The strongest soldier

Chapter 3930 Missile Attack

The setting sun disappeared after its last rays of light and went into hiding. The sky and the earth were gray. Night began to fall. White clouds were lingering in the vast sky. The breeze was gentle. The empty mountains were vast. The world fell into deathly silence. The whole world seemed to be quiet all of a sudden. It's normal.

Suddenly, a piercing scream came from the horizon, and the sound became louder and louder. A missile appeared in the vast sky without knowing when, with murderous intent, it roared towards a towering mountain peak, like a missile rushing from nine days away. The invincible God of War came with great speed, and the whole sky seemed to be shaken by the scream.

At this time, a circular aircraft suddenly appeared from behind the towering mountain. It was shaped like a flying saucer. It seemed to appear out of thin air. It hovered motionless in the void. Two micro missiles were suddenly launched from the bottom, trying to intercept the roaring incoming aircraft. tactical missiles.

The speed of the aircraft was very fast, but the speed of the micro missiles it launched was not much different from that of other missiles. It did not hit the tactical missiles whizzing away. By the time it turned around to pursue them, the tactical missiles had already flown away, and the micro missiles could not He caught up with the tactical missile, hissed and roared behind him, and chased after him, as if unwilling to give up.

Is it so easy for tactical missiles to be hit when flying at high speed? Even though the performance of the aircraft is advanced, it is still impossible to directly hit the missile flying at high speed with a missile. Once it misses, what can I do but follow behind? Seeing that the attack failed, the aircraft immediately pursued them.

In the blink of an eye, the aircraft caught up with the high-speed flying tactical missile, but it did not dare to hit it directly. Instead, it followed closely and flew side by side. At the same time, an eight-barreled machine gun stretched out from under the aircraft and aimed at the tactical missile. He tried his best to fire, but the tactical missile was too fast. It took time for the bullet to come out of the chamber and cross the spatial distance. Although this time was so small that it could be ignored, it was long enough for the tactical missile to fly far, and the bullet could only roar behind it.

The aircraft may have been anxious and suddenly accelerated to the front in an attempt to increase the lead time of shooting. However, a mountain peak appeared in front of it. The tactical missile suddenly changed its direction and rushed around the mountain. The aircraft was so frightened that it quickly climbed up 90 degrees and rushed directly. Yunxiao, when he avoided the mountain peak, he found that the tactical missile had gone away, and quickly accelerated the pursuit.

At this time, the tactical missile suddenly flew at low altitude, as if it had been known for a long time that the aircraft would intercept it. How could the attack deployed by Lan Xue be without any defense? There is a satellite positioning system on the tactical missile, which can remotely control the missile's flight direction and detonation. Once an aircraft is discovered to intercept, it will naturally intervene remotely.

The tactical missile rushed forward along the canyon, paying no attention to the aircraft chasing behind it. Seeing that the aircraft was about to catch up, the tactical missile suddenly reported and rushed towards another towering mountain. The surrounding mountains were endless and towering. Like the clouds, they were a good cover. The tactical missiles continued to rush forward around the mountain under remote control without getting entangled with the aircraft at all.

In this way, the only option for the aircraft is to collide with the tactical missile, which will hurt both sides. The aircraft is too precious, and it will never be chosen unless it is a last resort. The tactical missile continues to roll forward, and the aircraft follows closely, firing continuously, trying to Hit the tactical missile, but unfortunately failed to do so.

Soon, the tactical missile came to a towering mountain peak, dived to the mountainside, and then circled behind the mountain peak, avoiding the violent strafing of the pursuing aircraft. The aircraft realized the danger, accelerated suddenly, and instantly closed in on the enemy. Tactical missile distance, continue to fire, trying to bring down the missile.

Behind the towering peaks is the valley. Once the aircraft's hiding place is blown up, you don't have to think about the consequences. Suddenly, countless rocket launchers are fired from the mountainside of the towering peaks in all directions, densely packed, forming a terrifying firepower network. Head towards the tactical missile hood.

"Boom -" the tactical missile was hit and exploded in the air. However, there was no red cloud of explosion as imagined, and there was no terrifying shock wave. We could only see the rocket exploding in the void. The tactical missile instantly exploded directly in the void. It broke into countless pieces of debris, and an electromagnetic wave invisible to the naked eye was instantly released and pounced on the surroundings.

High in the sky, the aircraft following the tactical missiles suddenly trembled in the void, and then began to shake, like a drunken old man stumbling towards the mountain peak. It was extremely weird.

There was no exclamation, no shouting, even the rockets that suddenly appeared stopped and suddenly disappeared, as if nothing had happened just now. If it weren't for the smoke caused by the rocket explosion filling the void, Everything is weird.

With a "Boom--" sound, the aircraft hit the mountainside hard, and the whole thing disappeared into the mountain. Dust flew up, and the soil collapsed, but the aircraft was mostly embedded in the hard rocks on the mountainside, motionless. It's like a sculpture, and it's weird.

Perhaps no one expected that the tactical missile carried an electromagnetic pulse warhead. After being detonated, it emits a powerful electromagnetic pulse, destroying all surrounding electronic components. The aircraft is no exception. A malfunctioning aircraft cannot be controlled. Under the terrifying speed inertia It plunged into the mountainside and was so stuck that the people inside could not get out.

No one expected that things would end up like this. There was no movement in the silent valley, and those sudden rockets were hidden away. But it was certain that anti-aircraft rocket launchers were deployed in this valley. The sky was filled with gunpowder smoke and was blown away by the mountain wind. , the valley is so quiet that it’s hair-raising.

Suddenly, another missile roared in. This missile carried a small-yield nuclear warhead. In order to completely destroy the valley and destroy the aircraft, Lan Xue took a ruthless hand. The missile carrying a small-yield nuclear warhead rolled with an ear-piercing scream. Come, let it be as if the god of death is roaring and roaring.

With a loud "Boom--", the missile exploded, and a huge mushroom cloud rose up in the valley. Black smoke filled the air, and the explosion was dazzling. The earth trembled, and the entire void seemed to be unable to withstand the attack and collapsed. Usually, the mountain where the aircraft hides is hit by a missile, and most of the mountain is instantly flattened.

Dust is flying all over the sky, mud and rocks are flying, mushroom clouds gradually spread, covering the ground. Small-yield nuclear bombs are not as good as real nuclear bombs. The explosive power is very different, but the attack power cannot be underestimated. No one can Survived such a horrific explosion.

A large amount of soil collapsed and slid on the towering peaks around the valley, and some rocket launchers and people could be faintly seen. However, the collapse of the soil was too big and rolled down. It was very scary and could not be seen clearly. The black smoke in the sky blocked the sky above the valley, making it as if The dark clouds are overwhelming and it feels like the end of the world.

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