The strongest soldier

Chapter 3955 The enemy fakes surrender

The transport plane is too eye-catching and can easily be spotted by satellites. The key to counter-ambushing the enemy this time is to be concealed and not alert the enemy. Civil aviation is flying all over the sky and is highly concealed, making it difficult for people to suspect. Who would have thought that the civil aviation flying over at high altitudes would be inside Sitting with soldiers? The shell of this special plane looks the same as that of a large Airbus flight, but the inside has been modified. All seats have been removed and all irrelevant ones have been discarded. Everyone can sit in a row. It can accommodate three to four hundred people and can be airdropped to a designated location at one time. The location is a magic weapon for carrying out top-secret flight missions. There are only a few of them in the country. It is considered a strategic weapon and is closely guarded. It is not used normally and requires special permission.

When the flight takes off, it flies according to the prescribed route. When the destination is near, it suddenly changes the route. After passing the destination, the troops are airdropped and then returns to the route. It only disappears for a few minutes. No country can notice it. Moreover, this kind of special plane is invisible. Function, when the time comes, it will interfere with the satellites of various countries in the sky, and the effect will be better.

Lan Xue has always been responsible for logistics and overall planning, and is very familiar with how to arrange routes and fly there under what identity without arousing suspicion. Luo Zheng is very relieved to hand over the task to Lan Xue. As for Hong Meihua, an old spy, he went to Ruijin Bank to pick up something. It's easy and no problem.

After chatting for a while, Luo Zheng saw someone climbing up the cliff ahead. The leader was Oser. He immediately realized that Luo Le led his troops to surrender. Hearing the reminder of a helicopter, several helicopters roared over. , all the weapons were pointed at the cliff and opened fire at any time. Luo Zheng quickly signaled everyone to stop messing around and shouted: "Special service team, go up and accept the enemy's surrender. Shandiao will lead people to guard the perimeter and shoot to death if anything unusual is found."

Although the enemy surrendered voluntarily, trouble was inevitable due to the large number of people and had to be on guard. Luo Zheng said and rushed forward. Xu Gang and Tie Diao also rushed forward with their troops. People from four squadrons also rushed forward with guns in hand. The enemy was too There are too few of us, so we can’t be careless at all.

Luo Zheng rushed up and shouted: "Put down your weapons, line up over there, squat on the ground, and hold your head with your hands."

"Sir, don't shoot, we surrender, and those behind don't mess around, I still want to live." Orser saw Luo Zheng shouting with a smile, winked secretly, put the weapon on the ground, and rushed forward quickly When he arrived at the area designated by Luo Zheng, he squatted down. In front of so many people, Orser did not dare to expose himself.

More people came out from the exit below the cliff, climbed up the cliff, threw their weapons on the ground and squatted aside to hold their heads. No one spoke, and the order was orderly. They were professionally trained people. During this period, everyone was making noises, and everyone was shouting. People are noisy and disorderly, and they don't behave like a notorious terrorist organization.

Luo Zheng calmly looked at the enemies coming up one by one. Even without Luo Le, he could still see something was wrong. He was too self-conscious. Is this the Dark Church that dares to fight? Are these terrorists who take pride in dying in battle? It was so weird. Even if Luo Le didn't tell the truth, Luo Zheng would be wary. If something went wrong, he would be a monster. But after knowing the intention of these people to fake surrender, Luo Zheng sneered. He was not afraid of these people playing tricks at all.

The surrender went smoothly. A large number of armed men came out of the cave entrance of the cliff. They honestly placed their weapons on the ground and then gathered aside. It took time for thousands of people to come out. Luo Zheng was not in a hurry and waited patiently. Others around him did not know. In the specific situation, I was worried that the enemy would suddenly riot, and stared at everyone who came out, not daring to be careless, and would open fire at the slightest abnormality.

The total strength of Xu Gang, Tie Diao, Shan Diao and four squadrons was more than 400, but it was less than half of the enemy. There was a huge disparity in the strength of the troops. The enemy was an elite force, so they could not be careless. Shan Diao dispersed with the snipers. Under surveillance, Xu Gang and Tie Diao even led people to the place where the weapons were piled, and strictly monitored every person who came up to put down all their weapons, watching with eager eyes and not daring to be careless.

Luo Zheng relaxed instead. This group of enemies were afraid of another earth-penetrating bomb and buried them all alive in the ground. In addition, the superiors had arranged a fake landing and there would be a rescue. There was no resistance. The surrender process went smoothly. When everyone came out Finally, Luo Zheng arranged for Xu Gang to go into the Tibetan Soldier Cave to inspect. Of course, these were all for his opponents to see. Luo Zheng was not sure that there were no enemy satellites monitoring the situation above him. The drama had to be done well. It would be too fake to evacuate with the prisoners like this. .

The helicopters responsible for searching the surrounding area all came to support. After all, there were more than a thousand enemies. Although they all handed over their weapons, there was no guarantee that the enemies would not come indiscriminately. Everyone was worried about Luo Zheng's safety, so they all considered Luo Zheng invisibly. Stopping in the void, watching the captives squatting on the ground with eager eyes.

Ground troops without weapons were targets for helicopters and were nothing to worry about. After everyone waited patiently for a while, Xu Gang hurried out with his men and whispered to Luo Zheng: "We checked, there is no one else inside, they should all come out." Yes, there are some weapons and ammunition inside."

"Oh?" Luo Zheng had long heard that there were a lot of weapons and ammunition in it. It was a pity to waste it. He couldn't help but look at the prisoners. They were all squatting on the ground with calm expressions. They had no consciousness of losing the battle. Luo Zheng didn't point it out. The weapon's prisoner combat effectiveness is not a concern, not to mention that there are more than a dozen helicopters overhead, which have already surrounded all the prisoners.

"Boss, what should we do next?" Seeing Luo Zheng's silence, Xu Gang couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry." Luo Zheng sneered nonchalantly, strode up to Orser, pretended not to know him, deliberately put on an arrogant expression and shouted: "You, take some people down, and help me move all the weapons inside. Come out and don’t cheat, otherwise you will be shot directly.”

"Yes, yes, I promise to complete it." Orser agreed quickly and knowingly, while deliberately nodding and bending, pretending to be scared, then looking around, he ordered hundreds of people in one breath, and then led these people back to the Tibetan Soldier Cave.

Luo Zheng knew that these people should be Bafier's old subordinates, and they were his own people with Orser, so it would be no problem to let them go down. He waved his hand with confidence and let the brothers who tried to stop him let go. He immediately looked at the other prisoners, deliberately arrogant. shouted: "Be honest, otherwise I will kill you without mercy."

The prisoners did not make a sound, and most of them lowered their heads in silence, while some looked around curiously. Luo Zheng saw the eyes of some people in the team flashing, and their faces full of dissatisfaction and sneers, as if he was the winner. Luo Zheng estimated that these people were either holy warriors or knights of the Round Table, but taking action now would be counterproductive and alert the top leaders of the Dark Church. If they did not come to the rescue, they would be in big trouble.

Since it was not the time to take action, Luo Zheng naturally would not be familiar with these people. As long as everyone did not mess around, he glanced at the prisoners with a cold gaze. It would be better to comfort them appropriately while feeling threatened, which could stabilize this gang to a certain extent. Everyone is acting out the human heart, and it depends on who is acting truly. He immediately shouted loudly: "Be honest, maybe you can save your life. Who dares to mess around? Look at the helicopter above you."

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