The strongest soldier

Chapter 3974 Motorcycle Breakout

Under the gray moonlight, in the vast mountains, the book businessman loudly ordered the troops to change their defenses. In particular, the deployment of heavy firepower was adjusted and no longer used intensively to avoid being overrun by the enemy. The military quality of the troops was very high. After hearing the order Then quickly change the defense position, and change the defense in an orderly and orderly manner.

Not long after, everyone heard the roar of motorcycles and couldn't help but speed up the defense change. The scholar looked up and saw that the view ahead was blocked by the hillside. The motorcycle rushed out of the canyon and needed to pass through the hillside in front. The hillside gave the canyon an extra bend. , the scholar chose to ambush here because of the function of the curve.

The curve leads to an open area, a natural slaughterhouse. No matter how many troops come from the curve, they will be shot from all around. The terrain at the curve is narrow, so it is impossible for too many troops to rush in at once. The scholar made an estimate, and the enemy expected Arrive within three minutes. If you don't join the battle, you will be passive. He immediately shouted through the headset: "All troops stop moving and defend on the spot. Prepare grenades for me first."

"Yes." Everyone agreed and hid on the spot. Trenches were dug everywhere. The troops were all hidden in the blink of an eye. They set up their guns and took off the grenades hanging on their bodies and put them next to them. There, the bullet was loaded and aimed at the canyon ahead.

At this time, the roar in the canyon ahead became louder, and then, a motorcycle rushed over from the bend without turning on the lights. It was like a devil roaring in the night, charging forward with murderous intent, and the scholar aimed his gun at it. , found that the opponent's speed was too fast and could not be locked at all. Without being surprised, he aimed at the front of the motorcycle and pulled the trigger without hesitation. He did not want to kill, but wanted to interfere.

The sound of gunshots was an order, and everyone opened fire. Hundreds of people. Hundreds of people. The firepower locked on one person almost at the same time. The target was shot to the ground without any suspense. But before falling to the ground, the opponent launched two micro-missiles. Two The micro-missile soared into the air, turned around in the void, and whizzed down towards the ground position. The scholar was shocked and roared: "Be careful, be careful, hurry up."

Air-raid shelters were dug in the trenches. It had been several hours since they arrived here, which was enough for everyone to dig the fortifications to fight. Everyone was shocked when they saw the roaring mini-missiles, especially the area being attacked. They quickly retreated without hesitation. Returning to the dugout in the trench, he held his head in his hands, blocked his ears, and huddled up.

"Boom--" Two micro-missiles exploded on the position, shooting up a large ball of fire. The fire was hot and illuminated the surroundings. The orange-red fire made people shudder. The ground was shaken by the bombs. It was terrifying. Fortunately, everyone escaped in time, otherwise there would have been countless casualties.

The scholar looked at the earth that was blown up and some trenches collapsed. He couldn't help but became anxious and shouted angrily: "Are there any casualties? Pay attention to the attack and block the enemy."

"Boom boom boom -" there was an explosion in the valley. It was more motorcycles rushing out of the outer road without anyone stopping them. They continued to move forward and hit a trip mine. The explosion of the trip mine needs to be delayed for one or two seconds. This time is enough for the motorcycles to The car rushed out of the explosion safe area, and the trip mine posed a threat to the motorcycle behind it, but the motorcycle in front took the opportunity to rush over.

Everyone reacted and opened fire on the motorcycle in front of them, especially the heavy firepower. It roared like a god of death and kept pouring out large-caliber bullets. The firepower formed a large net and hooded the target. The motorcycle that rushed out had no time to escape. , were shot by bullets one after another.

"Whoosh! Whoosh!" More motorcycles rushed out of the curve and launched micro-missiles. The hot missile tail flames were particularly dazzling in the night, and they went straight towards the surrounding positions.

The scholar was shocked when he saw this scene. He didn't expect that the enemy was desperate. This was a lose-lose solution. Could it be that the enemy wanted to use a motorcycle to clear the way? Thinking of this, the scholar was furious and shouted: "Stand back, we must not let the enemy break out from here. I can't afford this shame."

"Yes." Everyone responded in unison and started firing with all their strength. Suddenly, the entire open area of ​​the canyon was filled with bullets and flames. There was no blind spot. A large number of motorcycles rushed through the curve and hit the fire net. They were knocked down. The ground, but there were also many motorcycles that launched micro-missiles before they died.

The battle was extremely fierce. The destructive power of the micro-missiles was astonishing. Coupled with the guidance function, once locked, it was difficult to escape. If a large number of trenches and air-raid shelters had not been dug in advance, I am afraid they would have been defeated. The troops immediately changed their positions after a while to avoid being attacked by the enemy. locking.

"Boom, boom, boom -" Three miniature rockets exploded on the position, and three huge fireballs came. The powerful shock wave was more like a violent storm, sweeping everything around, countless trenches were collapsed, and countless soldiers Hiding in the air-raid shelter and not daring to show up easily.

The scholar was very anxious when he saw this scene. He didn't expect the enemy to be so desperate. If there weren't a large number of trip mines installed in the canyon, he would never be able to stop the enemy. If the attack continues like this, the casualties on his side will probably not be small. He must find a way. , at this time, Luo Zheng's question sounded in the headset: "How is the battle going?"

"It's not ideal. The enemy is trying their best, but we can persevere." The scholar said quickly. The matter was so important that he did not dare to hide anything, lest it affect the judgment and decision-making of the commander-in-chief.

Luo Zheng was stunned for a moment after hearing the scholar's reply, but quickly ordered: "Who is the sniper nearby?"

"Report, Zhang Bin will lead the team and wait for orders." A rich man's voice sounded in the headset.

"Rush to support as quickly as possible." Luo Zheng ordered without hesitation.

"Yes, we expect to arrive within five minutes." Zhang Bin's voice sounded in the headset again.

"Go." Luo Zheng continued with murderous intent: "Xiaolang, arrange for two helicopters to go over for support. The mission of the attack is not to chase down the enemy, but to blow up the cliff and block the canyon to prevent the enemy's motorcycles from passing through. Walk."

"Understood, I'll go there in person." Xiaolang's excited voice sounded in the headset.

Luo Zheng knew that Xiaolang was also a militant and could not be stopped, but he was still young and would fight more to accumulate experience that would be useful in the future. He did not stop him and warned him: "Remember your mission and don't chase the motorcycle." There are micro missiles on the motorcycle. Chasing the motorcycle will only make you passive. The right way is to let the motorcycle go, blow up the mountain, block the canyon passage, and leave the motorcycle with no way to go.

"Yes." Xiaolang agreed.

"Xu Gang, Tie Diao, quickly lead the troops closer to me." Luo Zheng continued to order. The enemy began to break through, and the decisive battle began. There was no need to put the most capable troops on the outside.

"Understood, I'll be there soon." Xu Gang and Tie Diao no longer wanted to guard the perimeter. They were excited when they heard the order and quickly agreed, fearing that Luo Zheng would regret it.

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