The strongest soldier

Chapter 3856 A great harvest

Under the gray moonlight, in a quiet courtyard, dirt kept sliding down an earth wall, rustling, a bit strange under the moonlight, the sound was very soft, and was covered up by the sound of leaves swaying in the wind. As time passed, the gap became larger and larger. You could see a sharp pottery knife cutting through the mud wall easily. More small soil particles slid down, and the gap became much larger.

In the room on the other side of the earthen wall, Luo Zheng suddenly stopped and looked at the quiet moonlight outside. There was no one, no sound, and silence. He was overjoyed and continued digging. After a while, a hole as big as a fist appeared on the wall. Luo Zheng Zheng reached in, grabbed the surrounding soil and broke it off hard. A large piece of soil loosened, and Luo Zheng carefully broke it off and placed it on the ground. A larger hole appeared, and small pieces of soil slid down one after another.

Luo Zheng was overjoyed and quickly looked out through the hole. There were some weeds outside. Past the weeds was a path with a few low trees. Beyond them were houses. It was quiet, no one was there, and everything was very peaceful. It went smoothly. Luo Zheng continued to dig happily, expanding the hole and soon it could accommodate one person.

Everything was ready. Luo Zheng ducked through the wall and crouched in the shadow to look around. There was silence all around. Occasionally, snoring could be heard. Everything was as usual. Luo Zheng was overjoyed and quickly moved forward along the shadow of the house. He was coming soon. When we arrived under the eaves of a room, there was a lot of snoring in the room, and he was sleeping soundly, with no one around.

After observing for a while, Luo Zheng saw a larger house with two floors. When Luo Zheng was talking to the adventurer while drinking in the lobby, he accidentally found out that the two-story house was the manager's residence. The house in front of him was The only two-story building in the surrounding area, Luo Zheng was overjoyed and continued to move forward along the shadows. The night fell like a ghost.

Soon, Luo Zheng came to the corner of the house. He hid in the shadow and looked around. He vaguely felt that there was someone hiding around him. He was not surprised. After careful identification, he found that the other party was also very clever at hiding. Luo Zheng observed for a while but did not find the specific location. , his face changed slightly, but he did not flinch. After observing for a while, he tiptoed to the window, squatted in the grass under the window and continued to observe.

There were some unknown insects chirping around, and the evening breeze was gentle, carrying a faint smell of danger. This dangerous breath came from the upwind. Luo Zheng looked to the southwest in surprise, but unfortunately there was nothing there except houses. Luo Zheng frowned and thought for a moment, then stood up decisively and used a pottery knife to pry open the window.

The window was made of wood and covered with an ordinary piece of cloth for concealment. Luo Zheng gently opened the window and looked around. There was no one inside. There were only a few simple furniture in the room. Luo Zheng climbed up nimbly. Like a python, it crawled into the back room through the window and landed silently. It held a pottery knife in one hand and a password box in the other. It stared at the door in front of it warily, its black and white eyes particularly bright in the night.

The room was quiet and no one was there. Luo Zheng quickly came to the door and took a look. Outside was the living room with some simple furniture. There was a wooden ladder going up to the second floor. There was no one in the living room. Occasionally there was the sound of snoring. Luo Zheng was wary. After observing for a moment, he quickly rushed to the wooden stairs and walked upstairs without making any sound. His breath was tightly restrained to prevent any leakage.

Soon, Luo Zheng came to the second floor. When he looked around, he saw a hall and two rooms. It was a very ordinary layout. The hall was connected to the balcony. There was nothing on the balcony. The two doors were closed. Luo Zheng walked up dexterously. , came to the door of a room, put his ear to it and listened for a while. There was no sound inside. Luo Zheng worriedly inserted a pottery knife along the crack of the door. When he came across a wooden bolt, he fiddled with it gently and made a note. The deadbolt is loose.

Luo Zheng didn't move, but listened patiently for a while. There was no movement in the back room. Then he gently opened the door and saw that there was no one inside. It was filled with all kinds of sundries. It was an empty room. Luo Zheng stepped out and came. When I got to the next room, I pushed it gently and found that the door was ajar and not locked from the inside.

Some heavy wooden doors were gently pushed open by Luo Zheng, forming a gap. Through the gap, Luo Zheng saw a bed. There was a person lying on the bed, sleeping soundly. The room was filled with a strong smell of alcohol. , obviously the person inside was sleeping deeply, Luo Zheng was overjoyed, he sneaked in, and came to the bed with the faint moonlight. He saw that it was the manager named Peter. Looking around, he saw a desk with There are some files and a wardrobe.

It was a very simple room, but there was a Japanese sword hanging on the wall, as well as a micro punch. Luo Zheng was overjoyed, and pinched the other person's neck with his big hands like steel pliers. The other person's breathing became difficult. In his sleep, he could instinctively With his mouth wide open and gasping for breath, Luo Zheng grabbed a pair of smelly socks lying next to him and stuffed them into the other person's mouth. He squeezed the other person slightly with his hand and knocked him unconscious.

After doing all this, Luo Zheng took out the opponent's belt and trapped the opponent's hands, and then found a rope to tie the opponent's feet together, not giving the opponent a chance to move. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and walked to the desk in a sprint. Looking through the other party's folder, I saw that all the business records recorded there were nothing interesting.

Luo Zheng pulled out other drawers and checked. There were many documents. He took them out and looked at them separately. They were all business items and of little value. Thinking about it, who would keep secret things randomly? Luo Zheng couldn't help but come to the wall, took off the Japanese sword and pulled it out. The blade was completely black, and the blade exuded coldness.

"Good sword." Luo Zheng said sincerely, feeling very happy in his heart. With this sword, his combat effectiveness can be increased by 30%. He quickly carried the Japanese sword behind his back, picked up the micro punch and took a look. It was a very ordinary micro punch, with 70 to 80% There was a magazine inside, which was hung around Jiang Weichong's neck. With these two weapons, Luo Zheng's confidence greatly increased.

Soon, Luo Zheng checked the closet again. In addition to some clothes hanging in the closet, there were rows of micro-ramming bullets and three empty magazines. There was a box underneath. Luo Zheng picked up the box and took a look. , it was not locked. When I opened the lid of the box, I saw that there was a card slot inside. Judging from the shape, it was just right for placing the micro-charge. Luo Zheng was surprised when he took out the micro-charge and put it in. It was just right, and the remaining few slots were just right for the ammunition. Clips and bullets.

It turned out that this was a box specially used to hold microflush. Luo Zheng was overjoyed. He put the weapons and ammunition in the box, closed the lid, and carried the box to Peter. He smiled at the unconscious Peter and smiled. Come on, a Japanese sword, this is an unexpected surprise.

Luo Zheng put the two boxes on the ground and saw a wooden bucket next to it. There was water in it. It was probably leftover for washing his face and feet. Luo Zheng picked up the bucket and poured the water directly on Peter. It was cold. The water drenched Peter's whole body. Peter woke up with a start, opened his blurred eyes, and frowned, looking like he was in pain.

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