The strongest soldier

Chapter 404 The truth of the matter

The entrance of the cement factory faces an expressway, and the traffic is very fast. This kind of place is suitable for evacuation. Luo Zheng looked around with a cold expression. After knowing what was going on, he couldn't help but be surprised. There was no sign of anyone approaching the door. Could it be that the other party was not there? did not come? Just as he was thinking about it, a call came in. Luo Zheng picked it up and saw that it was an unknown number. He quickly answered the call and shouted, "It's me."

"Quickly, I didn't expect you to arrive early. You seem to be very punctual. You abandoned the car and ran to the farm across the road. Don't play any tricks. Your every move is under our surveillance." The other party said coldly. The person who called me before hung up right away.

Luo Zheng looked at the constant flow of cars on the road, and his face darkened. It was easy in the past, but what he mentioned beforehand was the cement factory. The drunkard and others might have been hiding in the cement factory on standby. Now if they go to the opposite side, they will be weak, but once Thinking of his family's safety, Luo Zheng rushed over without hesitation. After knowing that he was being watched, he did not dare to call.

After rushing across the road, Luo Zheng walked along a dirt path. Surrounded by apple trees, it was densely packed and highly concealed. Luo Zheng inserted the black long knife into his back, took out his pistol, loaded the bullet, and stared coldly. Looking around, he walked forward carefully.

After a while, a row of red-brick flat-roofed houses appeared in front of them. There was a small square at the door. A middle-aged man happened to be standing and waiting. There was a man lying on the ground, who was tied up. Luo Zheng was stunned and looked around vigilantly. When I got up, I heard the other party shouting: "Don't look, there are at least five guns aimed at you, come here."

Upon hearing this, Luo Zheng gritted his teeth and walked forward, risking his life. When he came to the other party, he shouted angrily: "Where is my family? Where are they?" The gun in his hand was pointed at the other party instantly, with murderous eyes in his eyes.

"Don't worry." The middle-aged man sneered calmly and kicked the person on the ground, who turned over in pain.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng looked at it and couldn't help but uttered in surprise. Unexpectedly, it was Song Yang, wearing a suit and leather shoes, smelling of alcohol, and his face was as pale as snow. He couldn't help asking cautiously: "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple. I am a reincarnation person, but I am also a Chinese. I went to the bar last night and was worried about how to kill you for revenge. I accidentally heard this bastard cursing you. I tied him up and asked him. As a result, this guy confessed to you. Your family lives in your home, and you hired us with huge sums of money to kill you and seize the research results, and shoot rabbits in the grass. By the way, there are a lot of beautiful things in this world." The middle-aged man said coldly, not worried at all.

"What about my family?" Luo Zheng shouted coldly.

"Killers also have killer principles. What I want to kill is you, not your family. After you die, your family will be released naturally. Don't worry about this." The middle-aged man said unhurriedly.

"It's not enough for this kind of bastard to die ten thousand times. Since he hired you, why did you tie him up?" Luo Zheng forced himself to calm down and looked around vigilantly. He didn't find any clues. When he came in, he had already turned on his mobile phone and called It's a rare opportunity to use the recording function to collect evidence. If the drunkard doesn't see the target for a long time, he will definitely contact the headquarters. When the time comes, satellite positioning will make it easy to find him and rush to support. The top priority is to gain time.

"Killers also have principles. It doesn't matter if they kill people, but they don't do things like betraying national interests. Originally, I didn't know what the research results were. I investigated it this morning. After knowing the truth, I naturally won't look down on this bastard. There are still questions. If not? Just hit the road." The middle-aged man said coldly.

"According to what you said, it would be fine if he simply hired you to kill me?" Luo Zheng continued to ask.

"Of course, it's natural to work for money. He shouldn't mention the research results." The middle-aged man sneered.

"Since you know it's a national secret and don't want to betray national interests, why do you still need to study the results?" Luo Zheng asked coldly, while thinking about a way out.

"It's very simple. After I take the money, I have to give it to the employer. This is the principle. When the time comes, kill the employer and destroy the so-called secrets. You can collect money without being unconscionable. Kill two birds with one stone." The middle-aged man He said, his face became impatient, and he was about to give the order.

"There is one last question." Luo Zheng said quickly: "I'm going to die anyway, so let me know clearly. I want to have a few words with this bastard, is that okay?"

"Okay." The middle-aged man took a few steps back and looked at Luo Zheng warily. Luo Zheng took a few steps forward, removed the rag from Song Yang's mouth, and slapped Song Yang's face several times to wake him up. He asked coldly: "Song Yang, tell me why you want to study the results."

"You bastard, go to hell." Song Yang was harsh and cursed hysterically.

"You murdered my family, which is the first crime. Hiring a killer to kill me is the second crime. Stealing national encryption is the third crime. These three crimes are combined into one. It will be difficult for you not to die." Luo Zheng said coldly. He said, losing interest in asking further.

"It's a joke, I'm from the Song family. The Song family won't watch me die, but you, if I can watch you die, it's worth it even if you die, hahaha!" Song Yang cursed angrily, completely losing control of his emotions.

Luo Zheng shook his head, looking at Song Yang with more pity in his eyes, and said coldly: "I used to think you were a good opponent, but now it seems that you are still a good-for-nothing dude. Tell me, why do you want to study the results?"

"Because I want you to die. As long as the results are obtained, your mission has failed. What awaits you will be a military court, and I will take back everything that belongs to me, including Lan Xue. When I get tired of playing with her, I will take her back. I believe it will be very enjoyable to sell it overseas to do the skin and meat business, hahaha." Song Yang sneered, with a proud face, completely forgetting that he would not end well, and was completely blinded by hatred.

"Looking for death." Luo Zheng was immediately furious. He grabbed Song Yang and suddenly felt a huge danger sweeping over him. Without any time to think, he threw Song Yang towards the middle-aged man and rushed forward. Several gunshots rang out in his ears. The sound felt like it was flying above his head. Luo Zheng's face turned cold, and he rolled a few times and rushed into the apple forest.

The gunshots from behind suddenly stopped. Luo Zheng hid behind a tree in surprise and took a look. The middle-aged man shot Song Yang twice, then ran wildly outside without paying any attention to Luo Zheng. This made Luo Zheng curious. Where did this come from? Thinking that there was a killer in the woods, he didn't dare to move and looked around vigilantly.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng heard a rustling sound, and rushed to the side like lightning. When he looked back, he saw a killer was shooting at him. The bullets roared out from the barrel of the gun, exuding a terrifying breath of death, and instantly killed him. A tree branch interrupted, it was exactly where he had been hiding just now, and he couldn't help but be surprised.

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