The strongest soldier

Chapter 3832 The cruise ship sank

On the gray sea, the cruise ship stopped completely and tilted at about ten degrees, making a harsh sound. On the top floor of the ship, all the officers clung to the guardrail, their faces changed, and they looked at each other with a slight frown. Without saying a word, the sudden attack made everyone realize that things were not simple. You must know that the escort was very strict this time, and everyone who knew the route was all on the ship. It was unlikely that there was a mole.

"Boom -" There was another loud noise, and the cruise ship tilted at a larger angle. Everyone's expressions changed drastically and they fell silent. They were faced with a catastrophic situation and had to be wary of each other. This feeling filled everyone's hearts with anger and anger. Frustrated, someone pulled out a gun, but they were not sure who was the mole and could not clear the door.

The major general stared at everyone coldly, without saying a word. He grasped the guardrail tightly with both hands, and glanced at the end of the dark sea from time to time. At this time, a large number of armed men escorted the criminals up, and each criminal was wearing handcuffs and leg irons. , and connected together with chains. In this way, the criminals' movements are greatly restricted.

The criminals did not panic. Instead, they screamed excitedly, as if the sinking of the cruise ship was a happy thing. Maybe they felt that they had no hope? In the eyes of these criminals, those who enter the maritime prison will never come out again in their lifetime. They will die sooner or later, so it is better to be released as soon as possible.

A major hurried over, saluted the major general and said in a deep voice: "Report, an enemy entered the boiler room on a sea drill. The boiler room has been occupied by the enemy. More enemies have penetrated into the cruise ship through the gap. The enemy and we are exchanging fierce fire. The enemy The firepower is very fierce, I’m afraid we won’t be able to hold on for long.”

"Someone attacked from the bottom of the sea?" the major general asked with some emotion, but his tone was very calm. If you look carefully, you can easily find that the other party knew that this would happen.

Everyone was distracted by the sudden attack. No one noticed what was wrong with the major general. A lieutenant colonel shouted coldly: "This is a United Nations cruise ship. Who dares to attack it openly? I want to go and meet them. If there is anyone who is not afraid of death, come with me."

Many enthusiastic officers immediately responded and hurried away with the lieutenant colonel. The major general did not stop him, but glanced at the whole place with a stern gaze and warned: "Give these criminals a centralized custody and be careful. Others continue to call for help. I want to Ways to get in touch with the outside world.”

"Yes." Everyone took action.

The major general waited for all the officers to leave and then went to the area where the criminals were detained. He looked at the criminals one by one and calmly came to a middle-aged man. The man had a beard and disheveled face. His original appearance could no longer be seen. The major general was unusually hidden. He put a key into the opponent's hand, then continued to walk forward, and came to the guardrail, looking at the vast sea with a sneer in his eyes.

However, it was said that the lieutenant colonel and a group of passionate officers rushed to the bilge and came to the area where the fighting was taking place. They found that the fighting had stopped and only seawater kept pouring in. The lieutenant colonel was surprised and quickly stepped forward. A squad leader came forward. After saluting, he said in a deep voice: "Report, after the enemy exploded indiscriminately, there was suddenly no movement. The cabin below was filled with sea water and completely submerged. The people inside may have been evacuated. If they can infiltrate, they must be carrying diving equipment."

"Then why don't you continue chasing?" the lieutenant colonel asked angrily.

The captain hesitated for a while and hesitated to speak. An officer next to him tried to smooth things over and said: "The enemy may evacuate, or they may hide below and wait. Once pursued, they will definitely die."

The lieutenant colonel also realized that he had lost his temper, but when he thought about the consequences of the cruise ship sinking, his face turned cold and he shouted coldly: "The cruise ship will sink in five minutes at most. No one will be able to survive by then. It’s also good to find out the other party’s identity. Give me the diving equipment and I’ll go down.”

The identity of the attacking enemy is unknown. If the cruise ship sinks, this will become a permanent public case. But if we find out the identity of the enemy and find a way to leave clues, I believe someone will take revenge. Everyone is understanding. If you tell the truth at once, someone will be there soon. The lieutenant colonel did not change into the frogman suit for the diving equipment he brought. He simply put on the oxygen bottle, put on the diving goggles, bit on the nozzle, and jumped directly.

Everyone was infected by the heroism of the lieutenant colonel and were about to cheer. Suddenly, the entrance turned blood red, and then, a body floated up. Everyone quickly picked up the body and saw that it was the lieutenant colonel just now. Everyone is horrified. The enemy is indeed lurking below. What should we do?

Everyone looked at each other. If they went down, they would die. But if they didn't go down, they wouldn't even know who the other party was. It would be a painful death. Everyone looked at the highest-ranking officer present. The officer pondered for a moment with a cold face and shouted: "If you don't know the enemy's situation, you can go down rashly." If you die, everyone retreats quickly and goes to the top to decide again."

"Yes." Everyone agreed and hurried upstairs.

Not long after, the force responsible for the counterattack reached the top floor. At this time, the cruise ship tilted at a larger angle and made a rattling sound. The deck in the middle of the cruise ship even cracked with small gaps. Everyone panicked. At this time, the major general shouted in a deep voice: "Everyone listen to my order and quickly collect lifebuoys to escape. Don't worry about the criminals. Everyone jump into the sea quickly."

Everyone dispersed in a swarm and looked for lifebuoys. No one thought about why the major general asked everyone to escape at this time. Why don't you collect a lifebuoy to save yourself when something happens? If he had rescued himself earlier, he would have definitely been able to escape with the equipment of the cruise ship, but it was obviously too late at this time.

When everyone found the lifebuoy and prepared to jump into the sea, there was only a loud click. The cruise ship broke apart and split into two. The tail quickly sank toward the sea. Everyone jumped into the sea to escape. After falling into the water, they did not dare to stop and swam to the outside. , trying to leave the dangerous area, the head of the cruise ship was not involved with the tail, tilted in the opposite direction, and hit the sea hard, knocking many people to the ground.

Before everyone could get up, the cruise ship sank quickly, and the sea formed a huge wave that wanted to rush around. People who had fallen into the sea were washed away by the waves. People on the top floor of the cruise ship got up and jumped into the sea, swimming desperately outside, but The cruise ship sank completely soon and formed a huge whirlpool. All the surrounding seawater and people were swept in by the whirlpool, submerged into the bottom of the sea, and disappeared without a trace.

It all happened so fast and suddenly. The first people who jumped into the sea and swam far away were also swept up by the huge whirlpool, and soon disappeared. The cruise ship completely disappeared. The whirlpool gradually subsided, and the sea returned to its former calm, leaving only a few Planks, lifebuoys and other floating objects were everywhere, and everything was desolate.

The sea has become quiet. There is no light from the cruise ship. The surroundings are gray. There is only a tomorrow in the sky. I watch this tragic scene silently. The light is reflected in the sea water and on the floating objects, there is a sense of loneliness and sadness. The breath spreads.

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