The strongest soldier

Chapter 3972 Rushing to the Valley

At dusk, the setting sun is like blood, dyeing the entire western sky red, and even the clouds are red. Thousands of feet of red light is scattered on the vast mountains, as if the mountains are covered with a layer of red clouds, and the majestic undulating peaks. Silently, standing, watching this scene unchangingly, it seemed like a common sight, but on the contrary, the ice and snow on the top of the mountain that had not melted for thousands of years seemed to reflect red light like a mirror, which was a unique scene.

The scholar and others hurried on, without any time to take into account the beautiful scenery. They came to a hillside unknowingly. The leading soldier responsible for opening the road in front watched all the movements around him vigilantly, not daring to be careless. Suddenly, a tall figure emerged from the He rushed out from an inconspicuous place, jumped ten meters away, and landed steadily next to the vanguard. His aggrieved body slowly stood upright, with the muzzle pointing down, showing no hostility. The silver mecha on his body was particularly dazzling in the twilight. , like a god of war.

The vanguard was shocked when he saw this scene. He instinctively raised his gun and fired. The bullet hit the mecha and splashed a spark. The harsh metal collision sound spread far away. The mecha was fine. The vanguard was shocked. He was about to continue firing. I heard a dissatisfied voice shouting: "Are you done yet?"

"Huh?" The soldier's face changed drastically, and he suddenly realized that the other party was not hostile. He couldn't help but take a look, and saw that the other party's gun was pointed down, with no intention of firing. He couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Who are you?"

"If you hadn't looked like a Chinese, I would have punched you and told you your number." The mecha man roared dissatisfied, his voice like thunder.

When the vanguard heard the familiar Chinese language, he felt relieved, but he did not reveal his identity. He looked at the mecha man warily, raised his gun level, and did not dare to be careless. He said through the headset: "Report, Found a mecha man, suspected to be the Dark Guard, but the man seems to be one of our own, I can't be sure, please give me instructions."

"Mecha man?" The scholar's surprised voice sounded in the headset: "What's going on with this bitch?"

"This is the command headquarters. I am the think tank. The mecha men are our own. I didn't have time to inform you of this situation. Please understand." A steady voice sounded in the headset.

"If you had told me earlier, it would have been better if you were on your own." The scholar's voice sounded in the headset.

The vanguard was stunned when he heard these conversations. Isn't the mecha man a dark guard? When did you become one of your own? Hearing the scholar telling him not to move in the headset, he became excited after waiting for him to come over. He looked at the mecha man with eager eyes and shouted: "Hey, brother, we are our own people. What you did just now was so cool, it scared me." Jump, you can actually jump more than ten meters, is it because of the mecha?"

"You have a good eye. Since you are one of our own, tell me, what's your purpose?" the mecha man asked.

"We are reinforcements sent from the country. Our captain is a scholar, and we were ordered to rush to the valley to provide support." The soldier explained excitedly, looking closely at the mecha man with envy, and he jumped ten meters away. Isn't this too scary? This silver mecha looks so strong. The shot just now didn't penetrate it. Thinking of the shot just now, the soldier smiled sheepishly and said: "Brother, I was sorry just now, but I fired when I was nervous."

"A scholar?" The mecha man looked at the other person in surprise, and saw that the other person nodded repeatedly without saying anything else.

Seeing that the other party didn't answer his question, the leading soldier couldn't say anything, so he waited patiently beside him. Not long after, the scholar hurried over with a large army. He rushed to the mecha man in surprise and asked: "Brother, who are you?"

"Sure enough, he is a scholar. This is our defense zone. I have confirmed my identity. Please pass." The mecha man didn't say anything more. He turned around and left after leaving a few words. He jumped ten meters away and rushed to another hillside in the blink of an eye. He quickly disappeared behind the hillside, leaving everyone stunned.

The scholar was also stunned. He didn't expect that things would be like this, but when he thought that the other party was one of his own, and presumably had confidentiality principles and could not reveal his identity casually, he was relieved. He immediately led the troops and rushed forward. Half an hour later Later, the scholar encountered a sniper blocking the way. The man was confirmed to be a mountain eagle and was let through smoothly.

Half an hour later, the scholar led his troops to the top of a towering mountain. He saw a man striding up to meet him. Who could it be, the familiar Luo Zheng? The brothers were very friendly when they met. After everyone greeted each other, Luo Zheng said with a smile: "Brothers, let alone brothers, this may be the last battle with the Dark Church. We brothers join forces. , how about a good fight?"

"I haven't said anything yet, please give the order." The monk shouted excitedly.

"My dear brother, you have something good in mind for us brothers. Give us an order." The farmer also shouted excitedly.

The scholar was mature and steady. He looked at the surrounding terrain and then at the valley that had been changed beyond recognition by the bombing. He said with some worry: "Brother, are the enemies hiding underground? If so, I'm afraid this battle will be difficult to fight. It's not that we are afraid. Damn, do you have a good plan?"

"Hahaha, you are still as cautious and sharp as ever. You can see the problem at a glance. Yes, the enemies are hiding underground. The underground fortifications may be beyond our imagination. No one knows the details. The next battle is a tough battle. , it will be very difficult, sacrifice is inevitable, I hope everyone is mentally prepared." Luo Zheng frankly admitted the danger, glanced at the brothers who came up with a cold look, and asked: "Are you afraid?"

"Don't be afraid." Everyone roared in unison, the sound was loud and carried far away with endless fighting intent.

"I know you are all good. We soldiers fight for the country without fear and without regrets. Loyal souls are buried everywhere in the mountains. It is the honor of our soldiers to die on the battlefield. The enemy is very powerful. The underground fortifications are Complete strangers, the next step will be a tough battle, I hope everyone is mentally prepared, but please don't worry, I will not let everyone's sacrifice be in vain, sacrifice without fear, everyone listen to my order, rest in place for half an hour, you come all the way Thank you for your hard work, you will fight when you have enough rest." Luo Zheng shouted in a deep voice, with a domineering air of looking down on the world in his words.

"Yes." Everyone was infected by Luo Zheng's fearlessness and domineering, and their strong fighting spirit boiled over.

"Let the troops disperse and find a place to rest." Luo Zheng looked at the scholar, farmer, monk and gardener and whispered: "After the four of you have settled down the troops, come to me and let's study the enemy's situation."

"Understood." The four agreed knowingly and led the troops to find a place to hide and rest.

Luo Zheng looked at the departing brother troops, the setting sun, the silent valley, and the vast mountains. His excited heart beat faster and stronger. The troops were already in position. It was time to launch a general attack. After this battle, it’s time for all terrorist organizations in the world to restrain themselves, right? A battle will determine the outcome and the world will be at peace. What a joy!

A true man should make a difference, fight for peace in the world, and fight for the strength of the country, how heroic!

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