The strongest soldier

Chapter 3898 Transaction Certificate

An exposed base is a dead target in front of national power. It is like paper in front of modern heavy weapons and can be destroyed at any time. Luo Zheng knew that the opportunity to fight would come, so he used coercion and inducement during the interrogation to shake the opponent's will. Waiting Once the fighter jets arrived, it was the straw that broke the camel's back and the dust settled.

The ninja leader looked at the fighter jets that circled and fluttered away. He knew better than anyone else that as long as he repented, the fighter jets would come back at any time. The dark church gave him benefits, while the other party gave him destruction. Two evils. Whichever is easier, the only way to preserve the family legacy is to compromise.

Thinking of this, the other party's expression dimmed, as if he had suddenly aged more than ten years. He sighed silently, looked at Luo Zheng and said in a deep voice: "My name is Tokugawa Tian, ​​the current patriarch of the Tokugawa family. On behalf of the whole clan, I formally and unconditionally submit to you Surrender and please give us the treatment we deserve.”

"It's easy to say, show your sincerity." Luo Zheng said in a deep voice.

The other party reported a number very simply and somewhat decisively. Luo Zheng immediately contacted the headquarters through the headset and asked the headquarters to dial the number and connect. After a while, the call was connected. Luo Zheng took out a headset and gave it to Tokugawa Tian. , Tokugawada was also unambiguous. After putting it on, he said in a deep voice: "It's me." He used Japanese language.

"Patriarch, please give me instructions." A deep voice sounded in the headset.

"How many masters have been deployed by the Dark Church to fight with you?" Tokugawa said in a deep voice.

"There are about 200 people, more than 30 people died in the battle, and there are more than 100 people. The others are ordinary armed forces. The total strength is about 500 people." The other party quickly replied.

"Very good, there are more than 200 of you over there. Now, as the leader of the clan, I am officially ordering you to find an opportunity to kill the more than 100 masters of the Dark Church and surrender to the opponent. Don't forget why, this is an order. "Tokugawa Tian ordered in a deep voice, showing a murderous aura.

The other party hesitated for a moment, but still replied seriously: "Yes."

"How long will it take to complete?" Tokugawa asked.

"It will be dawn soon. We are all still resting. Now is the best time." The other party quickly agreed.

When Luo Zheng heard this, he was overjoyed. A plan came to his mind and he said in a deep voice: "Let's start in half an hour. Your people will tie a white towel around their necks for easy identification. In half an hour, the people on the opposite side will launch a general attack. Then you must Assist and kill all members of the Dark Church in one fell swoop." He also used Japanese language.

"Who are you?" the other party asked warily.

"Execute the order." Tokugawa shouted in a deep voice without giving the other party too much explanation.

"Yes." The other party quickly agreed. The social hierarchy of the Japanese country is very strict, and the families are even more strict. The patriarch is the god of a family, and the patriarch's words are the highest orders. No one dares to disobey, otherwise it will be betrayal, and the family will be expelled from the family in the lightest case, or executed in the worst case. The rules are passed down from generation to generation and are deeply ingrained.

At the end of the call, Luo Zheng knew that Lan Xue would contact Shan Diao and arrange the counterattack. He did not ask any more questions, but looked at Tokugawa Tian and said solemnly: "Thank you very much for your support. The next step is to wait. If your people really If you obey the orders and kill the people of the Dark Church, it means that you are really Tokugawa and have absolute control over the family. How about we discuss the specific matters then?"

"Okay." Tokugawa had no objection and surrendered on the battlefield. Who would trust him without a pledge of surrender? This is the meaning of the question. It is understandable that Tokugawa Tian returned the headset to Luo Zheng and asked curiously: "I am very curious, how did you get here and find the location of the holy mountain?"

"You want to say that there are direwolves all around, and no one can get close as long as you don't give permission?" Luo Zheng smiled faintly, and when Tokugawa nodded without hesitation, he asked: "There is a bar in this small town. , is it yours?"

"That's right. We are responsible for keeping an eye on everything in the town and collecting intelligence. Once there is any bad news for us, we will be informed immediately so that we can respond promptly. The location of the Holy Mountain cannot be exposed. We have been in peace for more than a hundred years. Unexpectedly I fell down today, I hope you can tell me the truth and die in peace." Tokugawa said in a deep voice.

"As expected." Luo Zheng smiled when he saw that his guess was correct. The bar was indeed run by ninjas. However, when he thought of the adventurers who sacrificed because of him, he felt uncomfortable. No matter how heinous their crimes were, they were all He died because of himself. He looked solemn and said seriously: "I deliberately exposed many diamonds in the bar and used them to recruit fellow adventurers. Your people saw me and arranged assassinations over and over again in an attempt to steal the diamonds."

"Bastards, these bastards, greed is the original sin, they must be punished." Tokugawa said in a deep voice.

"Yes, greed is the principle. If it weren't for their greed, I might not be able to get here." Luo Zheng said with some emotion: "After the failed assassination in the bar, I left the town with my people overnight and came here. Two After hours, while resting in the mountain col, the direwolf pack launched a sneak attack, hundreds of direwolves, it was a big deal."

"What, hundreds of them? Damn it, he was also involved." Tokugawa was furious and said bitterly.

Luo Zheng didn't know who Dekawada was talking about. He guessed that he was the person responsible for raising and training the direwolves. He continued without asking further: "When the battle was at its most critical, a hunting team that I recruited suddenly betrayed. A sneak attack from behind, and in the end, I was killed by God, and I won the victory. Later, I found this thing from the betrayer." He said and took out the black thing.

"Even the hunting team participated. Damn it, they harmed the whole family. This matter must be dealt with seriously." Tokugawa's face changed drastically when he saw the black thing. He understood everything. His eyes were red with anger. Don't go over. He said bitterly while looking at the beating bonfire, his eyes flashing.

Luo Zheng could understand Tokugawa's mood. If it weren't for the greed of some people in the bar, and if it wasn't for the battle at the mountain col that exposed the lurking hunting team, he would have had no chance to get this black thing, and he would not have been able to avoid the tracking of the snow wolves. Kill, at least the people in the Holy Mountain know that they are coming, and they will be greeted by endless pursuit. It is impossible to get here, let alone save people.

Everything is God’s will! Luo Zheng sighed in his heart. No matter how strong a person is when he meets a teammate who is like a pig, the result is self-evident. Luo Zheng is glad that he has a united and capable teammate. Greed is the principle, and the Tokugawa family will not hesitate to benefit. As an assassin, it is reasonable for the children of the family to take action out of greed. A family without lofty beliefs, lofty pursuits and goals will not be able to go far. If you fight for interests, you will inevitably die because of them. This has not changed through the ages. reason.

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