The strongest soldier

Chapter 3985: Explode the pit to defend against the enemy

The fire has been set, the smoke is billowing, and victory is in sight. Everyone wonders why Luo Zheng is even more worried? Everyone looked curious, no one dared to joke loudly, and looked at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng noticed the silence around him, reacted, glanced at the people around him with a cold look, and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, seize the surroundings. If you have favorable terrain and prepare for battle, the enemy will definitely counterattack at the last moment.”

Everyone was stunned and quickly realized that the Dark Church will never give up or admit defeat, and must not be careless until the last moment. They agreed quickly with understanding. Luo Zheng glanced at the surrounding terrain and shouted: "Tie Diao, your people. Ambush twenty meters in front of the cave exit. The enemy may rush out on a motorcycle. The speed is too fast and it is difficult to react at such a close distance. Xu Gang, split your men into two and ambush on both sides of the cave exit."

"Yes." Everyone shouted in a deep voice, dispersed one after another, and each found a place to hide.

Seeing that Luo Zheng hadn't moved, Ishii Sora stood still. He looked curiously at the exit of the underground cave. The other end had been blown up by the enemy. It would take some time to dig it out again. There was no need to worry about safety issues for the time being. However, there were not many enemies in the underground base. With few people and well-equipped weapons, how will they counterattack? Thinking of this, he asked in a deep voice: "Boss, how about we blow up the passage completely so that the enemy can't dig through it."

The tunnel completely collapsed, cutting off the underground base's way of survival. This was undoubtedly a good idea. Luo Zheng thought about it, shook his head and said, "No, the enemy left this passage in the first place just to attract us to attack. We will also leave this passage." The passage gives the enemy hope and allows them to rush out of the hole. If the enemy has hope, they might surrender, and won't we be able to get all the valuable materials inside?"

The high-tech technology, intelligence, etc. of the Dark Church are all good things that Luo Zheng covets. The reason why he does not directly attack the underground base without ground-boring missiles is because he wants to get the things inside, but there is a little hope that Luo Zheng still doesn't want to give up. Ishii Sora doesn't know why , but seeing that Luo Zheng had made a decision, he said nothing more.

Xu Gang directed his brothers to come over after setting up an ambush, and said in a deep voice: "There are a lot of enemies in the underground base, and there are also motorcycles. The most likely counterattack tactic is to dig out the hole and then use motorcycles to rush out. The motorcycles are too fast. , should we think of a way?"

"Yes, if the enemy rushes out on a motorcycle, it will be difficult for the naked eye to locate it. Once they rush out, they will run all over the mountains and fields, which is not good for us." Ishii Sora said in agreement.

"That's right." Luo Zheng nodded in agreement, with a murderous look in his eyes, and quickly shouted through the headset: "Headquarters, mobilize two helicopters to be on guard in the sky and carry bombs."

"Understood." The think tank's voice sounded in the headset, full of excitement.

The God-level Soldier King has been fighting against the Dark Church for so many years. This is the first time he has the opportunity to completely annihilate the Dark Church. As a member of the God-level Soldier King, it is hard not to be excited. Not long after, two helicopters roared over. Stopping above everyone, the searchlight illuminated the ground brightly. It was Xiaolang and another brother who were driving the helicopter.

Luo Zheng estimated the distance, picked up the dragon tooth knife and drew a large circle about two meters away from the exit of the cave, and then shouted through the headset: "Helicopter, bomb this position for me." With that, everyone quickly evacuated the scene. , to avoid being accidentally bombed by a helicopter.

"Boom, boom, boom -" When everyone was far away, the helicopter violently attacked the circle. The rockets it carried violently bombed the ground, causing a large ball of fire to rise into the sky, forming a large circle in the night sky. There was a mushroom cloud, black smoke billowing, dust flying, and the ground seemed to be shaking.

A total of four missiles exploded almost at the same place, and a huge crater appeared on the ground. After a while, the splashing mud stopped, and the smoke gradually dispersed, revealing the appearance of the crater. Luo Zheng looked at the bullet hole and smiled excitedly. Yes, with such a big crater, even if the enemy rushes out on a motorcycle, it will be impossible to cross it.

"Hahaha, okay, this is a good idea. With such a big pit, even if the enemy breaks through the hole and rushes out on a motorcycle, there is no way to cross this big pit. If you fall into it, you will die. We can pick up the ready-made ones. ." Xu Gang shouted excitedly.

"That's right, there is a big pit coming out of the hole. There is no distance for the enemy to adjust. He will fall in as soon as he rushes out. With such a big hole, the enemy will be killed by the brothers before he can climb up, unless the enemy fills it with human life. "Sora Ishii said excitedly.

Luo Zheng's face changed slightly when he heard the word "human lives" and he said in a deep voice: "It is entirely possible that the enemy will use human lives to fill the hole. Once the big hole is filled, the people inside can rush over directly and load the helicopters and come over to standby."

"Understood." Xiaolang and the other helicopter pilot agreed and hurried away.

"Report, found smoke coming out." A voice sounded in the headset, it was Sanji from the first group.

Luo Zheng did not expect that the first person to discover the black smoke would be Sangji. His tactics began to work. He was overjoyed and shouted: "What's going on with the vents? Can they be blown up?"

"The vent goes vertically, about half a meter in diameter, and is covered by stones. If it weren't for the smoke, it would be hard to spot. It seems that the enemy had disguised the vent and blew it up right away." Sangji said in a deep voice. .

"Great, other brothers found that the vent was blown up directly. They must make sure that the vent is collapsed and blocked. Be careful yourself." Luo Zheng warned.

"Yes." The brothers who were searching for the vents responded in unison. The underground base is huge and requires a large number of vents for ventilation. The vents are the weak point of the underground base and are built very concealed. The enemy will definitely use disguises. If There was no smoke coming from inside, so it would be difficult to search from the outside.

"Command, what's going on outside?" Luo Zheng asked through the headset.

"A large number of enemies were found on the periphery, and they are attacking crazily, trying to break through the defense line and come to support the valley. It seems that the enemy is aware of the danger and is going to fight with all their strength. But don't worry, brothers can stop it." said the think tank.

"The crazier the enemy is, the more important it is to block it. You must block it and don't allow any enemy to approach the valley. If necessary, send out fighter jets." Luo Zheng warned.

"Understood." The think tank quickly agreed.

While talking, brothers kept reporting the discovery of smoking vents. Luo Zheng was secretly delighted as he listened to the constant explosions. As long as the vents were blown up and there would be no fresh air in the underground base, the people inside would not be able to bear it and had to Rush out at the risk of death, otherwise you will have to suffocate to death inside.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng couldn't help but look towards the cave. He vaguely felt something moving inside the cave. Without listening carefully, the cave had been blown up by the enemy's own rockets. Calculating the time, it was time to dig it out. Luo Zheng's face turned stern. , shouted excitedly: "Brothers, it's time for the enemy to come out and prepare to fight."

"Yes." Everyone shouted excitedly, their eyes shining with murderous intent.

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