The strongest soldier

Chapter 3960 Full Attack

"Report, there are about 500 enemies coming, 20 kilometers to the east, and they are marching in a hurry. At the opponent's marching speed, it is expected to arrive in no more than an hour. The equipment is unknown. There are 300 troops in front, and a large number of small troops behind. Troops of troops are coming to join together, about 200 people. It can be seen that the enemy has not completely assembled before starting to march quickly. The report is complete, please give instructions." The murderous voice of the tentacle monster rang in the headset, clear, accurate, and carrying a few words. Everyone can clearly hear the coldness.

"Continue to monitor for five minutes. Pay attention to whether enemy reinforcements are coming from other directions. Report the situation immediately." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, looking away from the screen. Since the satellite temporarily left the sky, it was no longer possible to receive effective satellite signals. The screen Naturally, there will be no display.

"Report, all the invading enemies from the west have been wiped out, and no one has escaped." Zhou Gang's voice suddenly sounded in the headset, with a bit of excitement and joy.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed when he heard this. This meant that the ten Dark Guards who had sneaked up from the west had been annihilated, and the west was free from worries. Although he had known for a long time that the Dark Guards who had sneaked up this time would not be able to make waves, he was still a little nervous. Who was on the battlefield? Are you sure that nothing goes wrong?

At this time, the voices of Liu Xun and Zhang Bin also sounded in the headset. The sneak attackers in the south and north were all wiped out. No one escaped. Luo Zheng was completely relieved. The first round of sneak attacks was worry-free. The Dark Guard It is the enemy's strongest sword. The purpose of sending four groups of Dark Guards for a sneak attack is very simple, which is to create chaos through beheading tactics. If successful, the camp's command system will be paralyzed, and a pile of loose sand will not be a concern. If the beheading fails, the camp will be messed up at worst. , taking the opportunity to rescue the captured hostages. This tactic is very bold, and it is most suitable for the Dark Guard to execute it.

With the combat power and terrifying speed of the Dark Guard, they can definitely break through the layers of defense and carry out beheadings. With the abnormal defensive power of the mecha, it will be fine if the bullets hit them. If it were other troops, such tactics would definitely be successful. Unfortunately, they met Luo Zheng. Knowing the strengths and abilities of the Dark Guard so well, and designing targeted fire delay tactics, coupled with accurate snipers and indestructible dragon tooth bullets, it was destined that the Dark Guard would never succeed.

"Report, the enemy suddenly stopped advancing." The tentacle monster suddenly shouted in surprise.

"Stop moving forward?" Luo Zheng was startled and immediately realized that the enemy had noticed something. If he did not do well, he would withdraw his troops. Once the enemy withdrew his troops, he would not be able to pursue them in the dark. It was a rare opportunity. Luo Zheng raised his eyebrows and immediately had the ability to respond. Ce, shouted murderously: "Light a fire, burn unnecessary supplies, create the illusion that the camp is destroyed to confuse the enemy to continue moving forward, all helicopters have five minutes to prepare."

"Understood." The tentacle monster agreed.

The enemy is marching in a hurry and is expected to arrive in an hour. This time difference is calculated very well. If the Dark Guard succeeds in beheading and releasing the captured hostages, the camp will be in chaos and the enemy can quickly evacuate, but the camp will have no command and no leader. If you are at a loss, your military morale will be in chaos within an hour. At this time, the enemy will suddenly attack and you will definitely be caught off guard. A good plan, but unfortunately it was all in vain.

It takes five minutes to prepare for a helicopter counterattack. During this time, the enemy must not be aware of the abnormal withdrawal. The best way is to create an illusion, burn supplies, and create chaos. The illusion will be discovered by satellites, but the enemy will not know that it is an illusion and will urge the enemy. Keep moving forward.

The facts were as Luo Zheng had guessed. The enemy who had stopped moving continued to move forward, and the speed was much faster. Luo Zheng was secretly happy and waited patiently. Five minutes passed quickly, and the tentacle monster made a gesture indicating that the helicopter was ready to take off at any time. , Luo Zheng nodded, and shouted with murderous intent: "Order, the helicopter launches an attack, leaving all my enemies behind."

"Yes." The tentacle monster responded loudly, and others looked at Luo Zheng one after another. Their fanatical eyes were full of admiration. They were about to fight back. A wave of fanatical blood rushed into their minds, wishing they could rush to the front line and fight with the enemy immediately. After a great battle, an invisible murderous aura spread throughout the headquarters.

"The second and third groups will circle back to the enemy's periphery and monitor closely. They will conduct helicopter attacks on the ground and will not allow any enemy to escape. The enemy troops who come to rescue must be the elite of the Dark Church, and even the Guardian Guards. Such armed forces are die-hard loyalists. , No one can be left, Counter-Terrorism Alliance Brigade." Luo Zheng shouted murderously.

"Yes." Xu Gang and Tie Diao could feel Luo Zheng's fighting spirit even from a distance, and quickly agreed.

"Anti-Terrorist Alliance Brigade." Luo Zheng continued to shout.

"Arrived!" The four squadron captains of the Anti-Terrorist Alliance team responded in unison, pushing through the crowd and coming to Luo Zheng's side. They straightened their chests, their eyes were firm, and their whole bodies exuded a fierce fighting spirit, as if they were unsheathed. The sword.

"Led by Jackson, take the transport helicopter over, attack from the outside, and annihilate all the invading enemies." Luo Zheng ordered with murderous intent, his sharp eyes falling on Jackson with a bit of expectation.

"Yes." Manniu and the other four shouted in unison.

Jackson knew that Luo Zheng was giving him a chance. As long as he won the battle, his reputation would be greatly improved and he would have a place in the Anti-Terrorist Alliance. He looked at Luo Zheng gratefully and said nothing. He saluted solemnly and hurriedly left with the four squadron captains. He acted like a man and there was no need to be too pretentious.

Everyone thought a lot when they saw Luo Zheng reuse Jackson, but no one objected. Jackson's experience and abilities were obvious to all. Jackson would definitely be more than capable of commanding this kind of battle without much suspense. When Tang Tiantian saw Luo Zheng let him Jackson is in charge of the troops instead of sitting idle in the staff office. This is a precursor to reuse. He can leave a strong mark in the final battle with the Dark Church. He will die with no regrets and no expectations. Luo Zheng longed for such an opportunity, even once was enough.

All the armed helicopters in the camp took off and roared away in the direction of enemy reinforcements. A big battle was about to break out. Dozens of helicopters attacked the ground troops. There was basically no suspense in this battle. Luo Zheng was not concerned about the coming battle. He didn't see Tang Tiantian's expectant eyes, and his thoughts immediately flew to other places.

The next battle is the cruelest and most important. The target situation described by Tokugawada and Luo Le is very consistent, but this agreement makes Luo Zheng afraid. The enemy has built a large number of underground permanent fortifications and has strong air defense capabilities. , and the mountain is high and steep. Before knowing the specific situation of the fortifications, an air attack is a joke. It cannot be exploded at all. Bombing randomly is a waste of ammunition. Such a target is difficult to hit. What should I do?

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