The strongest soldier

Chapter 3805 Sneak attack on the top of the cliff

There are thick bushes and piles of rocks on the top of the cliff. Because there are no tall trees, the field of vision is relatively wide. In the bushes on the hillside, the mountain eagle is lurking motionless, staring at the enemy a thousand meters away who is counterattacking down the canyon. , was immediately overjoyed and quickly rejected Xiaolang's request. There was no difference between charging the enemy's position with less than twenty people and seeking death. The mountain eagle did not dare to joke with everyone's lives.

There are indeed about two hundred people on the top of the cliff, but at this moment, all attention is focused on the canyon below the cliff. More than thirty people are carrying RPGs and launching them downwards. Some people are cooperating with reloading, and more people are surrounding them. Watching the battle from the edge, the cliff top is at a higher altitude, you can see far from the top, and there are no bullets coming up, so everyone is relieved.

The mountain eagle calmly observed this scene and felt calm. He raised his head and glanced at the bright moon in the sky. His eyes became sharp. Success or failure depended on this. He quickly sent an attack gesture to Xu Gang and Tie Diao not far away. The two nodded knowingly and quickly sent a signal to their own people. Soon, a dozen black figures hunched over and rushed forward, using their hands and feet together, like a cheetah running at high speed.

A cheetah can run at a speed of more than 110 miles per hour. You can see its shadow in the dark, and its speed is astonishing. This running method is not difficult, and the body pressure is low, so it is easily blocked by the surrounding shrubs, making it highly concealable. , even if you are spotted, you will think it is an animal approaching and will not care. It is one of the best running methods for night attacks, but it is not easy to run at top speed, and it is easy to trip.

Xu Gang and Tie Diao took the lead and rushed ahead. They kept running around, making full use of the surrounding bushes for concealment. They soon advanced to about a hundred meters outside the enemy's position. They slowed down and continued to advance silently, as if they were ghosts. , a few dodgers and moved forward dozens of meters, and other god-level soldier kings followed closely behind, their movements were equally agile and they didn't make any sound.

While running, everyone took out pistols with silencers installed. They advanced several tens of meters before they realized they were at the edge of the position. The enemy built a circular position with sandbags on the top of the cliff and surrounded everyone. Surrounded, people are in the middle of the position, and the sandbags are one meter high. They can not only hide and block the wind, but also prevent sneak attacks by small animals.

Most of the enemies on the cliff top position were watching the canyon below. Some even controlled heavy machine guns and fired at the canyon, screaming and being very excited. However, there were also some people who were alert to the surroundings. Shandiao, Xu Gang and others were silent. He touched the edge of the position with no sound, and the enemy on alert could see clearly.

"Pfft -" Xu Gang took action and pulled the trigger decisively. The bullet sprayed silently and penetrated into a target's head. The distance was too close. The bullet directly shredded the target's head tissue. He fell down without a scream. Diao and others also opened fire one after another, firing continuously.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty people on guard were successfully killed at close range. Shandiao, Xu Gang and others rushed forward and hid next to the sandbags. Tiediao even picked up a heavy machine gun and turned its muzzle. , fired fiercely at the surrounding enemies, and others also opened fire. Everything was done in a flash of lightning, with fierce bullets raining down, and sudden shooting at close range, and the enemies could not react at all.

"Kill——" The mountain eagle was overjoyed and gave the attack order without hesitation.

"Kill -" Everyone picked up their weapons and rushed out of the bunker, put their weapons on their shoulders, hunched their bodies and rushed and struck, constantly shooting the visible enemies, rolling forward like a torrent of steel, carrying endless With fierce murderous intent, more than a hundred people charged at the same time, with astonishing power, like thousands of troops.

At the critical moment, everyone burst out with amazing potential, like a divine help. Their shooting skills were much more accurate than usual. Every time they took a shot, the enemy was shot and fell to the ground. After three rounds of gunfire, most of the enemies fell. The three rounds of gunfire meant that Each person pulled the trigger three times, and the process was very short, almost completed in the blink of an eye.

"Bang bang bang -" Everyone rushed forward like tigers, the guns in their hands kept ringing, and precise bursts flew past, killing an enemy who had clearly reacted and tried to fire. Xu Gang and Tie were hiding under the sandbags. Diao and others even opened fire fiercely at close range, releasing the Buddha into possession of the God of War.

Time is life. If you don’t fire an extra shot or shoot a bullet first, you will be less dangerous. Xu Gang, Tie Diao and others understand this truth well. They did not avoid wasting time and ignored the danger of exposing their bodies. As the enemy opened fire violently, one gun was empty of bullets and then thrown away. He picked up another enemy's gun and continued shooting. Some even picked up a heavy machine gun and fired with quick movements and murderous intent.

"Kill -" Xu Gang and others roared over, unleashing thousands of troops with an unparalleled momentum, and their precise shooting was even more frightening. The enemies on the cliff kept falling to the ground, and the sneak attack was too sudden. , so violent that the enemy had no time to react and could only be beaten passively after losing the initiative.

Seeing that the situation was over, the few remaining enemies panicked and ran away, but how could they outrun the bullets? At this time, the mountain eagle and others had already rushed up, and they were only ten meters away from each other. This distance was not difficult at all. Everyone continued to fire and rushed up at once, and the shouts of killing resounded through the night sky.

While the enemy's attention was focused on the canyon, Xu Gang, Tie Diao and others suddenly launched a sneak attack. They first silently eliminated the observation post, and then shot other enemies who posed a threat at close range. Then, Shan Diao led his men to rush up, rushing forward. The enemy fired accurately and accurately. It only took a minute from launching the attack to charging up. The enemy was stunned from the beginning. He never expected that someone would touch him. By the time he reacted, it was too late.

The battlefield is dangerous. If you make one wrong move, you will lose everything. We took advantage of the enemy's distraction to launch a sneak attack, which in itself is half the battle. In addition, we successfully raided the position and shot the threatening person at close range. Clearing the way for the mountain eagle and other main forces to charge, sneak attacks become easier.

Every aspect of the sneak attack plan was carefully calculated and set based on the on-site situation. Everything was as expected. The stunned enemy had no power to fight back and fled. He was defeated like a mountain and the view from the top of the cliff was wide. Without any obstruction, the fleeing enemies died faster. Most of them fell down after being killed by the snipers in one round. The remaining enemies realized the danger and stopped and surrendered with their guns raised. Unfortunately, another round of sniping came just in time and there was no time to stop. , all enemies were shot and fell to the ground.

"Clean the battlefield!" The mountain eagle shouted excitedly. He rushed to the edge of the cliff and looked towards the canyon. He saw a raging fire in the woods in the distance that was attacked by artillery shells. Judging from the terrain and distance, it happened to be arson. He was shocked when he was in the position of the dummy. He didn't expect the enemy's bombardment to be so fierce. He quickly asked through the headset: "Little Wolf, how are you? I heard the answer."

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