The strongest soldier

Chapter 3868 Fighting to kill the wolf

A large number of direwolves attack from the top of the mountain and cause an avalanche. After the avalanche, the steep slope becomes uneven. A large amount of ice and snow piles up like a mountain bag, shortening the distance from the top of the mountain to the high end of the mountain col. In this way, the direwolves can follow the uneven places. Jumping down easily, the road is smooth on the edge of the natural chasm, and the situation becomes critical.

There were too many direwolves. Luo Zheng was not sure if all the direwolves had sneaked down from the top of the mountain behind. He did not dare to mobilize everyone to kill them, so he could only lead the fifty or so people of the bison to rush forward. Fortunately, the bison team was alone. All of them are soldiers, with strong fighting will and cooperative combat capabilities.

These people did not need Luo Zheng's orders. They immediately formed a formation after coming up. They formed a group of three, back to back, and fired fiercely at three different directions. In this way, everyone had only one direction to defend, and their combat effectiveness was greatly increased. This is the difference between professionally trained soldiers and ordinary armed personnel.

Luo Zheng saw that these people cooperated tacitly, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but he did not let everyone fight in this way. The three-person teamwork tactic was good, but they still fought alone in a small group, and did not twist all fifty people into a rope. Luo Zheng Zheng shouted at the charging bison: "Semicircle formation, divide into two teams, alternate firepower."

"Understood." The bison was startled, but he quickly reacted and roared to the people around him: "Brothers, hurry up, form a semicircle, divide into two teams, alternate firepower."

"Yes." Everyone roared and quickly changed formations. After everyone dispersed, they automatically formed two rows. The two rows immediately turned into a semicircle formation. Luo Zheng saw that everyone was using the outer circle formation, that is, the middle arc to push out. , quickly ask everyone to shrink back and become an inner circle formation, that is, shrink back to form a concave semi-circular arc shape.

The two teams were about five meters apart. Luo Zheng saw that everyone changed formations quickly and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, a large number of direwolves had already rushed to the mountainside and would come down at any time. Luo Zheng roared: "Kneel down in the first row Stand and shoot, the second row stands and fire, alternate fire, the first row, free fire, kill!"

In extraordinary times, Luo Zheng did not bother to communicate with the bison and directly commanded the troops. The bison frowned slightly, but did not have an attack. In extraordinary times, everything was kept simple. When the bison knew that he did not care about this, he saw that some people did not respond and quickly roared. Let everyone obey orders.

"Bang bang bang—" The twenty-five people in the first row quickly knelt down and aimed forward. They held their guns firmly with their hands and fired fiercely at the downed direwolves. The people behind them quickly took out their bullet bags. He quickly filled the empty magazine with bullets, his face was solemn, his eyes were cold, but no one flinched or panicked, everyone understood that it was impossible to outrun the direwolf in this ice field, and the only way to survive was to fight to the death.

The direwolf that was charging down was too fast. It jumped forward. In the blink of an eye, it rushed down more than ten meters. After another jump, it landed firmly on the piled ice. Those who reacted a little slower were hit by bullets. But more of them came forward ferociously, snarling and displaying their long fangs. They looked like death's scythes under the moonlight, exuding an icy aura.

Luo Zheng knew very well that once these direwolves got close, their formation would be chaotic. Once they were defeated, there would be a chain reaction. By then, no one could run away. He glared with his eyes, roared, and fired fiercely at the direwolves coming up to kill him. Ta-ta-ta - the light machine gun bullets rushed towards him like rain, chasing a direwolf and firing at him.

This direwolf was very fast, as fast as a flea. It could jump six to seven meters in one jump. Its movements were so agile that the bullet could only run close to its heels. Luo Zheng's face turned cold, and he quickly raised the lead to two positions on the wolf's body.

The so-called lead time, simply put, is to predict in which direction the wolf will run, and then shoot a little forward in that direction, aiming at the void. After the bullet comes out of the barrel and flies past, the wolf happens to rush to this position, and then, Luo Zheng It was found that the bullet could only follow the wolf's heel, indicating that the wolf was faster than the bullet it shot.

Mentioning the positions of the two wolf bodies meant firing farther away in the direction of the wolf's running. This advance was already very large. Luo Zheng predicted this distance based on his feeling. As soon as the shuttle passed by, the one kept jumping to dodge the bullets. The direwolf let out a shrill scream, fell to the ground and pulled out.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed and shouted: "Quick, set the position of two wolf bodies in advance."

Everyone knows what lead time is, and they are also doing it. When they heard Luo Zheng's shout, they couldn't help but be startled. The two wolf bodies were several meters away. Can the target be hit with such a far lead time? But he also knew that Luo Zheng wouldn't joke at this time, so it didn't matter if he tried. Fengwei immediately changed his mind, and everyone immediately changed their lead time, and the dense bullets were fired at them ferociously. Soon, several direwolves were hit and fell to the ground.

"Okay, good fight, hahaha——" The buffalo was overjoyed when he saw that the advance dose was effective, and roared excitedly, venting his fighting spirit, and became even more curious about Luo Zheng. Everyone was a veteran of many battles. He didn't even calculate the distance between the two wolves in advance. This was definitely not an ordinary businessman.

At this time, more direwolves rushed to the collapsed ice pile, with a fierce light in their eyes. They rushed towards them like arrows from the string, and launched a straight-line charge. Once they got close, the effect of the guns would not be effective. Everyone will be very passive. Luo Zheng just emptied the magazine. When he saw the direwolves rushing towards him with howling strangely, he was furious as if they were demons emerging from hell.

"Steady, keep shooting." Luo Zheng roared, throwing away the light machine gun in his hand without hesitation, taking off the micro-charge hanging from his neck, clasping his hands and launching a countercharge towards the direwolf. He fired fiercely at the direwolves that rushed towards him. The micro-blast rate of fire was fast and suitable for close combat. The dense bullets destroyed two direwolves in an instant.

Then, more snow wolves came roaring and roaring, like a speeding car, with a violent momentum that crushed everything. Luo Zheng roared without hesitation, threw away the empty dash, and suddenly his feet He accelerated his countercharge and saw a direwolf attacking ferociously. Luo Zheng kicked his feet hard and jumped into the air, jumping higher than the direwolf. He kicked him hard while he was in the air.

There was a muffled sound of "Puff -", and a kick that could break a stone tablet hit the direwolf's head hard. The direwolf was kicked backwards by Luo Zheng and fell heavily to the ground, making a dull wailing sound. But he struggled to get up fiercely, ran forward two steps, and staggered. At this time, a shuttle fired over, and the direwolf was hit on the spot by the dense bullets, and fell to the ground.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Luo Zheng actually charging back towards the wolves. When they saw Luo Zheng actually leaping high and surpassing the direwolves, they all realized that Luo Zheng was not simple. Then, everyone saw Luo Zheng. In the air, he actually kicked away a direwolf that was as strong as an adult calf. It weighed several hundred kilograms. Everyone was startled, and then roared excitedly: "Okay--"

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