The strongest soldier

Chapter 3982 Adjusting Tactics

Luo Zheng knew that Xu Gang's observation skills were very keen. He could see almost everything he saw at a glance, so he did not think deeply about it. Such a powerful and intensive firepower deployment could not be penetrated from a hole in the ground. How many people had died in the past? Listen to it. Hearing Tie Diao's retort, his expression became even more grim, and he looked at Xu Gang.

Xu Gang thought for a while and said: "There are steps on the first floor to go up to the second floor. The steps don't seem to be very big. As long as you hold on to the top, it will be difficult to rush up. As for whether there are other channels in the cave to go up to the second floor, I don't know."

It is very rare to find so much information in a short time. Tie Diao said thoughtfully: "No wonder they let us go in from the hole. It turned out that they had set up a trap waiting for us. Fortunately, they tested it with corpses. Fortunately, you three Escape quickly, otherwise you will be in trouble. I was a little impulsive just now, brother, don't mind."

"Go away, am I so stingy again?" Xu Gang said dissatisfied, glanced at Tie Diao, his cold eyes were a little more worried, looked at Luo Zheng and continued: "Boss, this kind of firepower deployment is not conducive to We are attacking, so I just suggested retreating, I hope you understand."

"It's okay, your decision is right. Facing hundreds of firepower points, as well as five heavy machine gun positions and hundreds of motorcycles in the ground square, we can't rush in at all, not even with organic armor. , faced with a large number of heavy machine gun fire, the mecha may not be able to withstand it, not to mention the motorcycles that can launch micro-missiles, which can kill us all with just one launch." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, with a solemn expression on his face.

Seeing that Luo Zheng did not blame himself for taking the initiative, Xu Gang secretly breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "Boss, in the face of such a sharp deployment of firepower by the enemy, we can only find another way. I asked why the enemy left the hole alone, let us Go in directly, it turns out that there is such terrifying firepower waiting, if it were me who was in charge, I wouldn’t care how many people go in from the hole, they will all die.”

"It takes time to change the battle plan. What we lack most now is time." Tie Diao said angrily.

"Not necessarily." Luo Zheng looked serious and said in a deep voice, attracting the attention of everyone present. Everyone looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and said nothing. People from the General Administration of Counter-Terrorism are coming soon. Aren't we the most lacking? Time? If it hadn't been for the Counter-Terrorism Administration, would everyone have needed to launch the attack in such a hurry and overnight?

"Boss, what do you mean?" Xu Gang looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and asked.

"I said that time was tight before because I wanted to take over this underground world and get the technology, intelligence and enemy chiefs inside. Since we can't enter by force and the Anti-Terrorism Administration will arrive soon, we can only give up the original plan. As long as we don't care about what's inside, we have plenty of ways to take down this underground base." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Great, it would be great if there is a way." Tie Diao said in surprise: "I suddenly thought of a question."

"What's the problem?" Xu Gang asked in surprise.

"The enemies in the underground base deliberately left this hole for another purpose, that is, to attract us to attack, deliberately give us a chance, and then set up traps to wait, which can not only effectively kill our forces, but also delay time, knowing that the Counter-Terrorism Directorate If someone from the department comes over, you can kill two birds with one stone." Tie Diao analyzed in a deep voice.

"It makes sense. In fact, we were also following the enemy's plan. We were almost annihilated. The enemy deliberately exposed the caves. Their first consideration was to break out. After the breakout failed, they attracted us to attack and buy time for the people from the Anti-Terrorism General Administration to arrive. Also, It can effectively damage our morale and win the opportunity for the Counter-Terrorism Administration to take over. What a clever calculation." Luo Zheng's face turned cold and he said murderously. His steel teeth were tight, and an invisible fighting spirit burst out, and he said coldly: "We are the only ones who plot against others, no one else plots against us. These bastards have good plans and almost fell for it. We cannot swallow this breath."

"Yes, you can't take advantage of the bastard inside." Tie Diao agreed.

"How shall we fight next?" Xu Gang asked in a deep voice.

"The enemy's purpose is very clear. He left a hole in the ground to attract us to attack. Firstly, he will gain time, and secondly, he will kill our strength. He is very cruel and wants to take advantage of us, but there is no way." Luo Zheng said with murderous intent: "I chose to attack in order to get the information inside. Since there is no chance now, don't blame me for being rude."

"Boss, give me the order." Tie Diao shouted excitedly. When the others heard this, they were also very energetic. They didn't expect that Luo Zheng had a counterattack plan in the face of such a terrifying firepower deployment, and he thought of a counterattack plan so quickly. , everyone looked at Luo Zheng in admiration, their eyes full of enthusiasm.

"Shi Qian, Iron Eagle." Luo Zheng shouted murderously.

"Arrived!" Shi Qian and Tie Diao agreed.

"Order, take your team to the headquarters immediately and get me a large number of smoke grenades, tear gas, and flammable items. The more the better. If there are not enough manpower, let the headquarters arrange for help. I have to put a handful in there. Heavy smoke, the smoke will rise with the air and be eliminated from the vents. There are too many vents in the underground base, but the terrain is too big to find them one by one. We use smoke to test, and after we find them, we blow up and block the vents, and the inside If the people are suffocated to death, they won’t come out if I don’t do it.” Luo Zheng shouted murderously.

"Yes." When Shi Qian and Tie Diao heard this, they were overjoyed and their eyes began to shine. Seeing that Luo Zheng had no other orders, they immediately led the team away and went straight to the headquarters.

Xu Gang also understood Luo Zheng's tactical intention, gave a thumbs up and sincerely praised: "Although the underground fortifications are big enough, as long as there is enough smoke, the exhaust holes will be discharged from the cover, and our chance will come."

Luo Zheng nodded, reported his tactics to the think tank through the headset, and told the think tank to cooperate. The think tank agreed, and added: "Boss, we found a large number of enemies on the outside attacking. It seems that the enemy knows that we are attacking the headquarters, and they are anxious. I will arrange for the guards to spread out to look for the smoking vents, but we are short of manpower, can we recruit an observation group?"

The observation group was here to observe, not to fight. It was inappropriate for the observation group to go to the battlefield. In addition, he was not very reassured about the observation group. Luo Zheng thought about it and said, "Forget it, I will let Shi Qian and Tie Diao will bring his people to cooperate with your actions. In addition, Shan Diao's people will evacuate the garrison area and join the search, which will be deployed by the think tank."

"Yes!" The voices of Mountain Eagle and Zhitan sounded in the headset.

"Time is tight. We must first assist Tie Diao and Shi Qian to send a large amount of flammable materials. Whether this battle can be successful and whether the underground fortifications can be taken down in a short time depends on whether the smoke can be successfully put out and the tents and everything else can be destroyed. Bring it, as well as spare helicopter fuel, and bring all flammable materials over to me." Luo Zheng continued to order.

"Yes!" The answer from the think tank and others rang in the headset, revealing a cold murderous intent.

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