The strongest soldier

Chapter 3918 Interception and aid to the enemy

Everyone on the battlefield wore the same headset and the same information channel, and could clearly hear what everyone else said. When everyone heard that the enemy was coming, they were overjoyed, and everyone cheered up and stared ahead. Luo Zheng also He breathed a sigh of relief. The acting was successful. As expected, there were enemies ambushing around him. He immediately ordered: "Get closer and fight to buy time for other brothers who rush over. You decide the specific distance based on the enemy's situation."

"Understood." The voice just now sounded again.

Xu Gang, who was running like a cheetah, stared at the ten o'clock direction, striding like a meteor, holding the gun tightly in his hand, sweating. Not long after, Xu Gang saw the enemy who was marching in a hurry. He was overjoyed and made a judgment. The distance was still about two thousand meters, so he immediately whispered: "Brother, I still have two thousand meters to get there. Put the enemy close to you and then fight. First kill the communication soldiers or equipment, then fight in close combat and entangle them." ."

"Understood." The voice sounded again, showing a bit of determination.

Luo Zheng didn't expect Xu Gang to use such a method to stop the enemy, but when he thought that the second group all had strong fighting abilities and were good at close combat, it might be a method, so he had no objection. After Xu Gang gave the order, he accelerated and rushed over, while fighting The other two brothers contacted and were relieved to learn that everyone was arriving soon.

A few minutes later, Xu Gang saw a burst of gunfire in front of him. A figure rushed towards the enemy who was marching in a hurry. They were only ten meters away from each other. Before a magazine was finished, the figure rushed into the enemy. In the group, he was fighting with the enemy. Xu Gang knew that it was his brother who took action. He took a deep breath, speeded up his feet again, and fired fiercely at the enemies outside.

The enemy did not expect that someone would come out of the thorns, and several of them fell down instantly. Someone immediately opened fire and counterattacked. At this time, Xu Gang had already rushed to a position less than ten meters away from the enemy group, and it was downhill again. This distance was not suitable for a master like Xu Gang. It only takes a second.

While running, Xu Gang twisted his body fiercely and ran to one side, avoiding the enemy's fierce fire. He did not stop firing with the gun in his hand, and continued to rush and fight. In an instant, he was five or six meters closer to the enemy, just in time to fire. After missing the target, Xu Gang slammed the gun in his hand at an enemy who was aiming at him, and smoothly pulled out the Dragon Tooth Knife from his back.

"Kill -" Xu Gang roared angrily, and rushed forward with a lunge, swish, swish - slashing out five or six times in one go, the swords were flesh-cutting, five or six enemies fell to the ground, blood was flowing, Xu Gang didn't even look at each other. , continued to slash forward and killed three more enemies, and rushed forward in one stride to join the brother who was fighting with the enemy. The two stood back to back in tacit understanding, exchanged glances, and saw each other. The fierce fighting spirit and unyielding anger in his eyes made him smile.

"Kill -" the two of them roared almost at the same time, with a perfect tacit understanding. The two knives flew up and down, slashing at the enemy who was rushing towards them. They took a few steps forward, forced the enemy back and immediately retreated, gathering back to back again. , in this way, the two only have to deal with the enemies in front of them, and can safely leave the back to their brothers.

"Ta-ta-ta--" Suddenly, two tongues of flames shot over, accurately shooting the standing enemies. In the blink of an eye, Xu Gang saw several people around him falling to the ground, either moaning in pain or bleeding from their mouths. With the strength to fight back, he was overjoyed to know that his brothers were coming to support him, roared angrily, and charged forward.

This time, the two men did not retreat to face the enemy back to back. Instead, they attacked the enemy on their own, slashing hard and drawing blood. Soon, the other two brothers also rushed up and joined the battle group, and the four of them joined forces. , the dragon tooth knife flew around, and after a while, there were only a few enemies left standing.

The four of them roared and slashed again. In the blink of an eye, there were still two people standing. The two were back to back, holding steel guns in their hands to use as sticks, and looked warily in all four directions. The opponents who came forward had serious expressions on their faces, and one of them even shouted angrily: "Who are you?"

"Oh, that's interesting. Tell me, who are you?" Xu Gang snorted disdainfully. There were only two people left, so it was nothing to worry about. He didn't take the other person to heart at all.

"You ambush us without even knowing who we are, how brave you are." The other party cursed angrily.

"I'm happy, I like it. If I see you're unhappy, I'll hit you. You bite me." Xu Gang laughed and scolded jokingly: "I don't know why you can't hit me? I don't care who you are. I'll kill you first. If you have the ability, you can take revenge." , call someone, do you want me to give you a chance to call someone?"

"Yeah - go to hell!" The other party became angry and shouted, swung the steel gun in his hand and slammed it at Xu Gang. He was full of strength and speed, and he stepped up with his feet, as steady as a rock.

Xu Gang saw this and raised his brows. Instead of retreating, he advanced. He reached out with his big hand and firmly grabbed the steel gun that the opponent was throwing at him. He faintly felt that the force of the shock was not small. He was startled in his heart and kicked him violently. , the opponent's skills were not weak either, he moved away violently, avoiding this powerful and heavy kick, and after stabilizing his body, he stared at Xu Gang without saying a word.

"Oh, there are two boys." Xu Gang sneered in surprise.

Others also saw that this man was very skilled, at least as strong as the army's special forces. Such a man was actually responsible for peripheral security. Are there too many masters in the Dark Church to use up? Everyone's expressions darkened as they watched each other become wary. When Xu Gang stepped forward, everyone tacitly agreed to stay put and be on guard.

"Tell me, who are you?" Xu Gang sneered, his eyes like a torch, locked on the other party, and being able to avoid the kick he just made is enough to show that this person is not simple. When he saw the other party's body squatting slightly, he seemed to be gathering momentum. Cheetah, who was about to go, stopped smiling and said: "You are very strong, but you are not my opponent. Tell me, who are you? I am happy and can give you a happy one. There are many ways to die, you know of."

The two enemies exchanged glances, with a flash of absolute determination in their eyes. One of them roared: "The Holy Religion cannot be insulted, kill--" He kicked his feet hard and rushed forward like a cannonball.

"Be careful." Xu Gang was shocked and reminded his brothers. He stepped forward, twisted, kicked, and whipped one of them with a whip. It was as if the ejected steel was strong enough to crack the monument. The power was so fast that only an afterimage could be seen, and the detonation sound was ear-piercing.

"Ah?" The target was hit by Xu Gang's full blow. The kite flew as if the string was broken by the storm. It flew about ten meters and landed on the ground. It still slid for three or four meters before stopping. It lay on the ground motionless and lifeless. Xu Gang was angry and took action with all his strength. How terrifying is his power? After succeeding, Xu Gang immediately turned to look at the other target and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the other target was put to the ground by two brothers.

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