The strongest soldier

Chapter 3958 Late night sniping

The camp in the open valley was quiet, with the bright moon in the sky, and the sky and the earth hazy. The snoring in the camp was like thunder, like spring thunder, which resounded throughout the area and spread far away. On the outside of the camp, several patrol officers seemed to be cursing impatiently. He walked towards the camp and got into a tent to rest. Soon, there was no one in the entire camp.

On the hillside a thousand meters away from the camp, a group of Dark Guards wearing mechas stood quietly, even avoiding concealment. The streamlined silver mechas exuded a cool luster under the moonlight, blending with the moonlight. If it weren't for the long shadow reflected on the ground, it would be difficult to make out from a distance.

The leader of the group stared quietly at the camp ahead. The whole person was wrapped in the mecha, and even his face was covered. Only the eyes were covered with bulletproof glass. The people inside the mecha could see through this two-finger-wide bulletproof glass. Observing the front, exuding a cold and violent aura, a dark guard came forward and whispered: "Captain, the camp seems to be undefended, could it be a scam?"

"Maybe it's a scam, maybe those damn bastards arrested thousands of us, thought they were righteous, partyed all night, drank too much, and are already asleep now. Don't you smell the faint scent of alcohol in the air?" The man said coldly, his voice as cold as the Nine Nether Demon.

The dark guard who spoke just now sniffed hard. The air was cold and there was no scent of wine. However, he did not dare to say these words, otherwise he would be disobedient. He just said softly: "Captain, when will we attack?"

The man called the captain turned his hand and glanced at his watch, and said in a deep voice: "There are still three minutes left before the agreed time. The other teams should be in place and be ready for battle. We will fight as fast as possible in three minutes. Rush towards the target at speed, the enemy headquarters, and rescue the others after successfully decapitating them."

"Understood." The other party quickly agreed and sent the order.

After the captain issued the order, he continued to stare at the camp ahead, motionless. If it weren't for the cold murderous intent exuding from his body, he would definitely be suspected of being a sculpture. Time passed quietly, and the mountain wind passed by slowly, but it could not be blown away. The cold murderous intent on these people made Yue Fang seem frightened by these people, and she quietly hid in the clouds.

Three minutes passed quickly. The captain did not waste any time. Instead, he pulled the gun bolt, waved his big hand, and rushed forward. Driven by the extremely elastic boots under his feet, he rushed forward like a big bird. One step is more than ten meters away, and the whole person jumps up to two meters high.

After several ups and downs, the captain came to the edge of the hillside. He jumped directly from the high hillside. He was in the air, with his arms spread out and his feet slightly flexed, like a big bird gliding down. After landing, he couldn't even roll to release his strength. , stood firmly, crouched down slightly and kicked off his feet again, and threw himself forward, his feet flying like flying, pulling out a silver-white shadow under the cold moonlight, which was extremely weird.

The other Dark Guards also ran towards the camp at the same speed. The speed was strange, as if a beast was running towards them. Their bodies were undulating, rising and falling, left and right, forming a smooth wavy line. The silver mecha was dancing in the moonlight. It was sparkling and weird, and in the blink of an eye, it rushed up about five hundred meters, and was about to reach the camp.

In an inconspicuous trench outside the camp, Orser and the mountain eagle stared at the enemy rushing up. The trench was dug after dark. It was only one meter wide and one meter deep. People could only squat in it. The excavated soil was piled in an irregular shape in front of the trench. At first glance, it was thought to be a naturally formed ridge.

There is a troop hidden in the trench, staring at the advancing Dark Guards. Thirty of them are Orser's troops, all carrying RPGs. The rockets have been loaded and ready to be fired at any time. There is also a ten-man troop. The sniper team also raised their guns and aimed at the rushing enemies without saying a word. Although the Dark Guard was very powerful, everyone had hunted a lot and had a psychological advantage, so they didn't care. As for Orser's people, they were all frightened by the speed of the Dark Guard. Stayed, luckily there was no mess.

In the blink of an eye, the Dark Guard rushed up. The distance was no longer three hundred meters. This distance is not ideal for snipers to snipe at night, but it can be done. It would be troublesome for the enemy to advance forward. The mountain eagle's eyes widened. , said in a deep voice: "Two hundred meters away, give me a blast——"

All the people carrying the RPG did not answer, but quickly pulled the trigger towards the two hundred meters position and launched the rockets. It took at least three seconds from issuing the order to launching the rockets. This distance was enough for the enemy to rush to two hundred meters. meters position, just in time for a hard-on artillery strike. As a veteran with extremely rich combat experience, Shandiao naturally had to take all time into account and issue correct instructions.

"Swish, swish, swish -" Thirty rockets roared out of the barrel, rushing towards everyone with endless expectations and fighting spirit, tearing apart the gray night, hitting a distance of 200 meters in an instant, and exploding as soon as they hit the ground. There were deafening explosions, and balls of fire rose into the sky, illuminating the surrounding area.

"Kill -" the mountain eagle roared, raising its gun and aiming at it. The sudden burst of shelling did not scare the Dark Guards. These people had been mentally prepared for the sneak attack at night, but they also slowed down. The explosive power of the rockets was extraordinary. , the Dark Guard is not afraid of grenades and ordinary bullets, but will faint if it is hit by a rocket, and has to lie down quickly to try to avoid the bombardment.

As a result, the terrifying speed of the Dark Guard suddenly slowed down or even stopped. The distance of two hundred meters was no pressure for the elite soldier king. Even at night, the sniper scope could see the target clearly, and the mountain eagle quickly pulled the trigger. , a dragon tooth bullet whizzed out of the chamber, the sound was soft, and it was completely undetectable amidst the explosions of rockets, but it rushed over with the power to tear everything apart.

"Puff——" The sniper bullet accurately hit the heart of a target, penetrated the mecha, and penetrated into the heart. The powerful kinetic energy of the bullet was blocked by the mecha and then began to spin more irregularly, crushing the heart of the target on the spot. , blood spurted out along the bullet holes of the mecha. The Dark Guard stiffened and fell to the ground. He may not have understood why before he died.

"Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong He shot towards the target accurately, leaving bullet holes one by one.

The big explosion of rockets not only slowed down the Dark Guard's attack speed, but also illuminated the enemy's position, turning them into live targets. The sniper team knew how powerful the Dark Guard was and did not dare to let the opponent get close. They kept firing, regardless of whether the opponent was there or not. He had been killed, and the dragon's tooth bullets were fired one after another, and the cold murderous aura shot straight into the night sky.

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