The strongest soldier

Chapter 381 An unexpected discovery

Luo Zheng gave Song Yun a cold look. His cold gaze made Song Yun's scalp numb. He turned away slowly, not daring to look at Luo Zheng. Luo Zheng saw that Song Yun had no intention of blindly intervening. , and continued to Zheng Duo: "I will change the passwords every day at any time. Recognize the passwords but not the person. You and I will sit in the monitoring center and command. I will adjust the monitoring system. You can bring reliable people to help. Is there any problem?"

"No problem." Zheng Duo agreed.

Song Yun curled her lips and wanted to say, "Isn't it good to recognize people? We are all acquaintances." But seeing Luo Zheng's cold expression, Zheng Duo agreed wholeheartedly, thinking that there might be some secret in this, so he was sensible and did not ask. Continue to listen.

"The enemy has weapons, what are your weapons and equipment like?" Luo Zheng asked.

"The members of the guard are all active-duty armed police officers. They rotate every six months. They have guns and are well-trained. Their combat effectiveness should be no problem." Zheng Duo said quickly. As an important military-industrial unit, security is naturally the top priority. It is impossible for society to People are recruited to serve as security guards, and they are all local armed police officers who rotate their duties.

After Luo Zheng read the relevant information and received Zheng Duo's confirmation, he breathed a sigh of relief. As long as he was well-trained and able to command, he said, "That's good. Let's go to the monitoring room and improve the monitoring equipment." one time."

Seeing that she had nothing to do, Song Yun turned around angrily and left. She took the elevator to the basement and walked into the conference room. She saw the mountain eagle sitting quietly in the conference room and the others were missing. So she asked and learned that everyone was going on inspection. I went around, thought about it, turned around and went back to work.

Lan Xue, Gui Shou and Xue Bao carefully checked every corner of the underground space without missing any detail. Then they returned to the conference room and carefully studied the construction drawings of the underground space. After looking at it for a long time, they found nothing unusual. There is not even a sewer. How can the enemy penetrate such a basement? Where will the bomb be planted? Everyone was confused.

After a while, Mr. Lin came over. Everyone looked at the time. It was already dinner time. Everyone left the ground and went to the staff canteen on the third floor of the office building. They walked into a private room. As Mr. Lin, it was naturally impossible for him to be in the lobby. Eat together with others.

The dining table in the private room was already filled with food. Everyone sat down. Guard captain Zheng Duo and Luo Zheng also came over. Everyone exchanged glances. They had been busy all day and had not eaten a drop of water. Everyone was fainting from hunger. He didn't talk about work and just started to devour the food.

Song Yun picked up the rice in the bowl gracefully. When she saw Luo Zheng and others eating, they were charging into battle, so fast that it was hard to understand. Looking at Lan Xue, she was not much better. She immediately understood what Lan Xue had said. As expected, they are not from the same world. Their ways of thinking, living habits, and codes of conduct are completely different. They even have very different outlooks. Thinking of this, Song Yun put down the bowl with some distress and walked to the corner to get water.

At this time, Luo Zheng and others had already eaten. Seeing that everyone had eaten less than half, Lan Xue gave everyone a look. Guishou, Snow Leopard and Mountain Eagle left knowingly and went to the hall to observe the situation. All enemies in the military industry Insider, could it be that everyone gathered in the restaurant to observe closely to see if there was anything gained.

"You guys eat like you are fighting, so fast." Mr. Lin said with a smile.

"No way, I'm used to it. On the battlefield, you can only survive if you are faster than others." Lan Xue smiled faintly, looking at the mineral water of the opponent next to him. The boxes were neatly numbered, and then asked: "Are these Is this the water you usually drink?"

"Yes, just take it when you're thirsty." Mr. Lin smiled and continued eating on his way.

Lan Xue came to the corner and took out a piece of ordinary mineral water from the open box. After opening it and taking a few sips, she saw a box of water stacked on the other side. She couldn't help but be startled and asked: "Those are those? "

"Those are prepared for underground scientific researchers. They will be moved down later, so they will be stacked here first." Song Yun said calmly and continued to eat.

"Huh?" Luo Zheng was stunned and looked at Lan Xue. Seeing Lan Xue's serious face, he walked over, opened a box, picked up a bottle and took it out. It was very ordinary mineral water. There was nothing unusual about it. He couldn't help but take a closer look. , came to Lan Xue, Lan Xue looked at the ground and the top, but found nothing unusual.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Lin asked as he looked at Lan Xue and Luo Zheng in surprise.

"Nothing, just take a look." Luo Zheng said, walked over and poured the mineral water into the distance. A ray of golden sunlight came in from the window and fell on the mineral water bottle. Luo Zheng noticed the color of the water from the corner of his eye. There was something unusual, and I couldn't help but be surprised. When I picked it up and looked carefully, there was nothing there.

"What did you find?" Lan Xue saw something was wrong with Luo Zheng's situation, so she walked up and asked in a low voice.

"I don't know, look." Luo Zheng said, putting the mineral water bottle down where the sun was shining, and found that the water's eyes looked a little yellow. When he took it away and looked at it again, it was normal.

"Let me take a look." Lan Xue also discovered the abnormality. He picked up another bottle of mineral water and put it under the sun to look at it. The water was a little yellowish. When he removed it from the sunlight, the water returned to its original state. He put the water he drank in Under the sun, there was no change in color. Lan Xue's face was startled, and he whispered: "There should be no problem with this batch of water purchases, but someone has moved here, so you should guard it first."

"Okay." Luo Zheng agreed, immediately thinking of the mole.

With that said, Lan Xue came to the dining table and asked seriously: "Who has been in contact with this batch of water?"

"What do you mean?" Mr. Lin put down his bowl and chopsticks in surprise and asked, looking at Lan Xue. Then he looked at Luo Zheng not far away. Realizing that something had happened, he stood up and looked at Song Yun with a solemn expression.

Song Yun immediately explained: "This batch of water has been stacked here since we came back from the purchase. I asked the logistics staff to help move out two boxes and put them aside. I planned to arrange for people to send them to the underground in a while. The public canteen is full of people coming and going. Yes, who knows who specifically came into contact with them? What happened?"

"What happened? Is there a problem with the water?" Mr. Lin looked at Lan Xue in surprise and asked.

Lan Xue did not explain, but said: "Can someone help me get a live chicken, duck, fish or something like that?"

"I'll go." Zheng Duo agreed, and after a while, a live fish came over in a basin. Luo Zheng asked Zheng Duo to pour the water into the trash can, leaving only one fish, and then asked Luo Zheng to pour the problematic mineral water Open it and pour it into the basin. Everyone watched this scene curiously until the live fish floated on the water in an instant, belly up, eyes gray, and no movement, and they were all stunned.

"What's going on?" Mr. Lin looked at Song Yun in horror and asked, a cold sweat broke out on his back. If this batch of water was sent underground, Lin Shusen was afraid just thinking about it. He looked at Song Yun and said, "What are you doing?" What are you doing? Why are you so sloppy? Zheng Duo, investigate immediately."

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