The strongest soldier

Chapter 3992 Post-War Reverie

A sudden big explosion brought the battle to an end. With the elimination of the remaining enemies on the periphery and the killing of the enemies that penetrated into the valley, the battle ended. The Anti-Terrorist Alliance won, but this victory came somewhat strangely. Suddenly, completely beyond everyone's expectation, Luo Zheng took a wait-and-see attitude towards the think tank's analysis of self-destruction for a chance of survival, and was not particularly convinced.

The tactic of "cutting off the tail to survive" is not uncommon, but the Dark Church has sacrificed most of it, even breaking bones and muscles, just to ensure the inheritance of the organization. This is a bit excessive. The people in the underground base can completely destroy all data and valuable information. Surrender after getting something, and finally remain silent, waiting for rescue. Although the chance of escape is very slim, there is always a chance to survive. When a person dies, everything is really lost.

Luo Zheng always felt that there was something weird here, but there was not enough evidence and clues to deduce it. He chatted with Lan Xue for a few words and was about to end the call when a calm voice suddenly intervened: "Boy, it's me."

"Hello, Chief." When Luo Zheng heard that it was Mr. Li, he quickly shouted sternly.

"Well, interrupt me. You two can talk about the intimacy later. I have heard about the situation. You did a great job and actually forced the enemy to self-destruct. Well done. After this battle, our army's reputation and influence will be improved. It has reached an unprecedented height. Although I failed to catch anyone alive, I will ask you for credit when I come back. It would be better if there were no survivors, and it saved a lot of trouble. Tell me what you think." Mr. Li's voice sounded again.

"Report to the leader, I plan to stay, dig out the underground base, and find out the truth." Luo Zheng said quickly.

"That's a good idea. Keep an eye on it yourself and don't miss out on any good things." Mr. Li said with a smile.

"What I'm worried about is that all the good things have been destroyed." Luo Zheng said with some disappointment.

"Well, the possibility of being destroyed is not impossible, but it may not be completely destroyed." Mr. Li said.

"If it was a premeditated self-destruction, then all the things must be gone. If it was caused by internal strife, there must be a lot of good things that couldn't be destroyed in time, so I plan to stay and find out the truth myself, otherwise I won't feel at ease. In addition, , the special service team and the mountain eagle sniper team will stay, and the others will arrange to return home, what do you think?" Luo Zheng explained.

Mr. Li thought for a moment and then said: "Yes, but other countries may not agree to this arrangement. They also want to get the things inside. It is definitely not appropriate for the troops to stay. You can consider letting the observation group stay voluntarily."

"Yes! I thought so too." Luo Zheng quickly agreed.

"Very good, you can agree on the details yourself, and I will report it if you need me to come forward." Mr. Li said with a smile.

After ending the call, Luo Zheng told Lan Xue: "Hurry up and contact the local government. Also, how is the excavation of the valley where the aircraft is hidden going?"

"Our people are the main force. The local government sent engineering troops to cooperate, but the progress is a bit slow. The main reason is the lack of large-scale excavation machinery. We were at war before, and the machinery was not convenient to transport. Now it is better. I will coordinate and arrange it by then. And What?" Lan Xue explained.

"No, thank you for your hard work." Luo Zheng smiled.

After the two ended the call, Luo Zheng looked at the valley and pondered. He couldn't figure out why the underground base suddenly exploded. Was it caused by internal strife or a premeditated self-destruction? All kinds of mysteries shrouded his mind like dark clouds, without any surprise, Luo Zheng just stood motionless, like a sculpture.

Time gradually passed, and the troops were operating effectively under the command of the think tank and began post-war finishing work. In order to ensure that nothing happened, the think tank did not ask the troops to come over to assemble. Instead, they ordered everyone to search in their respective defense areas to ensure that no fish slipped through the net and to prevent There are enemies escaping from the underground base.

The underground base is full of unknowns. No one can guarantee that there will be no other escape routes. What if blowing up the base is just a cover? Even the scholars and others in the second-line defense area dispersed to search their respective defense areas to ensure that there was an emergency. The headquarters was no exception, and the people from the special service team dispersed to search.

Time passed by unknowingly. I don’t know when a red light appeared in the eastern sky. This red light became brighter and brighter. It seemed as if it burst out from the ground and quickly occupied the entire eastern sky. I watched a The red sun is about to jump out of the horizon. The mountain breeze is gentle and cool, and the air is a little more humid.

Luo Zheng, who had been standing at the edge of the mountain all night, stretched his waist, exhaled, and looked at the red sun that was about to jump out in the eastern sky. He felt better. He heard footsteps behind him and looked back. , it was the think tank, so he waved and waited for the think tank to come over and asked in a low voice: "How is the situation?"

"Everything went well. The brothers searched all night and found no remaining enemies escaping. There should be no enemies escaping in the underground base." The think tank said in a deep voice.

"That's good." When Luo Zheng heard this, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief. So many brothers searched all over the mountains and plains, and satellites, Dragon Tooth Shields and helicopters did not find any remaining enemies. This shows that the enemies in the underground base did not escape and were all buried in the underground base. Underground, Luo Zheng thought for a while and said in a deep voice: "Let's arrange the retreat. The large forces will evacuate in three days. We will continue to search within these three days to ensure that no enemy escapes."

"Understood." The think tank responded in a deep voice.

After ending the call, Luo Zheng looked at the valley and smiled. As long as the enemy did not escape, even if there are still people in the Dark Church outside, even if there is a resurgence in the future, it will be decades later. At least the Dark Church today has been defeated and eliminated. Well, besides, the fact that there are secret troops outside responsible for the inheritance is just everyone's speculation. There is not enough evidence to prove this, so you can relax.

"Huh--" Luo Zheng took a long breath and looked at the red sun rising in the eastern sky. His resolute face relaxed and there was a smile. He finally won. He can relax for a while and spend time with his family and friends. The child was born. Thinking of the child he had not yet met, Luo Zheng's face was filled with warmth and the love of a new father.

"Boss?" Shi Qian came over.

"Well, here we are, we have won this battle. After we clean up the underground base and see for ourselves what is inside, we will go back and defeat the Dark Church. We can have a good rest for a while. I will give everyone a holiday after we go back. Where do you want to go?" Luo Zheng smiled.

"I don't want to go anywhere. Besides, haven't we seen enough mountains and rivers around the world? It's like staying at home and sleeping well for a month. It's best not to go out through the front door or through the small door, and have food and drink delivered to your door. , no one to disturb, no tasks, sleeping like a pig." Shi Qian smiled wistfully.

"Yes, it's time to rest. I'm sorry to everyone. It's been hard work and exhausting for everyone to follow me in the past two years." Luo Zheng said apologetically, looking at the rising sun, looking at the Buddha There was hope and vitality, and a touch of pride came to my eyes. I was proud to have such good brothers.

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