The strongest soldier

Chapter 3810 Enemy Evacuation

Under the sun, Xu Gang, who was tall and strong, slashed downwards with his sword, carrying a murderous aura, like a black lightning. The sound of breaking through the air was devastating, and the sharp blade exuded the cold breath of death. The speed was so fast. It was even more difficult for this holy warrior to dodge. His body almost instinctively rolled to the ground, trying to dodge this fatal blow. His movements were extremely agile.

Unfortunately, this holy warrior encountered Xu Gang. How terrifying was the speed and power of the god-level soldier's full blow? The sharp dragon tooth knife struck the opponent's neck accurately, and continued to move forward without any hindrance. The holy warrior's body froze, and he stared motionlessly ahead. His cold eyes were blurred and dull. A line of blood suddenly appeared on the neck. Then, the head tilted and fell down. It made a muffled sound when it landed on the ground. The blood surged like a fountain, showing a coquettishness under the masculinity, as if the flower of death was in full bloom.

After he succeeded, Xu Gang did not hesitate to fight. Instead, he bravely continued to charge forward. The dragon tooth knife flew like lightning, constantly harvesting the lives of the enemies who came up. In the blink of an eye, he rushed forward for more than 20 meters. Xu Gang raised his head after killing the two enemies in front. At first glance, he found that more enemies were coming up from the front, many on the left and fewer on the right. Xu Gang was not afraid of the enemies rushing up, but he didn't want to delay and quickly rushed to the right.

While running, Xu Gang kept changing routes, and all those who stood in front of him were covered in the blood of the enemy. Like a god of death, his strong fighting spirit erupted like a real substance. It was shocking. The enemies around him were killed by Xu Gang. Shocked by the fierce fighting style, they all retreated, not daring to step forward.

Soon, Xu Gang broke through the defense line and rushed out. He continued to run away without looking back, and disappeared into the dense forest in the blink of an eye. The enemy who was frightened by the killing was forced to pursue him under the strict orders of his superiors, but the pursuit speed was obviously much slower. , when Xu Gang completely disappeared, he retreated and continued to garrison the hillside position.

A few minutes later, Xu Gang completely rushed out of the enemy's defense area. Seeing that no one was pursuing him, he climbed up a tall tree and stood on the treetop to observe. He saw that most of the cave on the cliff had been blown down and was filled with rocks, making it impossible to see. When he saw someone, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and quickly said through the headset: "Mountain Eagle, it's safe. Most of the cave has been blown down."

"Are you okay?" The mountain eagle's concerned greeting sounded in the headset.

"It's okay. I'm going to meet Xiaolang now. What are your instructions?" Xu Gang asked in a deep voice.

"The enemy may make a full-scale counterattack, so be careful. If necessary, avoid their sharp edges and retreat temporarily." The mountain eagle's heavy warning sounded again. At this point, the mountain eagle's voice became urgent: "No, the enemy There seems to be some movement, so retreat quickly and act according to the opportunity."

"Understood." Xu Gang agreed in surprise. He did not retreat immediately. Instead, he continued to stay in the treetops to observe. He soon discovered that a large number of armed men appeared in the dense forest on the hillside. Each one was loaded with guns and ammunition, and they rushed forward menacingly. They were everywhere. Xu Gang was frightened. He jumped a lot and looked intently, and found that hundreds of people were rushing up, but they didn't look like they were chasing him. Although they rushed very fast, they were well disciplined and the formation was not disordered. The thing was weird.

Not long after, Xu Gang saw more people coming out of other places. He couldn't help being surprised. He looked intently and saw that a large number of armed men rushed up. After the two troops merged, they continued to move forward and passed by an area about ten meters away from Xu Gang. Xu Gang was surprised when he saw this. Where did this song come from?

Soon, more armed men passed by in a hurry and headed straight ahead. Looking at the direction, they did not look like they were chasing Xiaolang and the others, nor did they look like they were going to the top of the cliff to regain their position. Instead, they rushed in one direction with an unknown purpose. , Xu Gang was stunned, what's going on? He quickly reported the situation to Shandiao.

The mountain eagle was also confused by this situation. He looked curiously at the dense forest in the canyon. Unfortunately, the trees were so dense that he couldn't see the ground situation. Suddenly an idea came to him, his face changed slightly, and he immediately warned through the headset: "Xu Gang, keep an eye on them immediately." , let’s see where they want to go and what they want to do?”

"Understood." Xu Gang agreed.

"Things are very strange. Maybe the enemy will run away." The mountain eagle said in a deep voice.

"Run? Why?" Xu Gang asked in surprise.

"Because the enemy didn't know how many of us had come and how many more people would come. They suffered a defeat. We successfully attacked the top of the cliff and blew up most of the cliff cave. It was only a matter of time before we blew up the entire cliff cave. They realized that they couldn't defend, so they broke out and attacked if they could be beaten, and ran away if they couldn't be beaten." The mountain eagle said in a deep voice.

"It makes some sense. It's a pity that our people have retreated far away, otherwise we can attack from the side." Xu Gang said regretfully, hurriedly got down from the big tree, and carefully touched the enemy, and found that many people were carrying various items, and they looked like It was time to move, so he quickly told the mountain eagle about the situation.

Seeing that the enemy was really going to run away, the mountain eagle sighed regretfully. There were still not enough troops. The enemy was scared away. If he rushed to fight at this time, his strength would be exposed. Once the enemy reacted and understood the truth, he might fight back. He could only Watching the enemy run away, thinking of this, the mountain eagle said in a deep voice through the headset: "Brothers, the enemy is going to run, let go, don't block it, so as not to expose our true situation."

"Yes!" Everyone responded in a low voice. They were all shrewd veterans. Naturally, they could see that the enemy was scared away. It was not because they were not strong enough. Although the results in several battles were good, the enemy still had a problem. There are more than a thousand, and there are many holy warriors, they are definitely no match for the enemy if they let go.

Xu Gang quietly returned to the hillside and saw a large number of enemies rushing out of the forest. He found a place to hide and observe. After more than ten minutes, all the enemies ran away. Xu Gang rushed into the hillside to check. Many houses were empty and things were everywhere. They all looked like they had been looted, and some cave entrances had been blown down. No one could be seen, not even a corpse or a wounded person. Obviously, the enemy had completely abandoned this base.

There were no people or weapons visible in the trenches on the hillside. Xu Gang observed coldly for a moment, then left quickly and rushed towards the enemy's evacuation direction. There must be a reason for the enemy's sudden evacuation. If he didn't understand it, he would not feel at ease. Xu Gang went to full speed. It didn't take long for him to catch up with the enemy, and he hung back and followed and observed quietly.

Ten minutes later, the enemy continued to rush forward, completely unable to see through their intentions. Xu Gang was even more confused. Why did more than a thousand well-equipped and well-trained troops suddenly withdraw? You can completely rely on your position to defend it. What's the hidden secret here?

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