The strongest soldier

Chapter 3881 Walking Hardly

The gray sky shrouded the surrounding areas, and the endless ice fields were covered with white ice and snow. They were thick, reflecting the sun like a mirror, and integrated with the gray clouds, making the whole world even more vast. It is deep and mysterious, like entering a void world of ice and snow, where no other colors or life can be seen.

The cold wind howled, sweeping across the vast world of ice and snow, and stirred up a small amount of ice foam to fly all over the sky. Inadvertently, it disappeared into the distance, and a figure appeared, staggering forward slowly, holding a handful in his hand. The man with the light machine gun, wearing a windproof hat and goggles, no human face visible, and the thick cotton jacket swaying with the cold wind, was none other than Luo Zheng.

It had been two or three hours since he came out of the canyon. Luo Zheng found that he still underestimated the bad weather. He felt that his whole body was frozen. Fortunately, he was wearing a dragon tooth suit close to his body, which had a good protection against cold and avoided the body temperature. Loss, otherwise they will freeze to death.

In the past two or three hours, Luo Zheng encountered snow wolves passing by several times, in groups of two or three, but after smelling the smell of black things on Luo Zheng's body, he left and did not attack Luo Zheng. This made Luo Zheng secretly I was overjoyed and continued walking forward, holding a gun in one hand and a knife in the other. The knife and gun were used as crutches to avoid slipping. The ice and snow were not only thick, but also slippery, making it difficult to walk.

Of course, Luo Zheng did this to prevent radar. Who knows if the ninjas in the Holy Mountain have radar? There was a direwolf passing by here. The direwolf walked on all fours. Luo Zheng used a knife and a gun to replace the forelimbs. With his feet, he was also on "all fours". At least on the radar, he was suspected to have the appearance of a direwolf. It was hard to say whether he could hide it. .

If you want to completely avoid radar scanning, the best way is to hunt down a direwolf, then hollow out the direwolf's body and hide in it, pretending to be a direwolf and walking around. After all, humans are not wolves. Walking on all fours with hands and feet on the ground does not work. It was convenient, but he couldn't move fast, so Luo Zheng used swords and guns instead of restraint, hoping to hide it from the enemy's radar.

The success rate of doing this is very low, even a slightly experienced radar technician can detect it, but Luo Zheng is betting that the enemy is careless, betting that the enemy does not know that he is coming. At the same time, the ground is too slippery, and it is convenient to walk with a knife and gun as a crutch. Many, there was no trouble along the way. Luo Zheng was not sure whether he was right, so he bravely continued to move forward, but he walked more carefully, his ears were perked up, and he listened to the surrounding sounds alertly.

More than two hours passed, and there was still no danger along the way. On the contrary, there were more direwolves along the way. Luo Zheng did not dare to be careless, and walked carefully when he suddenly saw a shadow flashing in front of him. Without being surprised, he quickly He raised his gun and stopped to distinguish carefully.

The distance was still quite far, it was hazy, and he couldn't see clearly. Luo Zheng looked carefully for a while, but couldn't see anything, so he continued to walk forward. After a while, Luo Zheng found that there were five or six direwolves gathered together. So he walked over curiously, and the direwolves also noticed the person coming, and immediately raised their heads and looked over. The corners of their mouths were full of blood, and their eyes were even more fierce.

Luo Zheng was accustomed to this. He saw too many such direwolves along the way, so he remained unmoved and continued to move forward. When he got closer, the direwolves smelled Luo Zheng's body, whimpered, turned around and quickly left Luo Zheng. Zheng stepped forward and saw two corpses lying on the ground. They were completely unrecognizable. They were already dead. Their gender could not be determined. There were few intact flesh on their bodies. Their clothes were stained with blood. They looked like they had been dead for a while.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng said in surprise. He didn't expect anyone to come here. You must know that there are many direwolves along the way. Being able to come here means that this person is not simple. Luo Zheng knelt down to check, and there was blood all over it. There is a magazine in the pile of clothes. It is a magazine specially designed for the carbine series, and there is a mark on it.

The carbine is the favorite of the Sam people. Could it be that the other party is a Sam person? Luo Zheng continued to inspect and opened a corpse to check. Sure enough, there was a carbine underneath the other person's body. There were obvious scratches on the gun, which looked like they were caused by the sharp claws of a direwolf. He searched the other person's pockets and found nothing. Something to prove your identity.

Luo Zheng checked the clothes of another corpse and found nothing of value, not even a gun. Under a pile of rags was an M series pistol, which was still very new. Luo Zheng picked it up and took a look. The clip had been emptied. After searching for a while, he didn't find a bullet. It was probably all empty. Luo Zheng threw the pistol on the ground. A pistol without bullets was not as practical as a brick.

The corpses were completely invisible. The white bones exuded a creepy aura, and the pungent blood made people's scalp numb. Luo Zheng stood up, took a deep look at the two corpses, and sighed. , continue walking forward, no matter what the identities of these two people are, this is an ice field, and the ice and snow are as hard as steel. Even if you want to dig a hole and bury them, you can't do it. You can only put away your sympathy and move on.

After walking for about ten minutes, a corpse appeared in front of me again. To be precise, it was a pile of bones. All the meat and internal organs were missing. All the tendons on the bones had been eaten clean. It looked like it had been dead for a long time. , Luo Zheng took a deep look at the corpse and continued to move forward.

The further we go, the more bones we see. We don’t know whether they were left behind by adventurers or others. Further ahead is the Arctic Ocean, where sea lions and seals appear. Could it be that the adventurers who came to hunt were chased and eaten by direwolves? Lost? Or did agents sent from other countries die tragically here? Unknown to everyone, Luo Zheng felt a little numb looking at the corpses that kept appearing along the way, so he continued moving forward without stopping.

It was dusk after this walk, and the snow did not fall. Instead, the sun came out from the gray clouds and shone on the ground. There was a little warmth in the cold sky and earth. Luo Zheng was bathed in the sunshine, but his eyes were fixed on the front. I vaguely felt that the Arctic Ocean was not too far away, and I couldn't help but be overjoyed. Suddenly I heard a figure flashing past in the distance.

There is a big difference between the human figure and the snow direwolf. Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw the human figure. A tiger jumped on the ground, curled up into a ball, and covered his body with a white cloak. At first glance, it was all white from a distance, just like the surrounding ice fields. , it was difficult to spot him until he was in front of him. Luo Zheng lay on the ground, enduring the physical discomfort caused by the cold air on the ground, calmly staring at the past, and getting ready for battle.

Not long after, Luo Zheng vaguely saw twenty heavily armed people gathering together. After a while, two transport helicopters roared over and landed on the solid ice. These people split into two and quickly left in the helicopter. In the blink of an eye, two transport helicopters roared over and landed on the solid ice. Luo Zheng was surprised when he saw this scene. Who are these people?

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