict between himself and the Song family, and borrowed the Song family's knife to kill him?

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng looked at the deputy director coldly. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. The fact that the police arrived so quickly and ordered the shooting was enough to show that the police had already received the news. In other words, both the Song family and the police had been These members of the reincarnation killer organization took advantage.

"I'll take the first step." Luo Zheng thought of his little sister being held hostage, so he said hello to the drunkard and hurriedly ran towards the road. Lan Xue and others wanted to defend the military factory and were unlikely to come to help. The drunkard had to stay and deal with the situation in front of him. , and couldn't follow to help. Fortunately, the captain had already gone to chase, and there should be enough manpower. Luo Zheng crossed the road, jumped into the car and ran away without notifying Lan Xue and others.

Seeing Luo Zheng walking in a hurry, the drunkard looked ugly. He knew something was wrong. Wu Minghuo started to carry the deputy director and walked outside. The team members stood behind and everyone evacuated towards the road. The other police officers looked at each other and looked at Captain Yang, not knowing what to do. Yes, Captain Yang looked ugly, but when he thought about the identity of the drunkard and others, he felt wary. He sighed helplessly and ordered people to take Song Yang's body and withdraw the team.

On the highway, Luo Zheng drove wildly while sorting out what happened. The Samsara Killer Organization kidnapped his family and threatened him to attend the appointment. They temporarily changed the meeting place, leaving him in an isolated and helpless situation, and shot Song Yang, intensifying the conflict between himself and the Song family. , is suspected of killing with a borrowed knife. He just made an assassination attempt in the apple orchard without any results and evacuated decisively. Every link is designed very exquisitely. This is a group of masters.

Luo Zheng was neither sad nor happy about Song Yang's death. This bastard betrayed his family to a killer. Damn it. But, how did this bastard know his family's address? Even if the Song family is powerful, my family has only been in the capital for a short time, so there is no reason to be discovered?

With all kinds of doubts, Luo Zheng drove the car as fast as possible while contacting the man named Shi Hai. He knew the killer's route at any time and chased him away. His family was Luo Zheng's lover, and his little sister was even more Luo Zheng's. Luo Zheng's face turned cold, and his firm eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Ten minutes later, a call came in. Luo Zheng picked it up and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. Luo Zheng pressed the connect button in surprise. He put his ear down and listened. A familiar voice said apologetically in the receiver: "Ghost, I am Wu Jin. I am very sorry about my little sister. I heard that you are also chasing me. Where are you?"

"Captain Wu?" Luo Zheng asked in surprise: "What's going on on the highway now?"

"I feel that these killers don't want to kill your family. For the Lord, they took away the little girl to escape. But don't worry, no matter what the reason is, these killers will kill you. I promise you, in addition, you can talk to Shi Hai at any time. Get in touch and determine my location, the three killers, please be careful." The captain said sheepishly, with huge confidence and determination in his words.

"More than three people." Luo Zheng said with certainty: "They threatened me to go to the cement factory and temporarily changed the meeting place. In the apple orchard, I saw a middle-aged man who shot Song Yang. The location of my family was revealed by Song Yang To the killer, there was another killer who shot at me, two people are known, but the exact number is not sure.”

"What, tell me the specific situation." Captain Wu asked in surprise.

Luo Zheng explained what had just happened in detail. There was a recording as evidence. Luo Zheng was not worried about being framed by the police. At the request of Captain Wu, he sent the recording to Shi Hai for processing. Luo Zheng believed Captain Wu and did not hesitate. After a brief exchange of words, Luo Zheng fully understood Captain Wu's behavior of not blocking the way with cards. His opponent was a vicious killer who would kill without batting an eye. Setting cards would only make the little girl die faster. He might as well take a gamble and bet on these things. People will be released after they escape. Although the hope is slim, it is better than nothing.

Three hours later, Luo Zheng got the news that the killer continued to go north. He initially judged that he was sneaking out. There were forests to the north and it was easy to cross the border. As long as he stepped into the territory of a neighboring country, things would be difficult. Luo Zheng After hearing the news, Zheng was very anxious and sped up.

Lan Xue, who was left behind at the military factory, called on behalf of the other brothers and was very angry. If the military factory hadn't been unable to leave, everyone would have rushed to help. Lan Xue had no choice but to tell Luo Zheng to be careful. Luo Zheng knew that soldiers put their mission first, so he warned Lan Xue, there may be someone in the Samsara Killer organization lurking near the military industrial base, and the purpose of staging such a big battle is to transfer everyone away, or to make everyone confused, expose their weaknesses, and then launch a sudden attack.

When his little sister was kidnapped, Luo Zheng did not lose his cool. Along the way, Luo Zheng kept deducing the plans and purposes of the Samsara Killer organization. After much deliberation, he decided that the most likely possibility was to divert the tiger away from the mountain. He could leave, but Lan Xue and others absolutely could not. Leaving the military factory, as long as everyone does not mess up, there is nothing the killer can do.

Two hours later, Captain Wu called and said that he had bitten the suspected target. Luo Zheng asked about the location and found that it was only a hundred kilometers away from him. He was overjoyed, but he heard Captain Wu say seriously: "Ghost, the killer is going straight. In the virgin forest, my little sister is in their hands, so it’s hard to take action now, so be careful and don’t expose her.”

"Understood, let's go to the virgin forest and start again." Luo Zheng responded knowingly, with murderous intent.

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