The strongest soldier

Chapter 401 Laser Killing

Judging from the current attack, this group of people cooperated very well, and the timing was also very accurate. The opening of the tunnel and the ground attack to the elevator shaft were almost synchronized. If the tunnel had not been discovered in advance and the people in the tunnel were killed, everyone would have been in trouble. , Luo Zheng blew the headset gently to warn Lan Xue.

Lan Xue immediately understood that the situation was critical. Luo Zheng could not speak. He thought for a moment and said decisively: "Open the blast door immediately, let them in, and kill them with the channel laser ray."

"Okay." Song Yun next to her agreed. Song Yun made the laser ray defense system and was the most familiar with how to operate it. In extraordinary times, Song Yun knew the importance. When she heard Lan Xue's order, she quickly operated the laser beam defense system without any nonsense. Computer, enter the commands one after another.

The person who had infiltrated the elevator shaft was looking at the explosion-proof door with vigilance, waiting for the people inside to attack from the tunnel. When he saw the explosion-proof door suddenly opened, he was not suspicious of him. He immediately contacted the people in the lobby through the headset, and the two people in the lobby exchanged words. After a look, one person was left alone, and the other person also jumped down the elevator shaft and joined the people underground.

The two of them exchanged glances, and one of them walked cautiously inside. The other person behind him saw that his companion was fine even five or six meters ahead. He was about to walk out of the passage, so he quickly followed in. As soon as he entered the passage, he suddenly felt relieved. As if being cut by a knife, in horror, the man saw his body broken into countless pieces, his consciousness was instantly swallowed by darkness, and he didn't know what was going on before he died.

Lan Xue saw that the two people who sneaked in were instantly cut into pieces by laser rays. No matter how brave he was, he couldn't help but tremble with fear. This was too scary. They were iron-blooded soldiers after all. Seeing the pieces of meat all over the ground, Lan Xue quickly After calming down, he looked at the pale Song Yun and said to Guishou and Shi Feng who came in from the tunnel: "Guard here, I'll go take a look." After saying that, he walked outside.

"Wait a minute, what if someone else comes in?" Guishou said worriedly, not because he was worried about Lan Xue's safety, but because he thought that if someone came in, with Lan Xue around, the laser rays in this channel would be unusable.

Lan Xue realized that she was confused because of her concern. Thinking that Luo Zheng was a lucky general with good skills, she suppressed her worry and retreated, continuing to guard the entrance of the passage while comforting Elder Lin and others.

On the ground, in the lobby, the remaining person saw that his companion had not sent a message, so he couldn't help shouting into the headset. At this time, Luo Zheng came out coldly, stared at the other person, and slowly stretched out the muzzle of the gun, holding his breath and solemnly, He did not dare to reveal a trace of murderous intent. Facing an expert, as long as a trace of murderous intent leaked out, the opponent would sense it in advance and avoid a fatal blow. This was a rare opportunity, and Luo Zheng did not want to miss it.

Perhaps because his companion didn't reply, this person became nervous and wanted to evacuate, but he still came to the elevator entrance unwillingly and looked around. Now, Luo Zheng was overjoyed and quickly fired, "Bang, bang, bang!" The bullet was presented. Glyph shoots at the opponent.

This man was indeed fierce. He actually sensed the danger the moment Luo Zheng fired, but it was already too late. There was not enough space at the elevator entrance to move and dodge. The man quickly jumped into the elevator shaft. Luo Zheng rushed up without seeing him. The target immediately shouted: "Someone is going underground, be careful."

"Got it," Lan Xue agreed, immediately responding and looking at Song Yun.

Song Yun nodded and was ready to activate the laser ray again. Each activation of the laser ray requires a little preparation time, and each time it will not last too long. From the time when the two people were killed to now, it is enough time to activate. Lan Xue can rest assured. He nodded in greeting, aimed his gun at the passage, and was ready for any eventuality.

When this person came to the explosion-proof door, he saw that the passage was covered with minced meat, and human organs could be faintly distinguished. How could he not figure out what was going on? He turned around and ran away, like a cheetah, crawling towards the elevator box, trying to climb out of the elevator shaft. Luo Zheng, who was at the elevator door, saw clearly and quickly fired. The bullet roared away with Luo Zheng's overwhelming anger and disappeared in an instant. The back of the opponent's head.

The man's body bounced and he fell motionless on top of the elevator box. A large amount of blood poured out, dyeing the elevator box red. Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief and shouted into the headset: "The target has been killed, safe."

"Be careful, I'll come out to check." Lan Xue agreed.

Luo Zheng agreed, and not long after, he saw Lan Xue appear in the elevator, dragging down the man who had climbed half of his body on top of the elevator box. Luo Zheng made a safety gesture and came to the lobby door, looking at the dark night. , Luo Zheng immediately shouted through the headset: "Captain Zheng, find a way to restore power immediately. The guards will continue to be vigilant and stay in place. No one is allowed to go up or downstairs, or run around."

"Okay." Zheng Duo agreed with understanding.

After a while, Lan Xue climbed up from the elevator shaft, walked to the door, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay. These three guys are very powerful. They rushed in directly from the gate. Three people and six pistols. Their firepower actually suppressed the firepower of dozens of guards. They rushed here unscathed. They were even faster. Even the mountain eagle has no chance to shoot." Luo Zheng said with a solemn expression.

"Yes, the speed is too fast and cannot be locked." The voice of the mountain eagle sounded in the headset.

"I'm afraid they are masters at the level of elite soldiers. I didn't expect that this small military industry attracted so many people's attention. We are lucky to have discovered the tunnel in advance. Otherwise, it would have been a disaster. You are also smart enough to put them inside." It's a good idea. I took a look and found that he is a Westerner with unknown nationality and unknown identity. However, he should be able to find out soon." Lan Xue said and took out his mobile phone.

Luo Zheng knew that Lan Xue was in contact with people from the Intelligence Department, and also contacted Zheng Duo through the headset to check the casualties of the guards. The power of the big explosion just now was not ordinary. It took a while to count, and no casualties were found yet. This made Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief.

After Lan Xue finished the call, Luo Zheng calmed down and said with a solemn expression: "The enemy has treated this place as a battlefield. It's too disgusting to die. The guards were bombed just now. I'm afraid the damage was very serious. It seems that the guards must be replaced." ."

"Well, I'll get in touch with Captain Wu immediately about this issue. Do you think we should call in the Zhongnanhai bodyguards? Their defense capabilities are stronger than ours. What we are good at is offense." Lan Xue also became cautious. The battle has escalated. With just The guards and the five of us may not be able to hold on anymore.

"No, it's going to be dawn soon. After dawn, all these guards will evacuate. This will be just in time to confuse the outside world and tell the outside world that the research has been completed. A team of armed police will be secretly transferred from other provinces to enter through the underground passage without anyone noticing. This is best. , there are still about two hours until dawn, there is still time, Zhongnanhai bodyguards are too sensitive and can easily disturb people, what do you think?" Luo Zheng suggested with a solemn face.

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