The strongest soldier

Chapter 3969 Enemy troops return for reinforcements

The bombed-out messy valley is full of new soil and stones, and the sky is full of desolation. You can vaguely see the outlines of anti-aircraft guns buried in the mud and rocks. Some of the gun barrels are pointing straight into the sky, as if they are shouting something unwillingly. , some of the soil was dyed red with blood, which looked a bit weird. The thick smell of blood filled the sky over the valley and lingered for a long time. It was unimaginable how many people were killed by the air raid.

In the messy mud, in an inconspicuous place, there is a man wearing a mountain combat uniform. His body is covered with mud. He lies on the ground and blends in with the surroundings. It is difficult to find, except for the occasional crawling forward that shakes it off. The soil on the body makes a rustling sound, which is absolutely difficult to detect.

Luo Zheng observed the other party calmly and was not in a hurry to fire. All signals within a few kilometers of defense were blocked. It was impossible for the other party to successfully communicate with the outside world. Once he found that there was no signal, the other party might climb to the top of the mountain to look for the signal. Such a goal was insufficient. For consideration.

After waiting for a while, the other party suddenly stopped. Maybe he found that there was still no signal. He decisively put away the satellite phone, pulled out a signal transmitter from his waist, and quickly pulled the trigger toward the sky. Three flares of different colors emitted sharp signals. The roar rose into the sky, and the sound resounded throughout the mountains and fields, shaking the heaven and earth, and was particularly abrupt in the silent mountains.

Luo Zheng was startled, and suddenly realized that this was the signal agreed upon in advance. There was no urgency, and he was filled with regret. He pulled the trigger without hesitation, and a sniper bullet roared out of the chamber, carrying Luo Zheng's endless regret. Tear open the space barrier, instantly sink into the target's body, splashing a blood arrow.

The target's body twitched and rolled around without any movement. Luo Zheng looked at this scene through the sniper scope and felt regretful. He thought about the other party's attempt to contact the outside world, the lack of signal in the valley, and the thought that the other party must have a conspiracy to contact the outside world, but I didn't expect that the other party had other contact methods, and I wanted to slap myself in the face for being careless.

The three flares were burning hot in the sky, as if fireworks were blooming, as if they were laughing at Luo Zheng. Seeing this scene, Luo Zheng regretted it, secretly hating himself for underestimating the enemy and not knowing what consequences this carelessness would bring. ? Luo Zheng looked at the gradually burning out signal flares, and his heart became heavy for no reason. He quickly whispered through the headset: "Headquarters, the enemy in the valley has sent out three signal flares. The purpose is unknown. Pay attention and observe."

"Signal flare? It seems that you want to give an order to someone. Send the order immediately, and let the troops closely monitor everything around you and be careful." The think tank's voice rang in the headset, with a bit of surprise and deepness, and a hint of something. Nervous, the battle has reached this point, victory is certain, and no one wants any changes.

"Understood." The tentacle monster's voice sounded in the headset.

After Luo Zheng reported the situation to the headquarters, he stared closely at the valley, not daring to be careless. In the sniper scope, the person who fired the signal bomb had been killed, and the blood dyed the surrounding area red. No one came to collect the body, and the valley recovered. The dead silence before was gone, as if nothing had happened just now.

Time was waiting for it to pass slowly. The mountain wind whistled by his ears, bringing with it a cold chill. Apart from that, there was no movement around. Not even a single person could be seen. Luo Zheng waited patiently, quietly. My heart gradually became tense and filled with regret. If I had known this, I should have killed that person with one shot in advance. It would have been a clean slate. I was careless. I hope the situation would not be too bad.

The known situation is not terrible. The most terrifying thing on the battlefield is the sudden outbreak of unknown dangers. Unprepared, waiting, Luo Zheng felt cold sweat break out on his forehead. With the battle going so far, Luo Zheng didn't want to Because of my own carelessness, something went wrong and I fell short.

This unknown waiting was torture, pain, and torture. Luo Zheng took a deep breath, letting the cold air stimulate his trachea and lungs. His brain sobered up for a while. After a while, suddenly, , an urgent voice sounded in the headset: "Head, three minutes ago, an enemy army suddenly got rid of our attack, turned around and ran away. One minute ago, three enemy armies of different numbers did the same thing."

"Where are they running to? Is there any pattern here?" Luo Zheng asked eagerly.

"Yes, according to the direction they are marching, it happens to be where the valley is." The tentacle monster quickly replied.

"Where is the valley?" Luo Zheng was startled, suddenly realized, smiled, and asked excitedly: "Closely monitor the other enemy troops who are fighting to see if they are also evacuating from the battle, and whether they are all heading towards the valley. If I speculate that there is no If it’s wrong, the enemy must have seen the signal flare and come to the valley to support them and coordinate the evacuation of the enemy underneath the valley. The enemy is trying to escape.”

"It makes sense, I will monitor it closely." The tentacle monster said in a deep voice.

"Boss, the transport plane Shan Diao and his companions are expected to arrive at your location in three minutes. Your analysis is very reasonable. There is no reason for the enemy troops who are fighting to suddenly turn around and run away, completely ignoring their backs to our troops. There is one The troops withdrew even after gaining the upper hand, and I'm afraid they really went to the valley to respond." The think tank agreed in a deep voice.

"Haha, the enemy wanted to run away, but was worried that he wouldn't be able to get out, so he summoned the surrounding enemy troops to come to meet him. This would undoubtedly lead to death. He immediately dispatched helicopters and fighter jets to blast me hard. I couldn't let the enemy rush to the valley. In addition, , mobilize the troops from home to support him, and I will set up a surrounding area for him to provide reinforcements." Luo Zheng's eyes lit up, he immediately guessed the enemy's true intention, and he excitedly warned.

"Understood." The think tank quickly agreed.

After ending the call, Luo Zheng looked at the valley and smiled. The enemy's return of reinforcements at all costs showed that there were big fish hidden in the underground fortifications in the valley. They were probably members of the decision-making staff of the Dark Church. In order to protect themselves, these decision-makers did not hesitate to risk the entire army being annihilated. All the surrounding troops were mobilized to respond, and they were all captured in one fell swoop.

The enemy's self-defeat allowed Luo Zheng to see an opportunity for the entire army. After knowing the enemy's plot, he felt completely relieved. After waiting patiently for about three minutes, the roar of helicopter propellers came from the horizon, and five transport helicopters roared over. , not long after landing in the open area on the top of the mountain where Luo Zheng was, the mountain eagle quickly jumped out of the transport helicopter with five sniper teams and came over.

The transport plane put down the people and left quickly. Shan Diao asked the troops to disperse their alert, and quickly came to Luo Zheng. After finding a place to hide, he said excitedly: "I heard that your show is about to start, and all the brothers are here. how to spell?"

"We arrived just in time. We sent four sniper teams to station on the top of the mountain in four directions of the valley to seize favorable terrain to guard against enemy reinforcements arriving. We left one team here on standby. The decisive battle is coming soon." Luo Zheng ordered excitedly. He was originally worried that it would take some time to clear out the enemies on the periphery, but now it's better. The enemies took the initiative to expose their positions and come back for reinforcements. It was just a matter of time.

"Understood." The mountain eagle agreed, and quickly found several team leaders to explain. The four teams left quickly, and the remaining team also spread out and took cover. The muzzles of their guns were locked in the direction of the valley, with murderous intent.

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