The strongest soldier

Chapter 3933 The camp is completed

An hour later, helicopters sent by various countries roared to the scene and parked in the designated area. The transport aircraft dropped a lot of supplies and then left. The supplies were opened. They were full of war supplies such as tents, food, water, ammunition, fuel, and medicine. They were enough. Everyone had been working on it for a while, and after two hours, all the tents were set up. In the center was the tent for the command center, which was enough to accommodate about thirty people.

The tentacle monster was responsible for setting up the communication equipment of the command center. Micro radars, antennas, etc. were put out, connected to the computer, and the projection equipment was debugged. After another two hours, the think tank and a group of people hurried over on a transport plane and moved the entire command center. , the fighter jets need a runway to take off and cannot come over, so they can only stay at the original base. Once the order is given, the fighter jets can take off as soon as possible.

The deployment of the command headquarters was handled by the people in the staff office. Luo Zheng held the think tank, Jackson and Tang Tiantian for a secret chat for a while, and learned about everyone's situation at the fighter base and the unremitting support of the local country. Even the missiles were supported by the local country. , otherwise how could it be so smooth.

Speaking of which, the local country was also furious. Unexpectedly, the important base of the Dark Church was within its own territory. Although this area was rarely visited by people and it was bordered by three countries. It was considered a no-nonsense zone, but after all, it was under my nose. The gesture of support is also unjustifiable internationally.

Of course, if it weren’t for the support of the local country this time, everything would not have gone so smoothly. Not to mention planes, even people would not be able to enter the country easily. After half an hour, the entire command headquarters was at a loss. Luo Zheng came to the headquarters with the think tank and other staff members, accompanied by representatives from various countries. These representatives were only responsible for observing the battle and taking notes during the battle. Everything that happened is in case someone can trace the fault afterwards. In addition, these representatives are also responsible for liaising with various countries. If necessary, more support can be dispatched through the representatives.

Luo Zheng does not reject the representatives, as long as they do not interfere with the command, not to mention that all countries support his war so much. As for the issue of leaks, Luo Zheng is not worried about it. With the tentacle monster and dragon tooth shield, all surrounding signals can be blocked. With the permission of the tentacle monster, no one can make a call or send a message.

When the tentacle monster saw Luo Zheng bringing someone in, he immediately gave a thumbs up to show that everything was under control. Luo Zheng nodded knowingly, glanced at Sora Ishii who was quietly guarding the surroundings next to the tentacle monster, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The tentacle monster will play an important role in this war, and absolutely no mistakes are allowed. Luo Zheng specially sent Sora Ishii to protect him closely in case of any accidents.

"Can you contact the teams specially sent from various countries?" Luo Zheng asked in a deep voice.

"No problem, our people, people sent from various countries, including the two additional special forces sent to protect the surrounding areas can all be contacted." The tentacle monster said in a deep voice.

"That's good. Representatives from all countries are here. Immediately contact the captains of the special operations teams of each country and ask the representatives of each country to cooperate with the identity confirmation issue so that everyone will not doubt the command's instructions. Once confirmed, immediately give the identity confirmation password to each team and use the voice. The password is saved for comparison. The password is changed every two hours, and I determine it each time. The password this time is ┅┅." Luo Zheng said, glanced at the representatives of various countries here with firm eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Password: Darkness calls back: perish!”

"Understood." The tentacle monster agreed.

The others seemed to smell the smoke from Luo Zheng's password, and also felt Luo Zheng's confidence and determination. They all nodded and smiled. No one objected. Passwords are very important and are one of the ways to determine identity. The signal may be penetrated and mastered by the enemy, and the sound may also be simulated, so a password is needed for final confirmation. An extra layer of insurance is very necessary on the battlefield.

If the other party cannot answer the password, it means that the identity is fraudulent. If it can be determined that the other party's voice matches, but the password is wrong, it means that the other party may be one of us, but for some reason has to answer the command randomly to prompt the headquarters, such as Warning after being captured, etc.

The battlefields are all veterans with combat experience. They know the importance of passwords and cooperate with the tentacle monsters to contact the special forces sent by their respective countries. They report their identities and contact passwords, let the other party confirm and then hand them over to the tentacle monsters for docking. Everything is done. Proceeding in an orderly manner.

Large-scale battles are completely different from local special operations. There are too many things that need to be prepared. Luo Zheng saw that the tentacle monsters were handled with ease, and there was also an information soldier from the staff office who came with the team to assist. The information soldier was seconded by the Information Department of the Conspiracy Bureau. My brother who came here is trustworthy. Luo Zheng came outside the tent and looked at the neatly arranged tents. His mood became heavy for no reason. Last night, he destroyed countless enemy bunkers in one fell swoop. It had been several hours since dawn. Why didn't the enemy have any? movement? This is so abnormal.

The special service team, Zhou Gang and others are still expanding the search in the periphery, but nothing has been found so far. This also worries Luo Zheng. It is too calm, so calm that it is depressing. Is this the calm before the storm? Or is it calm that the enemy doesn’t want to initiate a fight now?

At this time, the think tank also came out of the headquarters and motioned Luo Zheng to come to a place where no one was around. He looked around cautiously and turned off the headset. Luo Zheng also turned off the headset and looked at the think tank curiously. The think tank's face darkened. He lowered his voice and said: "The enemy was blown up in the valley. You guys destroyed a lot of bunkers along the way last night. There is no reason for the enemy to choose silence. It's too weird. Could it be a scam?"

"There must be a fraud, but unfortunately we lack intelligence and cannot guess it." Luo Zheng looked at the orderly patrolling special forces from various countries around him, his eyes fell on the helicopter parked in the open area not far away, and continued: "We have such a Multiple helicopters can support frontline combat troops at any time, which is a fatal threat to the Dark Church. Normally, they should send aircraft over for bombing."

"So you have thought of this too. I am also very confused. This is not in line with the law of development of affairs. Are they too confident to take action now, or do they have no energy to take care of us? I think it is necessary to investigate the valley in advance, and we cannot move three Queen of Heaven, I suspect all the answers lie in the valley." The think tank suggested in a deep voice.

"Valley?" Luo Zheng pondered in surprise. After a moment, he whispered: "No, the enemy may be waiting for time, so they don't want to provoke us. We also need time to prepare. If the valley is very critical, we cannot provoke the opponent at this time. , just wait quietly for a few days."

"It's just that I'm worried about our internal situation..." the think tank said hesitantly.

Luo Zheng knew that the think tank was worried that there were people from the Dark Church around him, such as representatives of various countries, such as soldiers from a certain country participating in the war, and he was unprepared. After thinking about it, he shook his head and whispered: "You and I should pay more attention to this matter and don't make it public. Spread has affected the morale of the army. If we find problems, we will deal with them decisively and show no mercy. When you turn around, you can quietly tell the tentacle monster and let him be more careful. I want to see who dares to mess up?" As he said that, there was a look in his eyes. There was a flash of cold light. In extraordinary times, Luo Zheng would not mind ruthlessly attacking anyone.

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