The strongest soldier

Chapter 3926 Adjusting Tactics

Women's intuition is often unreasonable. Luo Zheng has always attached great importance to Lan Xue's intuition. What's more, past experience has made Luo Zheng clearly know that every exposed target of the Dark Church will be decisively abandoned, all personnel will evacuate secretly, and the troops will be hidden. Get up and make sure that his strength is not lost, Luo Zheng thought for a while and said: "Your speculation is not impossible. If it is an ordinary base, the Dark Church will not have time to retreat. There is no need to call in more people. If they really call in people, it is enough to explain This base is not simple, and Orser’s information has been of great help to us.”

"No matter what the reason is, we can't ignore it, so let's talk to you quickly. If we really support the front line, it will be complicated. It may change the situation of the war and have an impact on your plan. Orser told me to join the war. The possibility is very high. He specifically asked other intelligence personnel he was familiar with and they all received relevant orders, but not all the way. What should we do next?" Lan Xue said in a deep voice.

"The top priority is to determine whether this base is the headquarters of the Dark Church." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice, his eyes shining with wisdom.

"How?" Lan Xue asked in surprise.

"If it is the headquarters, then we have seized the Dark Church's greatest vitality and can force the Dark Church to fight us decisively. The outcome will be determined in one battle. Then we will have to redeploy our troops and deploy our attack plan. If not, Then the Dark Church has other plans and even attacks our anti-terrorism alliance headquarters base." Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice, but his eyes were cast on the vast mountains in the distance, as if he was eager to see clearly the true intentions of his opponent.

"It makes sense. I will keep an eye on the anti-terrorist alliance base. Don't worry. In three days, the two military regions will conduct live-fire exercises nearby, and there will be ghost hands stationed there. No one dares to attack easily, but your side." Lan Xue reminded.

"I'm not worried here. If the headquarters of the Dark Church is really located, then this area will be complicated. No wonder there are probes, bunkers and other reconnaissance deployments on the outside. Maybe going inside will be more complicated. This place is already run by the Dark Church. It is impregnable and cannot be attacked easily. The original plan needs to be adjusted." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"How to adjust?" Lan Xue asked.

"Didn't each country support two additional special operations teams? You used the predetermined target and the valley as the double centers, selected an important location and high ground twenty kilometers away from the two centers, and sent the special operations teams from each country there to attack the enemy. Implement a ring encirclement, remember, they are only responsible for surveillance, defense and counterattack, and are not allowed to attack, I want to encircle the enemy on all sides." Luo Zheng said with murderous intent.

"Understood, this is simple and I can handle it quickly. However, what should each team do once they encounter a large-scale enemy attack?" Lan Xue reminded worriedly.

"Use satellites to survey the terrain clearly, and select a relatively open valley as a camp. We need a camp, and then let the Counter-Terrorism Alliance countries send two additional armed helicopters and a transport helicopter to improve the mobility of the special operations forces of each country. But it needs centralized and unified management." Luo Zheng warned.

"I understand, there are helicopters participating in the war. Once each country encounters an attack, it can call its own helicopters to join the war, and it can also call transport helicopters to go to various war zones for support. I understand, right?" Lan Xue inquired and received a positive reply from Luo Zheng. Then he continued: "It's just that the camp means gathering. How to avoid aircraft attacks? It is impossible for the Dark Church to watch us deploy the camp."

"Immediately analyze it with the people in the information department to determine the hiding spot of the aircraft, and then let the think tank plan an air strike in the area. Fighters will clear the way and bombers will stay behind. Don't be afraid of a large attack surface. If the ammunition is lost, it can be replenished, but the aircraft The hiding spot must be blown up for me, I don’t want to see the existence of aircraft in the subsequent battles." Luo Zheng warned with murderous intent.

"Understood. Without logistical support, the aircraft will become a pile of scrap metal after the fuel and ammunition are exhausted. Blowing up the hiding spot is equivalent to cutting off the aircraft's escape route. I understand. Make arrangements immediately. What time is the bombing time? Is it appropriate?" Lan Xuehui asked in agreement.

"The sooner the better, let me know when you're sure." Luo Zheng wasn't sure how long it would take for the think tank to prepare, so he couldn't set the time too rigidly. He responded casually, suddenly thought of something, and said uneasily: "You can Coordinate the local national tactical missile support. First, drop a tactical missile remotely into the valley. It is best to drop an electromagnetic pulse bomb to blow up their electronic equipment. The aircraft will not be able to take off. Then the fighter jets and bombers will follow up to ensure that nothing goes wrong. ."

"Understood." Lan Xue agreed.

In order to kill the aircraft, Luo Zheng was ruthless this time and did not hesitate to use tactical missiles and electromagnetic pulse bombs. This was no longer a special warfare, but an all-out war. The aircraft of the Dark Church were really too great a threat. In order to destroy the aircraft , Luo Zheng did not hesitate to start a war.

Re-deployment is a big project, involving a wide range of countries and many other aspects, such as personnel transfer, logistics support, equipment transportation and placement, etc. Unprofessional people have no idea how to do it. Luo Zheng is very fortunate that the headquarters has Lan Xue is in command, and with Lan Xue's coordination and operational capabilities, it is not difficult to complete the corresponding deployment, but it will also take a certain amount of time.

Time is urgently needed by all parties. Lan Xue needs time to adjust his deployment. Luo Zheng believes that the Dark Church also needs time to adjust its deployment. It is a good thing that everyone needs time. Luo Zheng believes that as long as he does not overly stimulate his opponent, his opponent will not. A general attack will be launched immediately. As for what the opponent's plans will be, we will only know when the fight begins. Thinking of this, Luo Zheng turned his headset to the public channel and said in a deep voice through the headset: "Attention, all units, quickly break the whole into pieces, find The place is on standby, we need to adjust our attack tactics."

On the battlefield, it is normal to adjust tactics in time according to the enemy's situation. Unchanged tactics do not conform to the ever-changing laws of the battlefield and will only be passively beaten. Everyone is not opposed to adjusting tactics. They are just curious and want to know that they formulated the tactics of building plank roads in secret and attacking the valley. , now there are adjustments, what happened when you fell to the ground?

He was not sure whether this base was the headquarters of the Dark Church before, but Orser's information made Luo Zheng realize that this base was more important than imagined. Although he was not sure that it was the headquarters of the Dark Church, it was definitely not simple. For such a base, it should be regarded as Even the Dark Church headquarters cannot treat them too lightly, so they must change their attack tactics.

Luo Zheng did not explain why the adjustment was made, nor did he say what the adjusted tactics would be, because the next battle had nothing to do with everyone, and they could only wait until the results of the air raid on the valley came out. Seeing that Luo Zheng did not explain much, everyone immediately realized When they realized what had happened, they didn't ask much. They mobilized their troops to disperse and hide.

"Boss, there's something going on," suddenly, a voice sounded in the headset.

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