The strongest soldier

Chapter 3966 Frontline Command

Under the sun, five helicopters roared over, and the roar of the propellers spread throughout the wilderness and mountains. They were full of murderous intent. Because their backs were to the sun, they looked like the God of War rushing from nine days away, carrying a domineering aura. With a fighting spirit, Xiaolang's face changed drastically. He didn't know the enemy or friend, and quickly asked through the headset: "Command, there are five helicopters coming. What's the situation? Please give instructions."

"It's me." A deep voice sounded in the headset.

Xiaolang was startled when he heard the familiar voice. He suddenly reacted and was overjoyed. He put down the sniper rifle that had already locked onto the first helicopter. He took a long breath and said excitedly: "Hello, boss. You are welcome to come to the front line to command the operation. The fourth team is on standby."

It was Luo Zheng who rushed to the scene to command. After all, the headquarters was too far away. It was not enough to understand the battlefield through satellite monitoring. Luo Zheng was not used to such command, so he simply rushed to the scene with five helicopters. The helicopters were in the small area. The wolf stopped in the open place on the top of the mountain where he was hiding. The propeller slowed down. A few people jumped out of the plane. They were the first group led by Shi Qian. Luo Zheng was among them. The little wolf hurried up to meet him and looked at Luo Zheng eagerly. Zheng, hehehe laughed, like a child who has done something good and is waiting for praise from an adult.

"You did a good job, kid." Luo Zheng praised with a smile.

Xiaolang was so excited that he couldn't find his way to the north. This was the first time in his memory that he was praised, right? Xiaolang quickly reported: "Head, all targets were accurately attacked, no enemies came out, everything was quiet, eerily quiet."

"Very good." Luo Zheng responded casually, and hurried to the edge of the valley. He looked at the valley with a cold gaze, with a bit of surprise and scrutiny. The huge valley was not a no-man's land, but a dark church hidden there. How could there be no one at an important military base? Unless there is a tunnel.

Luo Zheng rejected this idea as soon as it arose. There were mountains and mountains all around, and even digging a tunnel was not easy. Not to mention there were satellite surveillance above. Perhaps the scale and solidity of the cave were beyond the imagination. The attack just now only destroyed it. The surface fortifications were destroyed and the interior was not damaged. Entering the interior would be a brutal battle.

At this time, Shi Qian walked up excitedly, looked at Xiaolang with approval and said, "Well done."

"Hey, the enemy is too stupid and didn't arrange secret sentries around, otherwise we wouldn't be able to conduct a successful investigation." Xiaolang quickly became humble and did not dare to make any boast. The achievements of the first group were not as good as those of the second group with the strongest combat effectiveness. Half a point away from the third group, but the various talents and various weird tactics gathered are feared and respected.

"It's not that they are stupid, it's that they don't dare to expose this location. This place is too important. It's so important that the enemy is afraid of being exposed even if they arrange a secret sentry. The no-man's land attracts no attention. The best way to hide is when there is no one. It's a pity that they I don’t know that the location of the base has been exposed, otherwise it would be impossible for you to approach and investigate smoothly. However, thanks to the dragon tooth shield interfering with the signal, otherwise you would also be exposed." Shi Qian said with a smile that hit the mark.

"No, the enemy has deployed a large number of bunkers, strongholds and observation posts on the periphery, but there are no military points in the core area. We penetrated the peripheral blockade and did not find any enemies along the way. It seems that the enemy is very afraid of being exposed here, so we simply No one is arranged to avoid arousing our suspicion. To be honest, if we had not mastered the information in advance, we would never have thought that this valley was the enemy's core base." Xiaolang laughed.

"Yeah, it's so bearable that there's no movement from such an explosion." Shi Qian also said with some emotion.

"No, the enemy is not able to endure it, but to evade it temporarily. Facing our precise air strike, the best way is to temporarily evade it, instead of rushing out to die stupidly. I'm afraid the underground base here is beyond our imagination. There will be many It will be a tough battle to break into the caves and tunnels, so we have to find a way." Luo Zheng suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Ah?" Shi Qian stepped forward quickly and stood next to Luo Zheng as he looked at the valley in surprise. The valley had been bombed beyond recognition. There was collapsed soil everywhere. The bottom of the valley had been filled with soil, and the original appearance could not be seen. , many bunkers were directly buried by the soil, and the road into the valley was also blocked by the collapsed soil.

"Where has a large number of enemy troops appeared?" Luo Zheng suddenly looked at Xiaolang and asked.

Little Wolf quickly pointed in one direction and said, "It's over there, in the mountain col. There's a slope on our side."

Luo Zheng followed the direction pointed by Xiaolang and saw the slope and the mountain col behind the slope. Although the col had been filled in a lot with collapsed soil, he could still make out the general outline. He looked at the surrounding terrain again, and after pondering for a moment, he whispered : "That is probably the main passage for the enemy to enter and exit. Unfortunately, it is buried and cannot be entered. We must find a place to enter."

"Shall I go down to investigate?" Xiaolang asked eagerly.

The little wolf agreed, rushed down the hillside with the weapon, and ran down the slope towards the valley. It didn't take long for him to reach the place. The little wolf suddenly felt a chill sweeping over him while running, and his eyebrows jumped. This was because the enemy had come from behind. The sense of danger was locked everywhere. Xiaolang could be considered a veteran. His battlefield intuition was very keen. He knew that he was going to be in trouble. He didn't have time to think too much. He kicked his feet hard, twisted his body strangely, and threw himself to one side.

"Whoops -" Almost at the same time, a sniper bullet roared through the void, grazing the little wolf's back without leaving a trace. The little wolf fell to the ground, so shocked that he didn't dare to move, and his forehead was covered with blood. Cold sweat, he whispered: "Boss, there is a sniper. Damn it, I didn't find the direction of the shooting just now."

"It's a master. There is a steep slope three meters ahead. Rush over and roll to the right to avoid it." Luo Zheng's voice sounded again. Because of his condescension, Luo Zheng saw the terrain more clearly than the little wolf lying on the ground. As a As a sniper, Luo Zheng naturally knew how to avoid being shot by a sniper.

Xiaolang was full of trust in Luo Zheng. He pushed his feet hard without hesitation, and even more with his hands, he borrowed the strength of his body and rushed forward like an arrow from the string. He took two steps under his feet and rushed to the third place in an instant. Meters away, there was indeed a two-meter-high steep slope below. Little Wolf didn't even think about it, or even look at what was on the right. He rolled over to the right with great difficulty, and quickly landed on the ground. A wave of pain swept through his body.

"Hiss?" The little wolf was throbbing in pain. The movement just now was too fast. Under the action of strong inertia, the body was repulsed by the force of the ground. The little wolf endured the pain and looked around, only to find that it was a depression, one meter deep. There were some rocks in the depression, which was indeed a good place to hide. He quickly said through the headset: "Boss, what should I do next? Do you want to rush out to attract enemy snipers?".

"You're still a little slow, wait, be careful." Luo Zheng's voice sounded in the headset, with an unquestionable order. The other party was obviously a master. When the little wolf charged forward just now, he didn't fire, which shows that the other party was very cautious. , I will never take action if I don’t have the chance. This kind of person is difficult to deal with, and I don’t dare to let Xiaolang go out and take risks.

"What should we do?" Xiaolang asked unwillingly.

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