The strongest soldier

Chapter 3962 Take the initiative

Dozens of helicopters plus hundreds of members of the Anti-Terrorist Alliance brigade are more than enough to deal with five hundred enemies. Luo Zheng focused his attention on Xiaolang and Tigress. Whether the fourth group can successfully penetrate into the intended target location is to destroy them. The key to the predetermined target is that without specific coordinates specified on the ground, it will be difficult for bombers or fighter jets to carry out effective and precise strikes on the predetermined target.

The members of the fourth group set out overnight. In order to avoid being exposed, the troops did not take a transport helicopter, but marched quickly. The overnight attack was enough to reach the predetermined location. Luo Zheng was not worried about the time issue, but the bunkers and observation posts deployed by the enemy along the way were not allowed. Not defensive.

Fortunately, the tentacle monster had a spare dragon tooth shield. The fourth group went out with this spare dragon tooth shield. All ambushing enemies along the way could be detected and avoided. Inside the headquarters, Luo Zheng stared at the screen without saying a word. , his face was calm, no one knew what he was thinking, and no one dared to disturb him.

Time passed by, and the representatives from various countries in the headquarters couldn't help but discuss in a low voice. At this point, the war was fought almost against the Dark Church. This result made everyone very satisfied, and they were very satisfied with Luo Zheng's ability to predict and command. I was impressed by their abilities. They were both soldiers and couldn't help but share their experiences.

About ten minutes later, the tentacle monster suddenly stood up, looked at Luo Zheng in surprise and shouted: "Report, all 500 incoming powerful enemies have been wiped out, please give instructions."

"Clean the battlefield, return to the team quickly, and send transport helicopters to greet them. The troops are divided into four and deployed in four directions five kilometers away from the camp on standby. The specific deployment will be arranged by the staff office." Luo Zheng ordered in surprise. Although the enemy was eliminated It was expected, but he couldn't help but get excited after hearing the news. When he thought that the enemy might launch a sneak attack again, Luo Zheng did not hesitate to divide his troops into four and station them separately to protect the safety of the camp.

Fighting is like two people fighting. You punch me and I kick you. No one can guarantee that the opponent will not attack the camp again. There is no need to be careless. Luo Zheng handed over the specific deployment to the staff office for study and continued to stare at the electronic screen. Look, while thinking about things, a thought suddenly came to my mind. My eyes lit up. I was about to discuss it with a think tank. A voice sounded in the headset: "Secret communication channel, is it convenient?"

The voice was extremely familiar and a bit anxious. Luo Zheng knew it was Lan Xue as soon as he heard it. He immediately realized that something had happened and looked around. Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he calmly came outside the headquarters and saw Looking at the deep sky, the moon hangs high in the sky, not a single cloud can be seen around, the cold stars are twinkling, densely packed, tomorrow will be another sunny day, Luo Zheng took a deep breath, feeling the coolness of the night, and secretly checked vigilantly After looking around, he found no one, so he whispered: "Okay, what happened?"

"The chemical defense force that secretly went to check the valley where the aircraft was located just sent news that the valley was completely collapsed. As we speculated, a large number of underground caves were found in the peaks around the valley, suspected of being fortifications. Unfortunately, all the caves were filled with collapsed soil, and one of them was The largest cave has an entrance large enough to accommodate the entry and exit of aircraft. It is suspected to be a hiding place for aircraft. Unfortunately, it has also been filled up. It took half a year to dig and clean it. What should I do?" Lan Xue said in a low voice.

"Reliable?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"It's reliable. It was surveyed by the domestic chemical defense force in the past. It can't be wrong. I have scanned the underground with the equipment and found no signs of life. I suspect that all the people in the underground fortifications are dead. The number is difficult to estimate. Do you want to Coordinate with the local government and ask them to arrange for troops to dig?" Lan Xue explained seriously.

Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "Don't worry, it's during the war, and the Dark Church will definitely prevent the local government from digging. Also, there are many high-tech technologies in those aircraft, which are very important to our country, and we must find a way to get them away. Can this be done if it cannot be left to the local government?”

"It's not easy. The local government may stop it. They must also be keen on the high technology in the aircraft. Unless we join forces with them, don't worry, I will handle this matter." Lan Xue immediately agreed.

"Discuss it with your superiors and let's see how it is handled." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice without dwelling on the issue.

"All the tentacle monsters on your side have been informed of the battle situation. The superiors are very happy. However, we should not be careless after winning the battle. I always feel that the enemy's main force has not yet come out, so be careful." Lan Xue warned.

Luo Zheng agreed, and the two cut off the communication after saying some thoughtful words. Luo Zheng was about to go to the headquarters when he saw the think tank coming out of the headquarters. Luo Zheng simply stood still and waved, and the think tank hurried up. , whispered: "The troops have been arranged. Xu Gang and Tie Diao have also completed their missions. Do you want to return?"

"I was about to discuss this matter with you." Luo Zheng responded casually, frowned and thought about it, as if he was a little hesitant. The think tank understood Luo Zheng's temperament, so he did not rush him and waited patiently. After a while, Luo Zheng He raised his eyebrows and whispered as if he had made some kind of decision: "Didn't we shoot four Dark Guards?"

"Well, what do you mean?" Zhitan asked in surprise.

"I want Xu Gang and Tie Diao to get familiar with the equipment of the Dark Guard, that is, the mecha. One night should be enough. They can go out after dawn and pretend to be the Dark Guard who escaped, and see if they can encounter the enemy. If Yes, immediately arrange a helicopter to attack. If not, then conduct reconnaissance to look for enemy traces. The staff office will discuss the specific route and decide. I will go and rest for a while." Luo Zheng warned in a deep voice, his mind was overloaded during this period, and it was not easy. After having some time, Luo Zheng wanted to take a good rest.

The think tank's eyes lit up and he immediately understood Luo Zheng's intention. He agreed and hurried to the headquarters for deployment. Luo Zheng believed in the think tank's ability and went to rest in his own tent with confidence. When he was in charge of the headquarters Qian secretly arranged for Ji Wu and Gongsun Wu to guard outside the tent to ensure safety.

Many people were destined to be unable to sleep that night, trying their best to understand the detailed process and truth of the battle. Unfortunately, the news was completely blocked, and only the good news of the huge victory spread. This made everyone even more curious about how Luo Zheng did it, and the person involved, Luo Zheng Zheng Zheng fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Luo Zheng woke up feeling refreshed and energetic. He quickly got up and hurried to the headquarters. The think tank with red eyes ran up to report the situation. Since Luo Zheng fell asleep, the headquarters responded to the situation. All the pressure was on the think tank. The think tank was worried about making mistakes and did not dare to sleep for a while. He said seriously to Luo Zheng: "Boss, the fourth group has arrived near the predetermined location and is conducting investigations. Xu Gang and Tie Diao are also bringing The troops left and went to investigate the enemy situation according to the original plan, and the mecha is very familiar with it."

"That's great." Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he heard this and praised: "Well done, let's see how the enemy moves next. With the battle at this point, it's time for the enemy to move and let the satellites stare him to death. , be careful of the enemy escaping."

"Yes." The think tank solemnly agreed.

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