The strongest soldier

Chapter 3938 Let the enemy go deep

When the two armies are fighting, the first priority is intelligence. After Luo Zheng attacked the Holy Mountain, he learned about the existence of this base from Tokugawa Tian. He seized the opportunity and pressed the troops on the border, which put great pressure on the Dark Church. The Dark Church did not hesitate to use the position of envoy to win over Luo Zheng and mobilize If the large army comes, without Tokugawa Tian's intelligence, everything will be in vain.

In addition, if everyone is attacking the enemy's headquarters base, then the military defense of such a base will definitely not be simple. Attacking hastily will only cause heavy losses to oneself. Without intelligence and unable to make decisions, Luo Zheng can only take risks and let go of the blockade to let enemy reinforcements in. The enemy's strength may increase, but there is a chance for the inner line to penetrate. This is very important to everyone. Blocking off the perimeter and not letting any soldiers in may accidentally blow up the inner line.

After some discussion, everyone felt that the risk of letting the enemy in was too great. The Dark Church mobilized its troops at all costs, which shows how much it attaches importance to its troops. It may not be appropriate to let the enemy's reinforcements in, but the benefits of letting the inside infiltrate are too great, so they couldn't make up their minds for a while. The final focus was on letting the reinforcements from the inside line go in. In other words, the other reinforcements were blocked and the enemy reinforcements from the inside line were put in. Anyway, the inside line had a GPS and knew where the inside line was.

Everyone analyzed for a while and finally looked at Luo Zheng. This decision had to be made by Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng thought for a long time and felt that each had its own pros and cons. It was difficult to make up his mind. He pondered for a long time and finally said with a heavy face: "Let go." Lock them down and let them in."

"Why?" Everyone asked curiously, not questioning the order, just out of curiosity.

"Everyone knows the benefits of blockade, and everyone has clearly analyzed the pros and cons of liberalization. There is one omission, and that is the enemy's attitude after the madness. Once the enemy realizes that it cannot be defended, it will definitely break through. If the enemy's peripheral forces suddenly gather , to respond in a certain place, to cooperate inside and outside, but our troops are too spread out and may not be able to block it. In addition, the concentration of enemy troops can certainly improve the combat effectiveness, but the concentrated enemies are more conducive to our air strikes. There are pros and cons. I think You can give it a try. Even if you lose the bet, aren't the enemies still in the encirclement? There are ways to deal with them and seal the surrounding areas. If the enemies escape, there will be endless troubles. It is better to deal with all the enemies at once, even if you pay a certain price for it." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

Everyone felt Luo Zheng's strong fighting spirit and determination to fight to settle the world, and they stopped talking. Whether they let go or blockade, it is all for the sake of victory. Each has its own pros and cons, but there is an advantage to letting go. The enemy will all Gather together and form an encirclement when the time comes. With the strength of the Counter-Terrorism Alliance countries, no matter how big the problem is, we should have the ability and methods to solve it. Everyone nodded in agreement with Luo Zheng's decision and stopped talking nonsense.

Luo Zheng glanced at the think tank and warned: "Go and ask the tentacle monster to issue an order. Let the teams from various countries keep an eye on the defense range. Report all enemy information discovered immediately. Pay attention to concealment and protect yourself, and don't rub against the enemy."

"Understood." The think tank agreed and hurried away.

Although letting the enemy in has a chance of killing them all, it may also bring endless risks. It is indeed a risky decision. Luo Zheng would never dare to do this before the battle started, but he has destroyed two aircraft in the fight with the enemy so far. , Luo Zheng's self-confidence greatly increased, and he decided to let go and fight. It would be best if all his enemies came over. After fighting openly and secretly with the Dark Church for several years, Luo Zheng did not want to waste any more time and decided to win or lose this battle.

The think tank, Jackson and Tang Tiantian all saw Luo Zheng's determination and did not object. They waited patiently. Under the sun, Luo Zheng quietly looked into the distance and thought about something. His shadow stretched very long.

Not long after, news continued to come in. Teams from various countries scattered around and guarding each other gradually discovered that enemy reinforcements were approaching. The scale was not very large, with about thirty people in one team. Sometimes two or three such teams appeared at the same time, but they were separated from each other. After the previous team was bombed, the enemy became much more cautious.

Enemies continued to cross the blockade and move toward the core area. Each enemy group that was discovered was marked on the simple sand table at the headquarters, with the number of people and the direction of march. Luo Zheng returned to the headquarters, staring at the sand table and thinking. Whatever he was talking about, everyone knew Luo Zheng's habits and didn't bother him.

Time passed by, and after dark, more enemy reinforcements infiltrated, but they were all released one by one. In the middle of the night, the scale and frequency of enemy infiltrations became even greater, and Orser's troops also successfully infiltrated, and they were already asleep. After receiving the news, Luo Zheng rushed to the headquarters and found the location of Orser's unit on the sand table. It was about a hundred kilometers away from the valley camp. Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Orser infiltrated, he would have a chance.

Orser has a bloody family feud, and he has endured so far just for revenge. Of course he will not let go of such a good opportunity for revenge. He will spread the news whenever he gets the chance. Luo Zheng has no pajamas and waits patiently at the headquarters until At dawn, there was still no news from Orser. Luo Zheng couldn't help but become worried and walked out of the headquarters.

The morning sun was warm, the breeze was gentle, and there were a few white clouds floating in the sky. Luo Zheng took a deep breath and felt a little better. He looked at the neat tents in the camp, the queues of people coming and going, and the parking spots outside. Helicopters and patrols, some representatives walked towards the headquarters chatting and laughing. Luo Zheng stretched and saw Tang Tiantian walking around the corner of the tent in front, holding a lunch box in his hand.

Tang Tiantian came up quickly, handed the lunch box to Luo Zheng, and said softly: "Compressed biscuits and canned meat are cooked together. It tastes good. Everyone has eaten it, so you should eat some too."

"Thank you." Luo Zheng took it politely and ate. The guards at the staff office were responsible for the security of the headquarters and also took care of Luo Zheng's life. As the head of the guards, Tang Tiantian was naturally responsible for Luo Zheng's meals to avoid anyone Representatives and troops from various countries gathered together to make trouble, and they had to guard against it.

Luo Zheng also had complicated feelings about Tang Tiantian. He was once a life-or-death enemy, but now he is an ally in the trenches. Things in the world are really fickle, who can tell clearly? However, Luo Zheng believed that Tang Tiantian would not act recklessly. Tang Tiantian saw Luo Zheng eating the food without any hesitation, without worrying about poisoning the food. This trust made Tang Tiantian feel complicated. .

After eating a few mouthfuls, representatives from various countries came over one after another. Everyone greeted Luo Zheng and gathered nearby to chat in low voices. They were in small groups. During this observation, everyone also has a mission, which is to build good relations with other countries. , it is best to negotiate some cooperation. Whenever there is free time, everyone will gather together. Luo Zheng ignored this and was happy to relax. He swallowed the food in a few mouthfuls, handed the lunch box to Tang Tiantian and said with a smile: "Thank you for your hard work." ”

Tang Tiantian took the lunch box and waved. A guard came over and washed the lunch box away. Tang Tiantian did not move, but motioned Luo Zheng to a deserted place and said in a low voice: "Boss, these representatives are probably a hidden danger. Someone is acting suspiciously, but there is no direct evidence, do you think?"

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