The strongest soldier

Chapter 3872 A bloody battle to the end

The battlefield is cruel, painful, and merciless, and people will die at any time. Luo Zheng can understand the bison's mood, and he can also see the bison's true feelings for other people. He is a good-tempered man, which is enough to show that these people have deep feelings. After looking at the location of the explosion, he felt cruel and roared: "Go, don't stop!"

"Brothers, let's go." The bison took a deep look at the location of the explosion. It was hazy and nothing could be seen clearly. The bison wiped away his hot tears and shouted in a deep voice: "Brothers, if I am dragged by these beasts Even if you leave, you won’t be allowed to save me. I will die with these beasts, and even if I die, I will have someone to support me.”

"No one is allowed to save me, let's fight." Others roared angrily, with red eyes. At this point in the battle, everyone no longer wanted to live. They just hoped to kill more wolves before they died. It would be best to kill the rebels and replace them. If brothers take revenge, they will have no regrets.

Everyone followed Luo Zheng and moved forward at a faster speed. More roars came from behind. From time to time, a direwolf suddenly rushed up from the front of nothingness, opening its bloody mouth, like a demon emerging from hell. It was very strange. Suddenly, it was very fierce, but Luo Zheng seemed to have known it would be like this. He cut it into two pieces with one knife, without exception. Seeing the direwolf being chopped down continuously, everyone's fighting spirit became even higher.

With a sound of "swish--", another black sword slashed hard to one side. Just as a white shadow rushed up from the gray void, blocking the front, the Japanese sword easily cut off the snow direwolf's body and sprayed blood. When it came out, its internal organs rolled all over the ground. The direwolf fell to the ground and was still alive, letting out a mournful whimper.

"Looking for death -" Luo Zheng's face suddenly changed after he succeeded. He squatted down and a huge snow wolf passed over Luo Zheng's head and almost bit Luo Zheng's neck. This time, two snow wolves attacked at the same time. During the attack, the direwolf, which was cut in half by Luo Zheng, acted as a cover. The real killing move was behind him. Fortunately, Luo Zheng reacted quickly enough, roared angrily, and stabbed quickly with the pottery knife in his hand.

"Stab--" The pottery knife accurately stabbed the direwolf's abdomen as it jumped high. The direwolf rushed forward with all its strength. Under the influence of huge inertia, the sharp pottery knife tore the direwolf's abdomen directly open, and countless internal organs and A pocket of blood fell, and most of it fell on Luo Luo's body and face.

Luo Zheng didn't have time to wipe off the blood on his face, licked his lips with his tongue, felt the heat of the wolf's blood, spit out a mouthful of phlegm, and shouted to the bison and others behind him: "Follow closely, kill -." "

Everyone saw that Luo Zheng was possessed by the God of War and killed two direwolves as strong and tall as calves in the blink of an eye. These were direwolves with terrifying speed and attack power. Everyone became energetic and roared:

"Kill - da da da!" The weapon in his hand fired vigorously, hitting the white shadow that kept flashing not far away.

"Ah——" One person was bitten by a direwolf that suddenly jumped out of the gray moonlight. The speed was so fast that the person couldn't fight back, so he was dragged backwards and left quickly, but no one was there. Go and rescue them, because everyone knows that there is no time to rescue them, and rushing forward will only destroy the formation and lead to more deaths.

There was a loud "Boom--" and a huge fire rose into the sky. The man also detonated the grenade on his body and chose to die with the direwolf, rather than surrender.

Everyone looked sad, their faces were full of tears, but they couldn't cry. At this moment, all they could think about was revenge, killing all visible enemies and avenging the brothers who died in the battle. "Kill--" everyone roared in grief and anger, Sticking together closely, Luo Zheng moved forward, the muzzles of the guns pointed outwards, constantly spraying angry bullets.

Soon, everyone rushed to the middle of the col and saw a fierce battle at the exit. Blood Rose's people were hiding on the icebergs on both sides of the col, roaring and roaring. The sounds of bullets and explosions were intertwined, and the flames shot into the sky. together, forming a pattern of death.

Luo Zheng was shocked when he saw this scene. It was not only the rebels who attacked Blood Rose, but also countless direwolves. Fortunately, Blood Rose's people had a geographical advantage in the battle situation. Some of them were on the icebergs on both sides of the col, and the other ones were hiding on sleds. Behind the fortifications, there were not many left. On one side were the rebels and on the other were the direwolves. These people were caught in the middle and were attacked on both sides. It was good to be able to hold on until now.

"You bastards, you bastards, go to hell -" an extremely angry voice sounded, with endless reluctance and fighting spirit, resounding through the mountain col, inspiring more people to roar and fire hard to fight back.

"You bastard, kill—" Luo Zheng understood immediately when he saw this scene. No wonder those direwolves didn't attack at the bottom of the mountain just now, but just watched. It turned out that more direwolves attacked from the entrance, and there was no need for those direwolves at all. After participating, Luo Zheng was furious, running and hooking his feet, a gun was hooked by Luo Zheng.

Luo Zheng rushed forward, firmly grasped the hooked gun, skillfully pushed the bullet into the chamber, and fired fiercely at the rebels in front of him. When the bison and others saw the rebels, they exploded, one by one. Howling, he rushed forward, without dodging or hiding, and regardless of the possibility of a direwolf pounced on in the void, he just charged straight forward, roaring with the gun in his hand, and fired bullets with vengeance.

The bison's eyes were red and roaring, and his heart was heaving violently due to the rapid breathing. It was like a blower, whizzing up like a crazy bison, not caring that the bullet would hit him. After holding it in for so long, Several brothers were even dragged along by the direwolf, just for this moment.

"Ah -" the bison roared, roaring, like a bull that was extremely angry and launched a charge. Others rushed up one after another, shooting fiercely without fear, with only one thought in their hearts, revenge, revenge, revenge, We must kill these damn rebels even if we die. There is no need for any coordination tactics or concealment tactics at this moment. Rush forward, rush forward, and kill them all.

Luo Zheng looked at the crazy bison and others, completely losing their rationality and only thinking about revenge. At this time, any persuasion was useless. He also understood everyone's mood. Not only did he not stop him, but he picked up his gun and rushed forward. Everyone fights together.

No matter how many bad things the bison and the others have done and how many people they have killed, they have been hanging out on this ice sheet. Every hand is clean and no one has blood on their hands. But at this moment, everyone is fighting side by side and relying on each other. Our comrades are comrades who depend on each other for life and death, so let’s fight!

"Kill them all -" The bison was completely crazy. He roared and rushed forward. After running out of bullets, he smashed the gun over and struggled with a rebel.

"Kill -" The others were also completely crazy, roaring angrily. If they didn't have time to change their ammunition, they would hit him with their guns and bite them with their teeth. There was only one thought in their minds: to avenge their brothers even if they die.

Luo Zheng was moved when he saw this scene. These people were so united. This armed force definitely had a story. He roared angrily and joined the battle group.

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