The strongest soldier

Chapter 3910 Communication Tactics

The cold moonlight fell quietly on the vast land, and the deserted mountains were silent. Only the sound of the mountain wind was passing by slowly. Not even an insect could be heard. On the top of a mountain, Luo Zheng, Sora Ishii The tentacle monsters sat together quietly, talking in low voices. After a while, three black shadows rushed up quickly, like wild leopards rushing towards their prey under the moonlight, their movements were agile and as fast as the wind.

"Here we come." Sora Ishii said softly as he looked at the person rushing towards him.

Luo Zheng turned his head and glanced at the people rushing towards him from the side. They were Xu Gang, Tie Diao and Shi Qian. They waved over and the three of them were unambiguous. They quickly rushed up and sat around him, looking at Luo Zheng in surprise. Zheng, Xu Gang asked: "Boss, are you anxious to call us for trouble?"

Everyone is wearing a headset. If you need anything, you can talk directly through the headset. It is very convenient. Unless there is a major incident, they will not gather together to discuss, so as not to be discovered by the enemy. This is the rule on the battlefield. Tie Diao and Shi Qian also Looking at Luo Zheng curiously, he pricked up his ears and waited.

"We have an idea, let's discuss it." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice without turning off the headset. In this way, other brothers can hear our conversation.

When everyone saw that Luo Zheng did not turn off the headset, they figured that it was a major event that affected everyone and it was necessary for everyone to hear. They did not turn it off. Instead, they cheered up and looked at Luo Zheng seriously, waiting for the next step. Luo Zheng took a breath. , look at everyone and continue: "Probes have been found here. I believe there will be more probes as we go forward. The possibility of exposure is very high. Once exposed, the enemy will quietly approach and even use aircraft to attack directly. "

"Hiss?" Everyone's expressions changed drastically, and no one expected this.

"What do you mean?" Shi Qian asked in surprise.

"Since exposure is unavoidable, we can take advantage of it. The follow-up troops will arrive soon. We will not join the main force. We will take a rest first. The reinforcements will leave two hours before the reinforcements arrive. The follow-up troops will catch up along our route. That is, if we are ambushed, the follow-up troops can still rescue us. In this way, we avoid the risk of being blamed by the enemy." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

When everyone heard this, they were convinced. The two groups distanced themselves. The vanguard was not only the vanguard of the mines, testing the enemy's true situation, but also a bait to attract the enemy to attack. Everyone pondered, the matter was too important to be careless. After a moment, Xu Gang said thoughtfully: "This plan is too risky. If the enemy sends out aircraft or large troops, it will be difficult for us to withstand it. We will explain everything before the reinforcements arrive."

"Yes, the time difference is not a problem, and the plan is also very good. We are afraid that the enemy will not fight with us, but directly attack us with a large army. Although the special service team has four groups and more than fifty people, they may not be able to stop it. A large army will besiege them for two hours." Shi Qian also reminded in a deep voice.

"Do you have a back-up plan?" Tie Diao asked in surprise.

"Backhand?" Sora Ishii was surprised and looked at Luo Zheng. Others also reacted and looked at Luo Zheng, their ears pricked up and their eyes were a little more expectant.

"That's right, our reinforcements come from two directions." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

"Two ways?" Everyone didn't know the specific plan, and they were even more surprised.

"Yes, one road is our follow-up force. Everyone knows this. There is another road. I have coordinated with the Counter-Terrorism Alliance countries and asked each country to send two more special operations teams. In this way, each country has three special operations teams. Combat team, form a special operations squadron, thirty people, the total force of more than thirty countries is over a thousand people, that is to say, the total force of the siege of the enemy base this time is more than a thousand people." Luo Zheng explained in a deep voice.

"Are they all in the follow-up troops?" Xu Gang asked in surprise.

"No, each of the two newly dispatched special forces will rush to the designated location as quickly as possible in their own way. There is a military base about two hundred kilometers away from here. The local country has given support, and each country will dispatch one. When bombers or fighter jets come over, once the enemy soldiers ambush, we can call for fighter jets to help at any time. Two hundred kilometers is not far for a fighter jet. Moreover, fighter jets can take off at any time and move around nearby. It will take less than half an hour to arrive. The think tank will bring the staff The brothers at the airport are stationed at the airport to direct operations," Luo Zheng explained.

"Great, does this mean we have an air strike force?" Tie Diao asked in surprise. Seeing Luo Zheng nod in the affirmative, he continued excitedly: "More than thirty countries, more than thirty fighter jets Or the bombers will arrive in half an hour, so what are you waiting for? Let's go up, attract the enemies out, and blow them all up."

"Don't worry." Xu Gang said in a deep voice, motioning to Tie Diao to wait a moment, looking at Luo Zheng and asking: "Boss, your plan won't be that simple, right? Is there any explanation in it?"

"Of course, the movement of fighter jets is very hidden, and not many people know about it. Once exposed, it will be difficult to fight later. Therefore, we need to cherish the opportunity of using it for the first time and catch the enemy by surprise. Therefore, I plan to have the troops set off early in the early morning. , act as engineers, destroy everything they see along the way, and cover the follow-up troops coming up. If they are ambushed, it depends on the strength of the enemy's troops and the intensity of the ambush. You can solve the problem yourself, even if you catch up with the follow-up troops, call the air when necessary. Strike hard and hit the enemy hard. Once the enemy knows that we have fighter jets, it will be difficult for them to make sneak attacks later." Luo Zheng explained seriously.

"Okay, this is a good method. Counter-ambush tactics, first lure the enemy to expose, and then counter-ambush, destroying as much of the enemy's combat effectiveness as possible." Xu Gang agreed.

Everyone also praised one after another. As long as there is air strike power, no matter how many enemies there are, there is nothing to be afraid of. What's more, there are hundreds of follow-up troops. The troops are strong, so what are you afraid of? Everyone's fighting spirit was rising. Luo Zheng saw that the morale of the army was ready. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief and signaled everyone to get ready. He sat still and looked at the deep night sky to deduce the plan, find the shortcomings and possible problems, and think about it. A good emergency measure.

After a while, the tentacle monster suddenly said in a deep voice: "Boss, no, the enemy's monitoring system and command system are not together. It is impossible to hack the enemy's command system through the monitoring probe."

"What?" Luo Zheng was shocked and his face became solemn. Generally speaking, the monitoring system and the command system are connected to the Internet. The command system can access the monitoring images at any time to facilitate deployment and deployment of operations. However, the enemy actually came up with two systems. Obviously If you are prepared and cannot hack the enemy's command system, you will not be able to interfere with the enemy's command at a critical moment. On the contrary, it will bring great hidden dangers to yourself. What should you do? Luo Zheng fell into deep contemplation.

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