The strongest soldier

Chapter 3879 Another journey

The war is not a single one, nor is it blind, but a continuation of politics. It affects the whole body, and the Dark Church does not hesitate to use aircraft to capture the mountain eagle and others. The purpose is very simple, which is to annihilate this army and give confidence to its own people. Continuous failures have caused instability within the Dark Church, and they are in urgent need of a victory. In addition, by holding back Shan Diao and others, the Dark Church can continue to attack in other places, such as attacking the Anti-Terrorist Alliance base, such as attacking the headquarters of the Secret Bureau, such as Capturing people from the Secret Bureau and so on.

It is precisely because Luo Zheng saw this that he asked Shan Diao to stay and hold off the enemy, and he did not hesitate to fight a tough battle with the enemy. In the current situation, everyone is riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off. If Shan Diao withdraws and justice fails, the prestige of the Anti-Terrorist Alliance will be ruined, saying It may fall apart; the withdrawal of the Dark Church also means failure, which will cause more unfavorable factors. For example, people who seek refuge in the Dark Church will have other thoughts, such as internal discord, etc.

When the war reaches this point, no one can compromise easily. Luo Zheng has many ways to withdraw from the war, but in order to attract the attention of the Dark Church and provide cover for his rescue of the think tank, this war must be fought, and it must be fought hard, forcing the Dark Church to If the church sends out ninjas to help, the chances of winning the rescue will be even greater.

After chatting with Lan Xue for a while, and telling Lan Xue to arrange for the special service team to come and join him as soon as possible, Luo Zheng ended the call and looked at the sled cart. The big dog pulling the cart had eaten enough meat, and his manic mood was relieved. He said to Luo Zheng Luo Zheng had a better impression of Zheng, and at least no longer had any hatred. Luo Zheng stepped forward and imitated an adventurer, stroking the heads of the big dogs pulling the cart one by one to show friendship, appease their emotions and enhance friendship.

After a while, the big dog pulling the cart acquiesced to Luo Zheng and became quiet. Luo Zheng was finally relieved. He picked up a few furless direwolves and threw them on the sled cart to prepare food for the big dog pulling the cart. , and then looked at the sky. The sun was about to come out. Luo Zheng took a long breath, checked his supplies and equipment, threw them on the sled, and left the col with the sleigh and walked forward along the canyon.

Luo Zheng had already done some research before coming here, and knew that it was a two-day journey along the canyon, and then there was the open plains. After about a day, he arrived at the Arctic Ocean, where the think tank and the others had the accident. They walked for a whole day without encountering any ambush. , and did not meet any other adventurers.

When it got dark, Luo Zheng found a sheltered place to stop and rest. The big dogs were also very tired, panting heavily. Luo Zheng threw two direwolves over, and the big dogs started to grab each other frantically. The teeth easily cut through the frozen meat, and with a vigorous flick, he tore off a large piece of meat and chewed it slowly to the side.

Luo Zheng also opened the package, took out some meat patties and dried meat and chewed it slowly. The weather was too cold and the things were frozen hard, so it took time to chew them. Fortunately, Luo Zheng had plenty of time and was not in a hurry. He ate a big meal in one meal. In less than an hour, after eating, the big dogs huddled together to rest. The reins on the big dogs hung down naturally. Luo Zheng silently glanced at the big dogs, drank some water, and lay down on the sled. Get some rest.

The big dogs pulling the cart were wild and very sensitive to danger, making them the best sentinels. Luo Zheng was not worried that the big dogs would completely fall asleep. He slept peacefully while thinking about the current situation and countermeasures. Suddenly, Luo Zheng Zheng felt a hint of danger and was not startled. He opened his eyes suddenly and saw a flash of light.

At this time, Luo Zheng found that all the big dogs pulling the cart stood up, their whole bodies tensed up, their hairs bristle, staring in one direction, not barking, not running around, motionless, silent, like It looked like a sculpture, but an invisible evil energy erupted from his body, obviously entering a fighting state.

The fighting power of the big dog is not as good as that of the direwolf, but it is much stronger than the average person. After a while, a direwolf appeared in front of him, staring coldly at this side, his eyes full of fierceness. The big dogs immediately exploded. A manic whimper came from deep in his throat, with a strong fighting spirit and fierceness.

Luo Zheng's face changed greatly. He looked around vigilantly. He didn't find any more direwolves. He didn't become suspicious. He grabbed the Japanese knife and jumped out of the sleigh. He comforted the big dog with a few words and went straight to the direwolves. If it was The enemy is well prepared and must seize advantageous terrain. The sheltered position is not suitable for fighting. If it is just a lone direwolf looking for food, kill it as soon as possible to avoid attracting more direwolves.

The cold wind roared through the cracks in the iceberg, making a sound like a ghost crying and a wolf howling. It spread far away and was terrifying. However, Luo Zheng stared at the sudden appearance of the snow direwolf. Letting the cold wind blow by, his feet were as fast as flying. The snow direwolf Not to be outdone, the wolf howled and charged at Luo Zheng, as if his authority had been challenged.

"Aww--" The direwolf jumped more than ten meters, jumped directly from the hillside, screamed strangely, rushed towards Luo Zheng, opened its bloody mouth, and released it like a demon emerging from hell. When Luo Zheng was away, When Zheng was still about ten meters away, the direwolf suddenly stopped suddenly, looked at Luo Zheng in surprise, and let out a low, strange cry.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng, who was rushing forward, found that the direwolf suddenly stopped attacking. He was startled and stopped, looking at the opponent warily. At this time, the direwolf sniffed the air twice, turned around and ran away. In a blink of an eye, he rushed up the hillside and disappeared.

Luo Zheng was startled and suddenly realized that he had those black things on his body. The safe distance was about ten meters. He couldn't help but laugh. Although he suffered heavy losses in the battle at the mountain col, he got the black things. With these things, the direwolf will If you think you are one of your own, you can approach your destination quietly.

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng breathed a sigh of relief, quickly took shelter from the wind, and said to the big dogs who were still on alert: "Okay, everyone, relax, the wolves have run away, don't worry, they won't come again."

With that said, Luo Zheng returned to the sleigh and continued to rest. He was relieved. This area was the territory of the direwolf. There could not be other ferocious beasts. As long as the direwolf did not attack him, he would be safe tonight. As for humans, no one Only ninjas dared to move around in this ice field after dark, but ninjas thought that with the direwolf guarding them, there would be no problem.

Suddenly, Luo Zheng thought of another question. There were direwolves everywhere here. How did the think tank and the others get to the Arctic Ocean? According to the data, the think tank and the others did not encounter the direwolf. Could it be that they were exposed in advance? And the ninja deliberately restrained the direwolf from attacking and allowed the wise men and others to pass? This is more likely. The think tank is cautious by nature. How was it exposed? bar? Or some other unknown reason?

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