The strongest soldier

Chapter 3801 Difficulties abound

Since the establishment of the Secret Bureau, under the leadership of Luo Zheng, it has formed a style of being unbeatable and unflinching. No matter what difficulties it encounters, it will never give up. Everyone is willing to give everything they have for the final victory. Yingchouya is A tough guy, harder than ever before. In the past, when Luo Zheng was around, everyone habitually chose to obey and didn't bother to think. Now that Luo Zheng is gone, everyone feels even more stressed and unable to deal with powerful enemies.

The terrain of Yingchou Cliff defended by two to three thousand people is steep, coupled with various elite weapons and equipment, and the quality of the individual soldiers is very high. Such an opponent is very difficult and the task is arduous. The mountain eagle does not dare to make decisions easily. I hope everyone can share their understanding with us. The mountain eagle was under pressure and in a deep mood, thinking deeply, and did not dare to express his position easily, so as not to affect everyone.

It was quiet in the woods. You couldn't even hear loud breathing. Everyone sat quietly on the ground in silence, looking at the empty distance and frowning and thinking. The mountain breeze was gentle, the white clouds were long, and the branches were swaying and rustling in the wind. As if he was urging everyone to take a stand, Shan Diao saw that everyone did not respond to his question, and they all pondered in silence. Obviously there was no better way, and he sighed helplessly secretly, recalling what Luo Zheng would do when he encountered similar problems in the past. How to deal with it, hope to find some inspiration from it.

Time passed unconsciously as I thought about it. I don’t know how long it took, but a voice suddenly sounded in the headset: "The forward observation post reported that an unknown number of enemies were found at the top of Yingchou Cliff."

Everyone's expressions changed slightly, and they exchanged suspicious glances with each other. They stood up one after another and turned to look at the top of Yingchou Cliff. Sure enough, they saw someone flashing vaguely. Everyone was startled and raised their sniper scopes or sights to observe. They found that Someone was building fortifications on the top of the mountain. Some sandbag-like things were piled on the edge of the cliff top to form a fortification. Everyone's expressions changed greatly and they all looked at the mountain sculpture.

The mountain eagle also saw the enemy's intention, and his heart skipped a beat. In the past, the enemy only guarded the training ground, the caves on the lower slopes of the cliff, and the caves in the middle of the cliff. There were three layers of defense, one layer higher than the other. Now the enemy has also built one on the top of the cliff. Doesn't the fortification mean that the enemy has an additional commanding height, and it is the highest commanding height in the surroundings. At that time, only one unit needs to be stationed, and a few heavy machine guns can block the entire canyon. The RPG can be used as a cannon to attack the canyon without any blind spots. Attacked.

Thinking of the mountain eagle's face turning livid, the enemy fortifications at the entrance and exit of the cave were already difficult to deal with. In the previous battle, when everyone charged towards the training ground, if it weren't for the garrison troops stationed in front of the cave entrance using rocket bombs to intercept them, They must have rushed to the trenches over the training ground. There were dozens of rocket launchers there. If there were some RPGs placed on the top of the cliff, how could we still fight this battle?

When fighting in a dense forest, everyone is not afraid of RPG attacks, because there are too many trees blocking the field of vision, and rocket attacks are not far away. Once the RPG is condescending, it is completely different. There are training ground trenches in the front, hillside defense in the back, caves in the middle, and cliffs above. There are top fortifications, three-dimensional defense from top to bottom, and we all have a small number of major generals, lack of ammunition, and no heavy weapons for attacking fortresses. There is almost no chance of winning this battle.

Everyone thought of this and stared at the top of the cliff without speaking, with stern expressions. After a while, the mountain eagle said in a deep voice: "It seems that we must take a long-term approach." There was a hint of helplessness and unwillingness in his words.

"Yes, we can only take our time." Xu Gang agreed with understanding. Facing strong enemies and three-dimensional defense fortifications, whether it was a strong attack or a sneak attack, the losses would not be small. No one wanted to see this scene. Xu Gang was a little bit Looking at the mountain eagle sympathetically, it was shocking that it was the first time to lead an independent army and encountered such a difficult task.

Shan Diao didn't realize how arduous the task was. Together with Luo Zheng, he developed a belief that there is no task that cannot be completed, only those who can complete the task? As long as you fight properly, there is no difficulty that cannot be solved. Shan Diao recalled the past events, one by one, hoping to find some enlightenment.

"It is definitely not possible to start with drinking water. The water source is probably in the cave, so there is no way to start. Fire attack is good, but the enemy can enter the cave and cliff top through underground passages or other channels, so it is of little significance. Using poisonous smoke is also good, but The preparation time is too long, and the enemy will definitely be wary. What should we do if we burrow into the ground?" The mountain eagle frowned and thought deeply.

After thinking for a moment, everyone exchanged opinions, but there was no feasible way. Shandiao had to postpone the attack and arranged for the brothers to disperse into the canyon to investigate, hoping to find valuable clues. He found a place to sit down and think about tactics to break the situation. Sitting there lasted most of the day.

At dusk, Ishii Sora came back in a hurry. The mountain eagle pulled Ishii Sora and asked him about the enemy's situation in detail. Although the entire army had already reported the situation through headsets, the mountain eagle still wanted to communicate with Ishii Sora face to face, hoping to get some inspiration from it. Unfortunately there is nothing.

The enemy was more powerful than imagined. In addition, there were not enough manpower on our side, weapons and ammunition were insufficient, so a hard attack would definitely not work. Even a sneak attack on the three-dimensional fortifications was difficult. Everyone was at a loss. After discussing for a while, we couldn't make a point, so we had to give up the attack temporarily and went to the woods. Li settled down and looked for another fighter opportunity.

Time passed unknowingly in the discussion and thinking. Until the next morning, the enemy just sent people to investigate and found that everyone was stationed on the mountain. After quickly retreating, they no longer came to investigate or take the initiative to attack. They all retreated to their positions. This result made Shandiao and others suspicious. They thought that the enemy might be planning a bigger counterattack, so they all braced themselves to keep an eye on them.

At noon, another armed force of 200 people entered the canyon and went directly to the direction of the training ground. Everyone knew it was an enemy force without looking. Two hours later, a force with an unknown number came. The woods were densely packed with figures. Shaking, this unit did not come up to call for battle, and went directly into the training ground area and disappeared. However, everyone found that there were suddenly many more defenders on the top of the cliff. The fortifications were still being expanded, and the defense area was lengthened.

Obviously, with the arrival of more and more reinforcements, the enemy had more manpower to set up defenses. This was a bad thing and very disadvantageous for everyone. Fortunately, in the afternoon of the next day, Shi Qian hurried over with his brothers. Although there were only less than ten people gathered together, the addition of new forces still made everyone excited.

The arrival of Shi Qian also boosted Shan Diao's spirits. He quickly met with Shi Qian and others, and explained in detail the situation of the enemy and various things that happened after the separation. This talk lasted half an hour, during which Shi Qian and others did not interrupt. , listened carefully, and finally, Shandiao added: "Brothers, the situation is extremely complicated and the opponent is powerful. You are all heroes and strangers. You have not received strict military training, but your thinking is more leaping and unconstrained. Due to restrictions, I hope to hear your alternative voices as to how to fight next."

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